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fixing up specs/config parameters

James Fryman 9 роки тому
5 змінених файлів з 136 додано та 122 видалено
  1. 2 0
  2. 0 1
  3. 19 19
  4. 35 22
  5. 80 80

+ 2 - 0

@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ pkg/

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Usage of Hiera
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 Passing through parameters from the main Class[nginx] and then having them chain down to Class[nginx::config] creates a ton of unnecessary spaghetti code that makes the module more complex to understand and difficult to extend.
 Going forward, it is recommended to declare your changes in Hiera based on the system(s) role and location in your environment. In Puppet < 3.x, this is accomplished with Hiera bindings.

+ 19 - 19

@@ -15,25 +15,25 @@
 # This class file is not called directly
 class nginx::config(
   ### START Module/App Configuration ###
-  $client_body_temp_path          = $nginx::params::client_body_temp_path,
+  $client_body_temp_path          = $::nginx::params::client_body_temp_path,
   $confd_purge                    = false,
-  $conf_dir                       = $nginx::params::conf_dir,
-  $daemon_user                    = $nginx::params::daemon_user,
-  $global_owner                   = $nginx::params::global_owner,
-  $global_group                   = $nginx::params::global_group,
-  $global_mode                    = $nginx::params::global_mode,
-  $log_dir                        = $nginx::params::log_dir,
-  $http_access_log                = $nginx::params::http_access_log,
-  $nginx_error_log                = $nginx::params::nginx_error_log,
-  $pid                            = $nginx::params::pid,
-  $proxy_temp_path                = $nginx::params::proxy_temp_path,
-  $root_group                     = $nginx::params::root_group,
-  $run_dir                        = $nginx::params::run_dir,
-  $sites_available_owner          = $nginx::params::sites_available_owner,
-  $sites_available_group          = $nginx::params::sites_available_group,
-  $sites_available_mode           = $nginx::params::sites_available_mode,
-  $super_user                     = $nginx::params::super_user,
-  $temp_dir                       = $nginx::params::temp_dir,
+  $conf_dir                       = $::nginx::params::conf_dir,
+  $daemon_user                    = $::nginx::params::daemon_user,
+  $global_owner                   = $::nginx::params::global_owner,
+  $global_group                   = $::nginx::params::global_group,
+  $global_mode                    = $::nginx::params::global_mode,
+  $log_dir                        = $::nginx::params::log_dir,
+  $http_access_log                = $::nginx::params::http_access_log,
+  $nginx_error_log                = $::nginx::params::nginx_error_log,
+  $pid                            = $::nginx::params::pid,
+  $proxy_temp_path                = $::nginx::params::proxy_temp_path,
+  $root_group                     = $::nginx::params::root_group,
+  $run_dir                        = $::nginx::params::run_dir,
+  $sites_available_owner          = $::nginx::params::sites_available_owner,
+  $sites_available_group          = $::nginx::params::sites_available_group,
+  $sites_available_mode           = $::nginx::params::sites_available_mode,
+  $super_user                     = $::nginx::params::super_user,
+  $temp_dir                       = $::nginx::params::temp_dir,
   $vhost_purge                    = false,
   # Primary Templates
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class nginx::config(
   $worker_processes               = 1,
   $worker_rlimit_nofile           = 1024,
   ### END Nginx Configuration ###
-) inherits nginx::params {
+) inherits ::nginx::params {
   ### Validations ###
   if (!is_string($worker_processes)) and (!is_integer($worker_processes)) {

+ 35 - 22

@@ -1,56 +1,69 @@
 class nginx::params {
   ### Operating System Configuration
+  ## This is my hacky... no hiera system. Oh well. :)
+  $_module_defaults = {
+    'conf_dir'    => '/etc/nginx',
+    'daemon_user' => 'nginx',
+    'pid'         => '/var/run/nginx.pid',
+    'root_group'  => 'root',
+  }
   case $::osfamily {
-    'Archlinux': {
-      $_pid         = false
-      $_daemon_user = 'http'
+    'ArchLinux': {
+      $_module_os_overrides = {
+        'pid'         => false,
+        'daemon_user' => 'http',
+      }
     'Debian': {
-      $_daemon_user = 'www-data'
+      $_module_os_overrides = {
+        'daemon_user' => 'www-data',
+      }
     'FreeBSD': {
-      $_conf_dir    = '/usr/local/etc/nginx'
-      $_daemon_user = 'www'
-      $_root_group  = 'wheel'
+      $_module_os_overrides = {
+        'conf_dir'    => '/usr/local/etc/nginx',
+        'daemon_user' => 'www',
+        'root_group'  => 'wheel',
+      }
     'Solaris': {
-      $_daemon_user = 'webservd'
+      $_module_os_overrides = {
+        'daemon_user' => 'webservd',
+      }
     default: {
       ## For cases not covered in $::osfamily
       case $::operatingsystem {
         'SmartOS': {
-          $_conf_dir    = '/opt/local/etc/nginx'
-          $_daemon_user = 'www'
-        }
-        ## True module defaults
-        default: {
-          $_conf_dir    = '/etc/nginx'
-          $_daemon_user = 'nginx'
-          $_pid         = '/var/run/nginx.pid'
-          $_root_group  = 'root'
+          $_module_os_overrides = {
+            'conf_dir'    => '/usr/local/etc/nginx',
+            'daemon_user' => 'www',
+          }
+        default: { $_module_os_overrides = {} }
+  $_module_parameters = merge($_module_defaults, $_module_os_overrides)
   ### END Operating System Configuration
   ### Referenced Variables
-  $conf_dir              = $_conf_dir
+  $conf_dir              = $_module_parameters['conf_dir']
   $log_dir               = '/var/log/nginx'
   $run_dir               = '/var/nginx'
   $temp_dir              = '/tmp'
-  $pid                   = $_pid
+  $pid                   = $_module_parameters['pid']
   $client_body_temp_path = "${run_dir}/client_body_temp"
-  $daemon_user           = $_daemon_user
+  $daemon_user           = $_module_parameters['daemon_user']
   $global_owner          = 'root'
   $global_group          = 'root'
   $global_mode           = '0644'
   $http_access_log       = "${log_dir}/access.log"
   $nginx_error_log       = "${log_dir}/error.log"
-  $root_group            = $_root_group
-  $proxy_temp_path       = "${run_dir}/proxy_temp_path"
+  $root_group            = $_module_parameters['root_group']
+  $proxy_temp_path       = "${run_dir}/proxy_temp"
   $sites_available_owner = 'root'
   $sites_available_group = 'root'
   $sites_available_mode  = '0644'

+ 80 - 80

@@ -148,89 +148,89 @@
 #    ssl_key  => '/tmp/server.pem',
 #  }
 define nginx::resource::vhost (
-  $ensure                 = 'present',
-  $listen_ip              = '*',
-  $listen_port            = '80',
-  $listen_options         = undef,
-  $location_allow         = [],
-  $location_deny          = [],
-  $ipv6_enable            = false,
-  $ipv6_listen_ip         = '::',
-  $ipv6_listen_port       = '80',
-  $ipv6_listen_options    = 'default ipv6only=on',
-  $add_header             = undef,
-  $ssl                    = false,
-  $ssl_listen_option      = true,
-  $ssl_cert               = undef,
-  $ssl_dhparam            = undef,
-  $ssl_key                = undef,
-  $ssl_port               = '443',
-  $ssl_protocols          = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2',
-  $ssl_cache              = 'shared:SSL:10m',
-  $ssl_stapling           = false,
-  $ssl_stapling_file      = undef,
-  $ssl_stapling_responder = undef,
-  $ssl_stapling_verify    = false,
-  $ssl_session_timeout    = '5m',
-  $ssl_trusted_cert       = undef,
-  $spdy                   = $nginx::config::spdy,
-  $proxy                  = undef,
-  $proxy_redirect         = undef,
-  $proxy_read_timeout     = $nginx::config::proxy_read_timeout,
-  $proxy_connect_timeout  = $nginx::config::proxy_connect_timeout,
-  $proxy_set_header       = [],
-  $proxy_cache            = false,
-  $proxy_cache_valid      = false,
-  $proxy_method           = undef,
-  $proxy_set_body         = undef,
-  $resolver               = [],
-  $fastcgi                = undef,
-  $fastcgi_params         = "${nginx::config::conf_dir}/fastcgi_params",
-  $fastcgi_script         = undef,
-  $index_files            = [
+  $ensure                       = 'present',
+  $listen_ip                    = '*',
+  $listen_port                  = '80',
+  $listen_options               = undef,
+  $location_allow               = [],
+  $location_deny                = [],
+  $ipv6_enable                  = false,
+  $ipv6_listen_ip               = '::',
+  $ipv6_listen_port             = '80',
+  $ipv6_listen_options          = 'default ipv6only=on',
+  $add_header                   = undef,
+  $ssl                          = false,
+  $ssl_listen_option            = true,
+  $ssl_cert                     = undef,
+  $ssl_dhparam                  = undef,
+  $ssl_key                      = undef,
+  $ssl_port                     = '443',
+  $ssl_protocols                = 'TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2',
+  $ssl_cache                    = 'shared:SSL:10m',
+  $ssl_stapling                 = false,
+  $ssl_stapling_file            = undef,
+  $ssl_stapling_responder       = undef,
+  $ssl_stapling_verify          = false,
+  $ssl_session_timeout          = '5m',
+  $ssl_trusted_cert             = undef,
+  $spdy                         = $nginx::config::spdy,
+  $proxy                        = undef,
+  $proxy_redirect               = undef,
+  $proxy_read_timeout           = $nginx::config::proxy_read_timeout,
+  $proxy_connect_timeout        = $nginx::config::proxy_connect_timeout,
+  $proxy_set_header             = [],
+  $proxy_cache                  = false,
+  $proxy_cache_valid            = false,
+  $proxy_method                 = undef,
+  $proxy_set_body               = undef,
+  $resolver                     = [],
+  $fastcgi                      = undef,
+  $fastcgi_params               = "${nginx::config::conf_dir}/fastcgi_params",
+  $fastcgi_script               = undef,
+  $index_files                  = [
-  $autoindex              = undef,
-  $server_name            = [$name],
-  $www_root               = undef,
-  $rewrite_www_to_non_www = false,
-  $rewrite_to_https       = undef,
-  $location_custom_cfg    = undef,
-  $location_cfg_prepend   = undef,
-  $location_cfg_append    = undef,
+  $autoindex                    = undef,
+  $server_name                  = [$name],
+  $www_root                     = undef,
+  $rewrite_www_to_non_www       = false,
+  $rewrite_to_https             = undef,
+  $location_custom_cfg          = undef,
+  $location_cfg_prepend         = undef,
+  $location_cfg_append          = undef,
   $location_custom_cfg_prepend  = undef,
   $location_custom_cfg_append   = undef,
-  $try_files              = undef,
-  $auth_basic             = undef,
-  $auth_basic_user_file   = undef,
-  $client_body_timeout    = undef,
-  $client_header_timeout  = undef,
-  $client_max_body_size   = undef,
-  $raw_prepend            = undef,
-  $raw_append             = undef,
-  $location_raw_prepend   = undef,
-  $location_raw_append    = undef,
-  $vhost_cfg_prepend      = undef,
-  $vhost_cfg_append       = undef,
-  $vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend      = undef,
-  $vhost_cfg_ssl_append       = undef,
-  $include_files          = undef,
-  $access_log             = undef,
-  $error_log              = undef,
-  $format_log             = undef,
-  $passenger_cgi_param    = undef,
-  $log_by_lua             = undef,
-  $log_by_lua_file        = undef,
-  $use_default_location   = true,
-  $rewrite_rules          = [],
-  $string_mappings        = {},
-  $geo_mappings           = {},
-  $gzip_types             = undef,
-  $owner                  = $nginx::config::global_owner,
-  $group                  = $nginx::config::global_group,
-  $mode                   = $nginx::config::global_mode,
+  $try_files                    = undef,
+  $auth_basic                   = undef,
+  $auth_basic_user_file         = undef,
+  $client_body_timeout          = undef,
+  $client_header_timeout        = undef,
+  $client_max_body_size         = undef,
+  $raw_prepend                  = undef,
+  $raw_append                   = undef,
+  $location_raw_prepend         = undef,
+  $location_raw_append          = undef,
+  $vhost_cfg_prepend            = undef,
+  $vhost_cfg_append             = undef,
+  $vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend        = undef,
+  $vhost_cfg_ssl_append         = undef,
+  $include_files                = undef,
+  $access_log                   = undef,
+  $error_log                    = undef,
+  $format_log                   = undef,
+  $passenger_cgi_param          = undef,
+  $log_by_lua                   = undef,
+  $log_by_lua_file              = undef,
+  $use_default_location         = true,
+  $rewrite_rules                = [],
+  $string_mappings              = {},
+  $geo_mappings                 = {},
+  $gzip_types                   = undef,
+  $owner                        = $nginx::config::global_owner,
+  $group                        = $nginx::config::global_group,
+  $mode                         = $nginx::config::global_mode,
 ) {
   validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ define nginx::resource::vhost (
     # Also opted to add more logic here and keep template cleaner which
     # unfortunately means resorting to the $varname_real thing
     $ssl_access_log_tmp = $access_log ? {
-      undef   => "${nginx::config::logdir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.access.log",
+      undef   => "${nginx::config::log_dir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.access.log",
       default => $access_log,
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ define nginx::resource::vhost (
     $ssl_error_log_real = $error_log ? {
-      undef   => "${nginx::config::logdir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.error.log",
+      undef   => "${nginx::config::log_dir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.error.log",
       default => $error_log,