# Class: nginx # # This module manages NGINX. # # Parameters: # # There are no default parameters for this class. All module parameters are managed # via the nginx::params class # # Actions: # # Requires: # puppetlabs-stdlib - https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib # # Packaged NGINX # - RHEL: EPEL or custom package # - Debian/Ubuntu: Default Install or custom package # - SuSE: Default Install or custom package # # stdlib # - puppetlabs-stdlib module >= 0.1.6 # - plugin sync enabled to obtain the anchor type # # Sample Usage: # # The module works with sensible defaults: # # node default { # include nginx # } class nginx ( $worker_processes = $nginx::params::nx_worker_processes, $worker_connections = $nginx::params::nx_worker_connections, $proxy_set_header = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_set_header, $proxy_http_version = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_http_version, $confd_purge = $nginx::params::nx_confd_purge, $proxy_cache_path = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_cache_path, $proxy_cache_levels = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_cache_levels, $proxy_cache_keys_zone = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_cache_keys_zone, $proxy_cache_max_size = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_cache_max_size, $proxy_cache_inactive = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_cache_inactive, $configtest_enable = $nginx::params::nx_configtest_enable, $service_restart = $nginx::params::nx_service_restart, $mail = $nginx::params::nx_mail, $server_tokens = $nginx::params::nx_server_tokens ) inherits nginx::params { include stdlib class { 'nginx::package': notify => Class['nginx::service'], } class { 'nginx::config': worker_processes => $worker_processes, worker_connections => $worker_connections, proxy_set_header => $proxy_set_header, proxy_http_version => $proxy_http_version, proxy_cache_path => $proxy_cache_path, proxy_cache_levels => $proxy_cache_levels, proxy_cache_keys_zone => $proxy_cache_keys_zone, proxy_cache_max_size => $proxy_cache_max_size, proxy_cache_inactive => $proxy_cache_inactive, confd_purge => $confd_purge, require => Class['nginx::package'], notify => Class['nginx::service'], } class { 'nginx::service': configtest_enable => $configtest_enable, service_restart => $service_restart, } # Allow the end user to establish relationships to the "main" class # and preserve the relationship to the implementation classes through # a transitive relationship to the composite class. anchor{ 'nginx::begin': before => Class['nginx::package'], notify => Class['nginx::service'], } anchor { 'nginx::end': require => Class['nginx::service'], } }