# define: nginx::resource::upstream # # This definition creates a new upstream proxy entry for NGINX # # Parameters: # [*members*] - Array of member URIs for NGINX to connect to. Must follow valid NGINX syntax. # [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified location (present|absent) # [*upstream_cfg_prepend*] - It expects a hash with custom directives to put before anything else inside upstream # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # nginx::resource::upstream { 'proxypass': # ensure => present, # members => [ # 'localhost:3000', # 'localhost:3001', # 'localhost:3002', # ], # } # # Custom config example to use ip_hash, and 20 keepalive connections # create a hash with any extra custom config you want. # $my_config = { # 'ip_hash' => '', # 'keepalive' => '20', # } # nginx::resource::upstream { 'proxypass': # ensure => present, # members => [ # 'localhost:3000', # 'localhost:3001', # 'localhost:3002', # ], # upstream_cfg_prepend => $my_config, # } define nginx::resource::upstream ( $members, $ensure = 'present', $upstream_cfg_prepend = undef, ) { File { owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', } file { "/etc/nginx/conf.d/${name}-upstream.conf": ensure => $ensure ? { 'absent' => absent, default => 'file', }, content => template('nginx/conf.d/upstream.erb'), notify => Class['nginx::service'], } }