84 lines
2.5 KiB
84 lines
2.5 KiB
# manage the common things of
# a mysql server
class mysql::server::base {
package {'mysql-server':
ensure => present,
file { 'mysql_main_cnf':
path => '/etc/mysql/my.cnf',
source => [
require => Package['mysql-server'],
notify => Service['mysql'],
owner => root,
group => 0,
mode => '0644';
file {
ensure => directory,
path => '/var/lib/mysql/data',
require => Package['mysql-server'],
before => File['mysql_main_cnf'],
owner => mysql,
group => mysql,
mode => '0755';
path => '/usr/local/sbin/setmysqlpass.sh',
source => "puppet:///modules/mysql/scripts/${::operatingsystem}/setmysqlpass.sh",
require => Package['mysql-server'],
owner => root,
group => 0,
mode => '0500';
path => '/root/.my.cnf',
content => template('mysql/root/my.cnf.erb'),
require => [ Package['mysql-server'] ],
notify => Exec['mysql_set_rootpw'],
owner => root,
group => 0,
mode => '0400';
exec { 'mysql_set_rootpw':
command => '/usr/local/sbin/setmysqlpass.sh',
unless => 'mysqladmin -uroot status > /dev/null',
require => [ File['mysql_setmysqlpass.sh'], Service['mysql'] ],
# this is for security so that we only change the password
# if the password file itself has changed
refreshonly => true,
if $mysql::server::backup_cron {
include mysql::server::cron::backup
include mysql::server::backup_helpers
if $mysql::server::optimize_cron {
include mysql::server::cron::optimize
service { 'mysql':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
require => Package['mysql-server'],
if str2bool($::mysql_exists) {
include mysql::server::account_security
# Collect all databases and users
Mysql_database<<| tag == "mysql_${::fqdn}" |>>
Mysql_user<<| tag == "mysql_${::fqdn}" |>>
Mysql_grant<<| tag == "mysql_${::fqdn}" |>>