next to the already existing possibilities db and external. If auth_backend is set to ldap an ldap ressource and an ldap authentication configuration is generated. Also support for ldap encryption is added.
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127 lines
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# == Class icingaweb2::params
class icingaweb2::params {
# Module variables
$git_repo = 'https://git.icinga.org/icingaweb2.git'
$git_revision = undef
$install_method = 'git'
$manage_apache_vhost = false
$manage_repo = false
$manage_user = true
# Template variables
$admin_permissions = '*'
$admin_users = 'icingaadmin'
$auth_backend = 'db'
$auth_ldap_base_dn = undef
$auth_ldap_filter = undef
$auth_ldap_user_class = 'inetOrgPerson'
$auth_ldap_user_name_attribute = 'uid'
$auth_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$ido_db = 'mysql'
$ido_db_host = 'localhost'
$ido_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_port = '3306'
$ido_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_type = 'db'
$ldap_bind_dn = undef
$ldap_bind_pw = undef
$ldap_encryption = undef
$ldap_host = undef
$ldap_port = '389'
$ldap_root_dn = undef
$log_application = 'icingaweb2'
$log_level = 'ERROR'
$log_method = 'syslog'
$log_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$log_store = 'db'
$pkg_repo_version = 'release'
$template_auth = 'icingaweb2/authentication.ini.erb'
$template_config = 'icingaweb2/config.ini.erb'
$template_resources ='icingaweb2/resources.ini.erb'
$template_roles = 'icingaweb2/roles.ini.erb'
$template_apache = 'icingaweb2/apache2.conf.erb'
$web_db = 'mysql'
$web_db_host = 'localhost'
$web_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_port = '3306'
$web_db_prefix = 'icingaweb2_'
$web_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$web_type = 'db'
$initialize = false
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '2770'
$config_dir_purge = false
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0664'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = 'http://packages.icinga.org/icinga.key'
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
case $::operatingsystem {
'Scientific': {
$pkg_repo_release_url = "http://packages.icinga.org/epel/${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/release"
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = "http://packages.icinga.org/epel/${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/snapshot"
default: {
$pkg_repo_release_url = 'http://packages.icinga.org/epel/$releasever/release'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = 'http://packages.icinga.org/epel/$releasever/snapshot'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = 'http://packages.icinga.org/icinga.key'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = '1d'
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
'Debian': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '0755'
$config_dir_purge = false
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0644'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = undef
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_release_url = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = undef
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
default: {
fail "Operating system ${::operatingsystem} is not supported."