Stefan Kleindl eb61819522 add parameter manage_user
which defines if user and group should be managed by this module. This gives
you the possibility to manage the user and group with another module or

The default value is set to true so it doesn't change the existent behaviour
of this module.
2016-02-16 09:41:02 +01:00

117 lines
4 KiB

# == Class icingaweb2::params
class icingaweb2::params {
# Module variables
$git_repo = ''
$git_revision = undef
$install_method = 'git'
$manage_apache_vhost = false
$manage_repo = false
$manage_user = true
# Template variables
$admin_permissions = '*'
$admin_users = 'icingaadmin'
$auth_backend = 'db'
$auth_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$ido_db = 'mysql'
$ido_db_host = 'localhost'
$ido_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_port = '3306'
$ido_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_type = 'db'
$log_application = 'icingaweb2'
$log_level = 'ERROR'
$log_method = 'syslog'
$log_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$log_store = 'db'
$pkg_repo_version = 'release'
$template_auth = 'icingaweb2/authentication.ini.erb'
$template_config = 'icingaweb2/config.ini.erb'
$template_roles = 'icingaweb2/roles.ini.erb'
$template_apache = 'icingaweb2/apache2.conf.erb'
$web_db = 'mysql'
$web_db_host = 'localhost'
$web_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_port = '3306'
$web_db_prefix = 'icingaweb2_'
$web_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$web_type = 'db'
$initialize = false
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '2770'
$config_dir_purge = false
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0664'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = ''
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
case $::operatingsystem {
'Scientific': {
$pkg_repo_release_url = "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/release"
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/snapshot"
default: {
$pkg_repo_release_url = '$releasever/release'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = '$releasever/snapshot'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = ''
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = '1d'
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
'Debian': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '0755'
$config_dir_purge = false
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0644'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = undef
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_release_url = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = undef
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
default: {
fail "Operating system ${::operatingsystem} is not supported."