# MANAGED BY PUPPET server { <%- if @listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @listen_ip.each do |ip| -%> listen <%= ip %>:<%= @listen_port %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen <%= @listen_ip %>:<%= @listen_port %><% if @listen_options %> <%= @listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%# check to see if ipv6 support exists in the kernel before applying -%> <%- if @ipv6_enable && (defined? @ipaddress6) -%> <%- if @ipv6_listen_ip.is_a?(Array) then -%> <%- @ipv6_listen_ip.each do |ipv6| -%> listen [<%= ipv6 %>]:<%= @ipv6_listen_port %> <% if @ipv6_listen_options %><%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- else -%> listen [<%= @ipv6_listen_ip %>]:<%= @ipv6_listen_port %> <% if @ipv6_listen_options %><%= @ipv6_listen_options %><% end %>; <%- end -%> <%- end -%> server_name <%= @server_name.join(" ") %>; <% Array(@raw_prepend).each do |line| -%> <%= line %> <% end %> proxy_timeout <%= @proxy_read_timeout %>; proxy_connect_timeout <%= @proxy_connect_timeout %>; proxy_pass <%= @proxy %>; <% Array(@raw_append).each do |line| -%> <%= line %> <% end -%> }