<% if @rewrite_www_to_non_www -%> <%- @server_name.each do |s| -%> server { <%- if @listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @listen_ip.each do |ip| -%> listen <%= ip %>:<%= @ssl_port %> <% if @ssl_listen_option %>ssl<% end %><% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen <%= @listen_ip %>:<%= @ssl_port %> <% if @ssl_listen_option %>ssl<% end %><% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%# check to see if ipv6 support exists in the kernel before applying -%> <%- if @ipv6_enable && (defined? @ipaddress6) -%> <%- if @ipv6_listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @ipv6_listen_ip.each do |ipv6| -%> listen [<%= ipv6 %>]:<%= @ssl_port %> ssl<% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @ipv6_listen_options %> <%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen [<%= @ipv6_listen_ip %>]:<%= @ssl_port %> ssl<% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @ipv6_listen_options %> <%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> server_name www.<%= s.gsub(/^www\./, '') %>; return 301 https://<%= s.gsub(/^www\./, '') %>$request_uri; <%= scope.function_template(["nginx/vhost/vhost_ssl_settings.erb"]) %> } <% end -%> <% end -%> server { <%- if @listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @listen_ip.each do |ip| -%> listen <%= ip %>:<%= @ssl_port %> <% if @ssl_listen_option %>ssl<% end %><% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen <%= @listen_ip %>:<%= @ssl_port %> <% if @ssl_listen_option %>ssl<% end %><% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%# check to see if ipv6 support exists in the kernel before applying -%> <%- if @ipv6_enable && (defined? @ipaddress6) -%> <%- if @ipv6_listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @ipv6_listen_ip.each do |ipv6| -%> listen [<%= ipv6 %>]:<%= @ssl_port %> ssl<% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @ipv6_listen_options %> <%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen [<%= @ipv6_listen_ip %>]:<%= @ssl_port %> ssl<% if @http2 == 'on' %> http2<% end %><% if @spdy == 'on' %> spdy<% end %><% if @ipv6_listen_options %> <%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> server_name <%= @rewrite_www_to_non_www ? @server_name.join(" ").gsub(/(^| )(www\.)?(?=[a-z0-9])/, '') : @server_name.join(" ") %>; <%= scope.function_template(["nginx/vhost/vhost_ssl_settings.erb"]) %> <% if @maintenance -%> <%= @maintenance_value %>; <% end -%> <% if Array(@resolver).count > 0 -%> resolver <% Array(@resolver).each do |r| %> <%= r %><% end %>; <% end -%> <%- if instance_variables.any? { |iv| iv.to_s.include? 'auth_basic' } -%> <% if defined? @auth_basic -%> auth_basic "<%= @auth_basic %>"; <% end -%> <% if defined? @auth_basic_user_file -%> auth_basic_user_file "<%= @auth_basic_user_file %>"; <% end -%> <%- end -%> <%- if instance_variables.any? { |iv| iv.to_s.include? 'client_' } -%> <%- if defined? @client_body_timeout -%> client_body_timeout <%= @client_body_timeout %>; <%- end -%> <%- if defined? @client_header_timeout -%> client_header_timeout <%= @client_header_timeout %>; <%- end -%> <%- if defined? @client_max_body_size -%> client_max_body_size <%= @client_max_body_size %>; <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if defined? @gzip_types -%> gzip_types <%= @gzip_types %>; <% end -%> <% if @index_files.count > 0 -%> index <% Array(@index_files).each do |i| %> <%= i %><% end %>; <% end -%> access_log <%= @ssl_access_log_real %>; error_log <%= @ssl_error_log_real %>; <% if @vhost_cfg_prepend -%> <%- @vhost_cfg_prepend.sort_by{ |k, v| k.to_s == 'allow' ? '' : k.to_s }.each do |key,value| -%> <%- if value.is_a?(Hash) -%> <%- value.sort_by {|k,v| k}.each do |subkey,subvalue| -%> <%- Array(subvalue).each do |asubvalue| -%> <%= key %> <%= subkey %> <%= asubvalue %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- else -%> <%- Array(value).each do |asubvalue| -%> <%= key %> <%= asubvalue %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% if @vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend -%> <%- @vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend.sort_by{ |k, v| k.to_s == 'allow' ? '' : k.to_s }.each do |key,value| -%> <%- if value.is_a?(Hash) -%> <%- value.sort_by {|k,v| k}.each do |subkey,subvalue| -%> <%- Array(subvalue).each do |asubvalue| -%> <%= key %> <%= subkey %> <%= asubvalue %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- else -%> <%- Array(value).each do |asubvalue| -%> <%= key %> <%= asubvalue %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <% end -%> <% Array(@raw_prepend).each do |line| -%> <%= line %> <% end -%> <% if @root -%> root <%= @root %>; <% end -%> <% Array(@passenger_cgi_param).each do |key,value| -%> passenger_set_cgi_param <%= key %> <%= value %>; <% end -%> <% Array(@passenger_set_header).each do |key,value| -%> passenger_set_header <%= key %> <%= value %>; <% end -%> <% Array(@passenger_env_var).each do |key,value| -%> passenger_env_var <%= key %> <%= value %>; <% end -%> <% if @add_header -%> <%- @add_header.keys.sort.each do |key| -%> add_header <%= key %> <%= @add_header[key] %>; <%- end -%> <% end -%>