This commit uses the $::operatingsystemmajrelease fact for managing the Yum repository on Scientific Linux. Yum's "$releasever" resolves to "6.6" (major.minor) on Scientific Linux, where it resolves to "major" or "major(.server)?" on RedHat. That causes the repo to fail on Scientific Linux. The other solution would be to add symlinks for major.minor in the upstream Yum repo. E.g. 6.6 => 6
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# == Class icingaweb2::params
class icingaweb2::params {
# Module variables
$git_repo = 'https://git.icinga.org/icingaweb2.git'
$git_revision = undef
$install_method = 'git'
$manage_apache_vhost = false
$manage_repo = false
# Template variables
$admin_permissions = '*'
$admin_users = 'icingaadmin'
$auth_backend = 'db'
$auth_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$ido_db = 'mysql'
$ido_db_host = 'localhost'
$ido_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_db_port = '3306'
$ido_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$ido_type = 'db'
$log_application = 'icingaweb2'
$log_level = 'ERROR'
$log_method = 'syslog'
$log_resource = 'icingaweb_db'
$log_store = 'db'
$pkg_repo_version = 'release'
$template_auth = 'icingaweb2/authentication.ini.erb'
$template_config = 'icingaweb2/config.ini.erb'
$template_roles = 'icingaweb2/roles.ini.erb'
$template_apache = 'icingaweb2/apache2.conf.erb'
$web_db = 'mysql'
$web_db_host = 'localhost'
$web_db_name = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_pass = 'icingaweb2'
$web_db_port = '3306'
$web_db_prefix = 'icingaweb2_'
$web_db_user = 'icingaweb2'
$web_type = 'db'
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '0755'
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0664'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = 'http://packages.icinga.org/icinga.key'
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
case $::operatingsystem {
'Scientific': {
$pkg_repo_release_url = "http://packages.icinga.org/epel/${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/release"
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = "http://packages.icinga.org/epel/${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/snapshot"
default: {
$pkg_repo_release_url = 'http://packages.icinga.org/epel/$releasever/release'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = 'http://packages.icinga.org/epel/$releasever/snapshot'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = 'http://packages.icinga.org/icinga.key'
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = '1d'
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
'Debian': {
$config_dir = '/etc/icingaweb2'
$config_dir_mode = '0755'
$config_dir_recurse = false
$config_file_mode = '0644'
$config_group = 'icingaweb2'
$config_user = 'icingaweb2'
$pkg_ensure = present
$pkg_list = ['icingaweb2']
$pkg_repo_release_key = undef
$pkg_repo_release_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_release_url = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_key = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_metadata_expire = undef
$pkg_repo_snapshot_url = undef
$web_root = '/usr/share/icingaweb2'
$pkg_deps = [
default: {
fail "Operating system ${::operatingsystem} is not supported."