# Class: nginx::param # # This module manages NGINX paramaters # # Parameters: # # There are no default parameters for this class. # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # # This class file is not called directly class nginx::params { if $caller_module_name != $module_name { warning("${name} is deprecated as a public API of the ${module_name} module and should no longer be directly included in the manifest.") } $nx_temp_dir = '/tmp' $nx_run_dir = '/var/nginx' $nx_conf_dir = '/etc/nginx' $nx_confd_purge = false $nx_worker_processes = 1 $nx_worker_connections = 1024 $nx_types_hash_max_size = 1024 $nx_types_hash_bucket_size = 512 $nx_names_hash_bucket_size = 64 $nx_names_hash_max_size = 512 $nx_multi_accept = off # One of [kqueue|rtsig|epoll|/dev/poll|select|poll|eventport] # or false to use OS default $nx_events_use = false $nx_sendfile = on $nx_keepalive_timeout = 65 $nx_tcp_nodelay = on $nx_gzip = on $nx_server_tokens = on $nx_spdy = off $nx_ssl_stapling = off $nx_proxy_redirect = off $nx_proxy_set_header = [ 'Host $host', 'X-Real-IP $remote_addr', 'X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for', ] $nx_proxy_cache_path = false $nx_proxy_cache_levels = 1 $nx_proxy_cache_keys_zone = 'd2:100m' $nx_proxy_cache_max_size = '500m' $nx_proxy_cache_inactive = '20m' $nx_client_body_temp_path = "${nx_run_dir}/client_body_temp" $nx_client_body_buffer_size = '128k' $nx_client_max_body_size = '10m' $nx_proxy_temp_path = "${nx_run_dir}/proxy_temp" $nx_proxy_connect_timeout = '90' $nx_proxy_send_timeout = '90' $nx_proxy_read_timeout = '90' $nx_proxy_buffers = '32 4k' $nx_proxy_http_version = '1.0' $nx_proxy_buffer_size = '8k' $nx_logdir = $::kernel ? { /(?i-mx:linux)/ => '/var/log/nginx', } $nx_pid = $::kernel ? { /(?i-mx:linux)/ => '/var/run/nginx.pid', } if $::osfamily { $nx_daemon_user = $::osfamily ? { /(?i-mx:redhat|suse|gentoo|linux)/ => 'nginx', /(?i-mx:debian)/ => 'www-data', } } else { warning('$::osfamily not defined. Support for $::operatingsystem is deprecated') warning("Please upgrade from factor ${::facterversion} to >= 1.7.2") $nx_daemon_user = $::operatingsystem ? { /(?i-mx:debian|ubuntu)/ => 'www-data', /(?i-mx:fedora|rhel|redhat|centos|scientific|suse|opensuse|amazon|gentoo|oraclelinux)/ => 'nginx', } } # Service restart after Nginx 0.7.53 could also be just # "/path/to/nginx/bin -s HUP" Some init scripts do a configtest, some don't. # If configtest_enable it's true then service restart will take # $nx_service_restart value, forcing configtest. $nx_configtest_enable = false $nx_service_restart = '/etc/init.d/nginx configtest && /etc/init.d/nginx restart' $nx_mail = false $nx_http_cfg_append = false $nx_nginx_error_log = "${nx_logdir}/error.log" $nx_http_access_log = "${nx_logdir}/access.log" # package name depends on distribution, e.g. for Debian nginx-full | nginx-light $package_name = 'nginx' $package_ensure = 'present' $package_source = 'nginx' $manage_repo = true }