require 'spec_helper' describe 'nginx::resource::mailhost' do let :title do '' end let :facts do { :osfamily => 'Debian', :operatingsystem => 'Debian', :ipaddress6 => '::', } end let :default_params do { :listen_port => 25, :ipv6_enable => true, } end let :pre_condition do [ 'include ::nginx::config', ] end describe 'os-independent items' do describe 'basic assumptions' do let :params do default_params end it { contain_class("nginx::config") } it { contain_concat("/etc/nginx/conf.mail.d/#{title}.conf").with({ 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => 'root', 'mode' => '0644', })} it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } it { is_expected.not_to contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-ssl") } end describe "mailhost template content" do [ { :title => 'should set the IPv4 listen IP', :attr => 'listen_ip', :value => '', :match => ' listen;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv4 listen port', :attr => 'listen_port', :value => 45, :match => ' listen *:45;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv4 listen options', :attr => 'listen_options', :value => 'spdy default', :match => ' listen *:25 spdy default;', }, { :title => 'should enable IPv6', :attr => 'ipv6_enable', :value => true, :match => ' listen [::]:80 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should not enable IPv6', :attr => 'ipv6_enable', :value => false, :notmatch => / listen \[::\]:80 default ipv6only=on;/, }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen IP', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_ip', :value => '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334', :match => ' listen [2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen port', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_port', :value => 45, :match => ' listen [::]:45 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen options', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_options', :value => 'spdy', :match => ' listen [::]:80 spdy;', }, { :title => 'should set servername(s)', :attr => 'server_name', :value => ['name1','name2'], :match => ' server_name name1 name2;', }, { :title => 'should set protocol', :attr => 'protocol', :value => 'test-protocol', :match => ' protocol test-protocol;', }, { :title => 'should set xclient', :attr => 'xclient', :value => 'test-xclient', :match => ' xclient test-xclient;', }, { :title => 'should set auth_http', :attr => 'auth_http', :value => 'test-auth_http', :match => ' auth_http test-auth_http;', }, { :title => 'should set starttls', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'on', :match => ' starttls on;', }, { :title => 'should set starttls', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'only', :match => ' starttls only;', }, { :title => 'should not enable SSL', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'off', :notmatch => / ssl_session_timeout 5m;/, }, ].each do |param| context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do let :default_params do { :listen_port => 25, :ipv6_enable => true, :ssl_cert => 'dummy.crt', :ssl_key => 'dummy.key', } end let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } it param[:title] do lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "#{title}-header").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n") expect(lines & Array(param[:match])).to eq(Array(param[:match])) Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item| contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header").without_content(item) end end end end end describe "mailhost template content (SSL enabled)" do [ { :title => 'should enable SSL', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'on', :match => ' ssl_session_timeout 5m;', }, { :title => 'should enable SSL', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'only', :match => ' ssl_session_timeout 5m;', }, { :title => 'should not enable SSL', :attr => 'starttls', :value => 'off', :notmatch => / ssl_session_timeout 5m;/, }, { :title => 'should set ssl_certificate', :attr => 'ssl_cert', :value => 'test-ssl-cert', :match => ' ssl_certificate test-ssl-cert;', }, { :title => 'should set ssl_certificate_key', :attr => 'ssl_key', :value => 'test-ssl-cert-key', :match => ' ssl_certificate_key test-ssl-cert-key;', }, ].each do |param| context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do let :default_params do { :listen_port => 25, :starttls => 'on', :ssl_cert => 'dummy.crt', :ssl_key => 'dummy.key', } end let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } it param[:title] do lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "#{title}-header").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n") expect(lines & Array(param[:match])).to eq(Array(param[:match])) Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item| contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header").without_content(item) end end end end end describe "mailhost_ssl template content" do [ { :title => 'should set the IPv4 SSL listen port', :attr => 'ssl_port', :value => '45', :match => ' listen 45;', }, { :title => 'should enable IPv6', :attr => 'ipv6_enable', :value => true, :match => ' listen [::]:80 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should not enable IPv6', :attr => 'ipv6_enable', :value => false, :notmatch => / listen \[::\]:80 default ipv6only=on;/, }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen IP', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_ip', :value => '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334', :match => ' listen [2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen port', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_port', :value => 45, :match => ' listen [::]:45 default ipv6only=on;', }, { :title => 'should set the IPv6 listen options', :attr => 'ipv6_listen_options', :value => 'spdy', :match => ' listen [::]:80 spdy;', }, { :title => 'should set servername(s)', :attr => 'server_name', :value => ['name1','name2'], :match => ' server_name name1 name2;', }, { :title => 'should set protocol', :attr => 'protocol', :value => 'test-protocol', :match => ' protocol test-protocol;', }, { :title => 'should set xclient', :attr => 'xclient', :value => 'test-xclient', :match => ' xclient test-xclient;', }, { :title => 'should set auth_http', :attr => 'auth_http', :value => 'test-auth_http', :match => ' auth_http test-auth_http;', }, { :title => 'should set ssl_certificate', :attr => 'ssl_cert', :value => 'test-ssl-cert', :match => ' ssl_certificate test-ssl-cert;', }, { :title => 'should set ssl_certificate_key', :attr => 'ssl_key', :value => 'test-ssl-cert-key', :match => ' ssl_certificate_key test-ssl-cert-key;', }, ].each do |param| context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do let :default_params do { :listen_port => 25, :ipv6_enable => true, :ssl => true, :ssl_cert => 'dummy.crt', :ssl_key => 'dummy.key', } end let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-ssl") } it param[:title] do lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "#{title}-ssl").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n") expect(lines & Array(param[:match])).to eq(Array(param[:match])) Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item| contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-ssl").without_content(item) end end end end end context 'attribute resources' do context "SSL cert missing and ssl => true" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :ssl => true, :ssl_key => 'key', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context "SSL key missing and ssl => true" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :ssl => true, :ssl_cert => 'cert', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context "SSL cert missing and starttls => 'on'" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :starttls => 'on', :ssl_key => 'key', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context "SSL key missing and starttls => 'on'" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :starttls => 'on', :ssl_cert => 'cert', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context "SSL cert missing and starttls => 'only'" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :starttls => 'only', :ssl_key => 'key', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context "SSL key missing and starttls => 'only'" do let :params do default_params.merge({ :starttls => 'only', :ssl_cert => 'cert', }) end it { expect { contain_class('nginx::resource::vhost') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{nginx: SSL certificate/key \(ssl_cert/ssl_cert\) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system\(s\)}) } end context 'when listen_port != ssl_port' do let :params do default_params.merge({ :listen_port => 80, :ssl_port => 443, }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } end context 'when listen_port == ssl_port' do let :params do default_params.merge({ :listen_port => 80, :ssl_port => 80, }) end it { is_expected.not_to contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } end context 'when ssl => true' do let :params do default_params.merge({ :ensure => 'absent', :ssl => true, :ssl_key => 'dummy.key', :ssl_cert => 'dummy.cert', }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-ssl") } end context 'when ssl => false' do let :params do default_params.merge({ :ensure => 'absent', :ssl => false, }) end it { contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-header") } it { is_expected.not_to contain_concat__fragment("#{title}-ssl") } end end end end