require 'spec_helper_system' # Here we put the more basic fundamental tests, ultra obvious stuff. describe "basic tests:" do context 'make sure we have copied the module across' do # No point diagnosing any more if the module wasn't copied properly context shell 'ls /etc/puppet/modules/nginx' do its(:stdout) { should =~ /Modulefile/ } its(:stderr) { should be_empty } its(:exit_code) { should be_zero } end end #puppet smoke test context puppet_apply 'notice("foo")' do its(:stdout) { should =~ /foo/ } its(:stderr) { should be_empty } its(:exit_code) { should be_zero } end it 'nginx class should work with no errors' do pp = <<-EOS class { 'nginx': } EOS # Run it twice and test for idempotency puppet_apply(pp) do |r| [0,2].should include(r.exit_code) r.refresh r.exit_code.should be_zero end end end