# Class: nginx::config # # This module manages NGINX bootstrap and configuration # # Parameters: # # There are no default parameters for this class. # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # # This class file is not called directly class nginx::config( $client_body_buffer_size = undef, $client_body_temp_path = undef, $client_max_body_size = undef, $confd_purge = undef, $conf_dir = undef, $conf_template = undef, $daemon_user = undef, $events_use = undef, $fastcgi_cache_inactive = undef, $fastcgi_cache_key = undef, $fastcgi_cache_keys_zone = undef, $fastcgi_cache_levels = undef, $fastcgi_cache_max_size = undef, $fastcgi_cache_path = undef, $fastcgi_cache_use_stale = undef, $gzip = undef, $http_access_log = undef, $http_cfg_append = undef, $http_tcp_nodelay = undef, $http_tcp_nopush = undef, $keepalive_timeout = undef, $logdir = undef, $mail = undef, $multi_accept = undef, $names_hash_bucket_size = undef, $names_hash_max_size = undef, $nginx_error_log = undef, $pid = undef, $proxy_buffers = undef, $proxy_buffer_size = undef, $proxy_cache_inactive = undef, $proxy_cache_keys_zone = undef, $proxy_cache_levels = undef, $proxy_cache_max_size = undef, $proxy_cache_path = undef, $proxy_conf_template = undef, $proxy_connect_timeout = undef, $proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size = undef, $proxy_http_version = undef, $proxy_read_timeout = undef, $proxy_redirect = undef, $proxy_send_timeout = undef, $proxy_set_header = undef, $proxy_temp_path = undef, $run_dir = undef, $sendfile = undef, $server_tokens = undef, $spdy = undef, $super_user = undef, $temp_dir = undef, $types_hash_bucket_size = undef, $types_hash_max_size = undef, $vhost_purge = undef, $worker_connections = undef, $worker_processes = undef, $worker_rlimit_nofile = undef, $global_owner = undef, $global_group = undef, $global_mode = undef, $sites_available_owner = undef, $sites_available_group = undef, $sites_available_mode = undef, ) { ### Validations ### if (!is_string($worker_processes)) and (!is_integer($worker_processes)) { fail('$worker_processes must be an integer or have value "auto".') } if (!is_integer($worker_connections)) { fail('$worker_connections must be an integer.') } if (!is_integer($worker_rlimit_nofile)) { fail('$worker_rlimit_nofile must be an integer.') } if (!is_string($events_use)) and ($events_use != false) { fail('$events_use must be a string or false.') } validate_string($multi_accept) validate_string($package_name) validate_string($package_ensure) validate_string($package_source) validate_array($proxy_set_header) validate_string($proxy_http_version) validate_bool($confd_purge) validate_bool($vhost_purge) if ($proxy_cache_path != false) { validate_string($proxy_cache_path) } validate_re($proxy_cache_levels, '^[12](:[12])*$') validate_string($proxy_cache_keys_zone) validate_string($proxy_cache_max_size) validate_string($proxy_cache_inactive) if ($fastcgi_cache_path != false) { validate_string($fastcgi_cache_path) } validate_re($fastcgi_cache_levels, '^[12](:[12])*$') validate_string($fastcgi_cache_keys_zone) validate_string($fastcgi_cache_max_size) validate_string($fastcgi_cache_inactive) if ($fastcgi_cache_key != false) { validate_string($fastcgi_cache_key) } if ($fastcgi_cache_use_stale != false) { validate_string($fastcgi_cache_use_stale) } validate_bool($configtest_enable) validate_string($service_restart) validate_bool($mail) validate_string($server_tokens) validate_string($client_max_body_size) if (!is_integer($names_hash_bucket_size)) { fail('$names_hash_bucket_size must be an integer.') } if (!is_integer($names_hash_max_size)) { fail('$names_hash_max_size must be an integer.') } validate_string($proxy_buffers) validate_string($proxy_buffer_size) if ($http_cfg_append != false) { if !(is_hash($http_cfg_append) or is_array($http_cfg_append)) { fail('$http_cfg_append must be either a hash or array') } } validate_string($nginx_error_log) validate_string($http_access_log) validate_hash($nginx_upstreams) validate_hash($nginx_vhosts) validate_hash($nginx_vhosts_defaults) validate_hash($nginx_locations) validate_hash($nginx_mailhosts) validate_bool($manage_repo) validate_string($proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size) validate_bool($super_user) validate_hash($string_mappings) validate_hash($geo_mappings) ### END VALIDATIONS ### ### CONFIGURATION ### File { owner => $global_owner, group => $global_group, mode => $global_mode, } file { $conf_dir: ensure => directory, } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.d": ensure => directory, } if $confd_purge == true { File["${conf_dir}/conf.d"] { purge => true, recurse => true, } } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.mail.d": ensure => directory, } if $confd_purge == true { File["${conf_dir}/conf.mail.d"] { purge => true, recurse => true, } } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.d/vhost_autogen.conf": ensure => absent, } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.mail.d/vhost_autogen.conf": ensure => absent, } file {$run_dir: ensure => directory, } file {$client_body_temp_path: ensure => directory, owner => $daemon_user, } file {$proxy_temp_path: ensure => directory, owner => $daemon_user, } file { "${conf_dir}/sites-available": ensure => directory, owner => $sites_available_owner, group => $sites_available_group, mode => $sites_available_mode, } if $vhost_purge == true { File["${conf_dir}/sites-available"] { purge => true, recurse => true, } } file { "${conf_dir}/sites-enabled": ensure => directory, } if $vhost_purge == true { File["${conf_dir}/sites-enabled"] { purge => true, recurse => true, } } file { "${conf_dir}/sites-enabled/default": ensure => absent, } file { "${conf_dir}/nginx.conf": ensure => file, content => template($conf_template), } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.d/proxy.conf": ensure => file, content => template($proxy_conf_template), } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.d/default.conf": ensure => absent, } file { "${conf_dir}/conf.d/example_ssl.conf": ensure => absent, } file { "${temp_dir}/nginx.d": ensure => absent, purge => true, recurse => true, force => true, } file { "${temp_dir}/nginx.mail.d": ensure => absent, purge => true, recurse => true, force => true, } }