require 'digest/md5' Puppet::Type.newtype(:ini_subsetting) do ensurable do defaultvalues defaultto :present end def munge_boolean_md5(value) case value when true, :true, 'true', :yes, 'yes' :true when false, :false, 'false', :no, 'no' :false when :md5, 'md5' :md5 else fail('expected a boolean value or :md5') end end newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc 'An arbitrary name used as the identity of the resource.' end newparam(:section) do desc 'The name of the section in the ini file in which the setting should be defined.' + 'If not provided, defaults to global, top of file, sections.' defaultto("") end newparam(:setting) do desc 'The name of the setting to be defined.' end newparam(:subsetting) do desc 'The name of the subsetting to be defined.' end newparam(:subsetting_separator) do desc 'The separator string between subsettings. Defaults to " "' defaultto(" ") end newparam(:subsetting_key_val_separator) do desc 'The separator string between the subsetting name and its value. Defaults to the empty string.' defaultto('') end newparam(:path) do desc 'The ini file Puppet will ensure contains the specified setting.' validate do |value| unless (Puppet.features.posix? and value =~ /^\//) or (Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? and (value =~ /^.:\// or value =~ /^\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+/)) raise(Puppet::Error, "File paths must be fully qualified, not '#{value}'") end end end newparam(:show_diff) do desc 'Whether to display differences when the setting changes.' defaultto :true newvalues(:true, :md5, :false) munge do |value| @resource.munge_boolean_md5(value) end end newparam(:key_val_separator) do desc 'The separator string to use between each setting name and value. ' + 'Defaults to " = ", but you could use this to override e.g. ": ", or' + 'whether or not the separator should include whitespace.' defaultto(" = ") end newparam(:quote_char) do desc 'The character used to quote the entire value of the setting. ' + %q{Valid values are '', '"' and "'". Defaults to ''.} defaultto('') validate do |value| unless value =~ /^["']?$/ raise Puppet::Error, %q{:quote_char valid values are '', '"' and "'"} end end end newparam(:use_exact_match) do desc 'Set to true if your subsettings don\'t have values and you want to use exact matches to determine if the subsetting exists. See MODULES-2212' newvalues(:true, :false) defaultto(:false) end newproperty(:value) do desc 'The value of the subsetting to be defined.' def should_to_s(newvalue) if (@resource[:show_diff] == :true && Puppet[:show_diff]) then return newvalue elsif (@resource[:show_diff] == :md5 && Puppet[:show_diff]) then return '{md5}' + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(newvalue.to_s) else return '[redacted sensitive information]' end end def is_to_s(value) should_to_s(value) end def is_to_s(value) should_to_s(value) end end newparam(:insert_type) do desc <<-eof Where the new subsetting item should be inserted? * :start - insert at the beginning of the line. * :end - insert at the end of the line (default). * :before - insert before the specified element if possible. * :after - insert after the specified element if possible. * :index - insert at the specified index number. eof newvalues(:start, :end, :before, :after, :index) defaultto(:end) end newparam(:insert_value) do desc 'The value for the insert types which require one.' end end