# define: nginx::resource::mailhost # # This definition creates a virtual host # # Parameters: # [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified mailhost (present|absent) # [*listen_ip*] - Default IP Address for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (*) # [*listen_port*] - Default IP Port for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80 # [*listen_options*] - Extra options for listen directive like 'default' to catchall. Undef by default. # [*ipv6_enable*] - BOOL value to enable/disable IPv6 support (false|true). Module will check to see if IPv6 # support exists on your system before enabling. # [*ipv6_listen_ip*] - Default IPv6 Address for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (::) # [*ipv6_listen_port*] - Default IPv6 Port for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80 # [*ipv6_listen_options*] - Extra options for listen directive like 'default' to catchall. Template will allways add ipv6only=on. # While issue jfryman/puppet-nginx#30 is discussed, default value is 'default'. # [*index_files*] - Default index files for NGINX to read when traversing a directory # [*ssl*] - Indicates whether to setup SSL bindings for this mailhost. # [*ssl_cert*] - Pre-generated SSL Certificate file to reference for SSL Support. This is not generated by this module. # [*ssl_key*] - Pre-generated SSL Key file to reference for SSL Support. This is not generated by this module. # [*ssl_port*] - Default IP Port for NGINX to listen with this SSL vHost on. Defaults to TCP 443 # [*starttls*] - enable STARTTLS support: (on|off|only) # [*protocol*] - Mail protocol to use: (imap|pop3|smtp) # [*auth_http*] - With this directive you can set the URL to the external HTTP-like server for authorization. # [*xclient*] - wheter to use xclient for smtp (on|off) # [*server_name*] - List of mailhostnames for which this mailhost will respond. Default [$name]. # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # nginx::resource::mailhost { 'domain1.example': # ensure => present, # auth_http => 'server2.example/cgi-bin/auth', # protocol => 'smtp', # listen_port => 587, # ssl_port => 465, # starttls => 'only', # xclient => 'off', # ssl => true, # ssl_cert => '/tmp/server.crt', # ssl_key => '/tmp/server.pem', # } define nginx::resource::mailhost ( $listen_port, $ensure = 'present', $listen_ip = '*', $listen_options = undef, $ipv6_enable = false, $ipv6_listen_ip = '::', $ipv6_listen_port = '80', $ipv6_listen_options = 'default ipv6only=on', $ssl = false, $ssl_cert = undef, $ssl_key = undef, $ssl_port = undef, $starttls = 'off', $protocol = undef, $auth_http = undef, $xclient = 'on', $server_name = [$name] ) { $root_group = $::nginx::config::root_group File { owner => 'root', group => $root_group, mode => '0644', } if !is_integer($listen_port) { fail('$listen_port must be an integer.') } validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$', "${ensure} is not supported for ensure. Allowed values are 'present' and 'absent'.") if !(is_array($listen_ip) or is_string($listen_ip)) { fail('$listen_ip must be a string or array.') } if ($listen_options != undef) { validate_string($listen_options) } validate_bool($ipv6_enable) if !(is_array($ipv6_listen_ip) or is_string($ipv6_listen_ip)) { fail('$ipv6_listen_ip must be a string or array.') } if !is_integer($ipv6_listen_port) { fail('$ipv6_listen_port must be an integer.') } validate_string($ipv6_listen_options) validate_bool($ssl) if ($ssl_cert != undef) { validate_string($ssl_cert) } if ($ssl_key != undef) { validate_string($ssl_key) } if ($ssl_port != undef) and (!is_integer($ssl_port)) { fail('$ssl_port must be an integer.') } validate_re($starttls, '^(on|only|off)$', "${starttls} is not supported for starttls. Allowed values are 'on', 'only' and 'off'.") if ($protocol != undef) { validate_string($protocol) } if ($auth_http != undef) { validate_string($auth_http) } validate_string($xclient) validate_array($server_name) $config_file = "${::nginx::config::conf_dir}/conf.mail.d/${name}.conf" # Add IPv6 Logic Check - Nginx service will not start if ipv6 is enabled # and support does not exist for it in the kernel. if ($ipv6_enable and !$::ipaddress6) { warning('nginx: IPv6 support is not enabled or configured properly') } # Check to see if SSL Certificates are properly defined. if ($ssl or $starttls == 'on' or $starttls == 'only') { if ($ssl_cert == undef) or ($ssl_key == undef) { fail('nginx: SSL certificate/key (ssl_cert/ssl_cert) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system(s)') } } concat { $config_file: owner => 'root', group => $root_group, mode => '0644', notify => Class['::nginx::service'], } if ($listen_port != $ssl_port) { concat::fragment { "${name}-header": target => $config_file, content => template('nginx/mailhost/mailhost.erb'), order => '001', } } # Create SSL File Stubs if SSL is enabled if ($ssl) { concat::fragment { "${name}-ssl": target => $config_file, content => template('nginx/mailhost/mailhost_ssl.erb'), order => '700', } } }