
546 lines
20 KiB

# define: nginx::resource::vhost
# This definition creates a virtual host
# Parameters:
# [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified vhost
# (present|absent)
# [*listen_ip*] - Default IP Address for NGINX to listen with this
# vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (*)
# [*listen_port*] - Default IP Port for NGINX to listen with this
# vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80
# [*listen_options*] - Extra options for listen directive like
# 'default' to catchall. Undef by default.
# [*location_allow*] - Array: Locations to allow connections from.
# [*location_deny*] - Array: Locations to deny connections from.
# [*ipv6_enable*] - BOOL value to enable/disable IPv6 support
# (false|true). Module will check to see if IPv6 support exists on your
# system before enabling.
# [*ipv6_listen_ip*] - Default IPv6 Address for NGINX to listen with
# this vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (::)
# [*ipv6_listen_port*] - Default IPv6 Port for NGINX to listen with this
# vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80
# [*ipv6_listen_options*] - Extra options for listen directive like 'default'
# to catchall. Template will allways add ipv6only=on. While issue
# jfryman/puppet-nginx#30 is discussed, default value is 'default'.
# [*add_header*] - Hash: Adds headers to the HTTP response when
# response code is equal to 200, 204, 301, 302 or 304.
# [*index_files*] - Default index files for NGINX to read when
# traversing a directory
# [*autoindex*] - Set it on 'on' or 'off 'to activate/deactivate
# autoindex directory listing. Undef by default.
# [*proxy*] - Proxy server(s) for the root location to connect
# to. Accepts a single value, can be used in conjunction with
# nginx::resource::upstream
# [*proxy_read_timeout*] - Override the default the proxy read timeout value
# of 90 seconds
# [*resolver*] - Array: Configures name servers used to resolve
# names of upstream servers into addresses.
# [*fastcgi*] - location of fastcgi (host:port)
# [*fastcgi_params*] - optional alternative fastcgi_params file to use
# [*fastcgi_script*] - optional SCRIPT_FILE parameter
# [*ssl*] - Indicates whether to setup SSL bindings for this
# vhost.
# [*ssl_cert*] - Pre-generated SSL Certificate file to reference
# for SSL Support. This is not generated by this module.
# [*ssl_dhparam*] - This directive specifies a file containing
# Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol cryptographic parameters, in PEM
# format, utilized for exchanging session keys between server and client.
# [*ssl_key*] - Pre-generated SSL Key file to reference for SSL
# Support. This is not generated by this module.
# [*ssl_port*] - Default IP Port for NGINX to listen with this SSL
# vHost on. Defaults to TCP 443
# [*ssl_protocols*] - SSL protocols enabled. Defaults to 'SSLv3 TLSv1
# TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2'.
# [*ssl_ciphers*] - SSL ciphers enabled. Defaults to
# 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5'.
# [*ssl_stapling*] - Bool: Enables or disables stapling of OCSP
# responses by the server. Defaults to false.
# [*ssl_stapling_file*] - String: When set, the stapled OCSP response
# will be taken from the specified file instead of querying the OCSP
# responder specified in the server certificate.
# [*ssl_stapling_responder*] - String: Overrides the URL of the OCSP
# responder specified in the Authority Information Access certificate
# extension.
# [*ssl_stapling_verify*] - Bool: Enables or disables verification of
# OCSP responses by the server. Defaults to false.
# [*ssl_trusted_cert*] - String: Specifies a file with trusted CA
# certificates in the PEM format used to verify client certificates and
# OCSP responses if ssl_stapling is enabled.
# [*spdy*] - Toggles SPDY protocol.
# [*server_name*] - List of vhostnames for which this vhost will
# respond. Default [$name].
# [*www_root*] - Specifies the location on disk for files to be
# read from. Cannot be set in conjunction with $proxy
# [*rewrite_www_to_non_www*] - Adds a server directive and rewrite rule to
# rewrite to in order to avoid duplicate
# content (SEO);
# [*try_files*] - Specifies the locations for files to be
# checked as an array. Cannot be used in conjuction with $proxy.
# [*proxy_cache*] - This directive sets name of zone for caching.
# The same zone can be used in multiple places.
# [*proxy_cache_valid*] - This directive sets the time for caching
# different replies.
# [*proxy_method*] - If defined, overrides the HTTP method of the
# request to be passed to the backend.
# [*proxy_set_body*] - If defined, sets the body passed to the backend.
# [*auth_basic*] - This directive includes testing name and
# password with HTTP Basic Authentication.
# [*auth_basic_user_file*] - This directive sets the htpasswd filename for
# the authentication realm.
# [*client_max_body_size*] - This directive sets client_max_body_size.
# [*vhost_cfg_append*] - It expects a hash with custom directives to
# put after everything else inside vhost
# [*vhost_cfg_prepend*] - It expects a hash with custom directives to
# put before everything else inside vhost
# [*vhost_cfg_ssl_append*] - It expects a hash with custom directives to
# put after everything else inside vhost ssl
# [*vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend*] - It expects a hash with custom directives to
# put before everything else inside vhost ssl
# [*rewrite_to_https*] - Adds a server directive and rewrite rule to
# rewrite to ssl
# [*include_files*] - Adds include files to vhost
# [*access_log*] - Where to write access log. May add additional
# options like log format to the end.
# [*error_log*] - Where to write error log. May add additional
# options like error level to the end.
# [*passenger_cgi_param*] - Allows one to define additional CGI environment
# variables to pass to the backend application
# [*log_by_lua*] - Run the Lua source code inlined as the
# <lua-script-str> at the log request processing phase.
# This does not replace the current access logs, but runs after.
# [*log_by_lua_file*] - Equivalent to log_by_lua, except that the file
# specified by <path-to-lua-script-file> contains the Lua code, or, as from
# the v0.5.0rc32 release, the Lua/LuaJIT bytecode to be executed.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# nginx::resource::vhost { 'test2.local':
# ensure => present,
# www_root => '/var/www/nginx-default',
# ssl => true,
# ssl_cert => '/tmp/server.crt',
# ssl_key => '/tmp/server.pem',
# }
define nginx::resource::vhost (
$ensure = 'present',
$listen_ip = '*',
$listen_port = '80',
$listen_options = undef,
$location_allow = [],
$location_deny = [],
$ipv6_enable = false,
$ipv6_listen_ip = '::',
$ipv6_listen_port = '80',
$ipv6_listen_options = 'default ipv6only=on',
$add_header = undef,
$ssl = false,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_dhparam = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$ssl_port = '443',
$ssl_protocols = 'SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2',
$ssl_ciphers = 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5',
$ssl_cache = 'shared:SSL:10m',
$ssl_stapling = false,
$ssl_stapling_file = undef,
$ssl_stapling_responder = undef,
$ssl_stapling_verify = false,
$ssl_trusted_cert = undef,
$spdy = $nginx::params::nx_spdy,
$proxy = undef,
$proxy_read_timeout = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_read_timeout,
$proxy_connect_timeout = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_connect_timeout,
$proxy_set_header = [],
$proxy_cache = false,
$proxy_cache_valid = false,
$proxy_method = undef,
$proxy_set_body = undef,
$resolver = [],
$fastcgi = undef,
$fastcgi_params = '/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params',
$fastcgi_script = undef,
$index_files = [
$autoindex = undef,
$server_name = [$name],
$www_root = undef,
$rewrite_www_to_non_www = false,
$rewrite_to_https = undef,
$location_custom_cfg = undef,
$location_cfg_prepend = undef,
$location_cfg_append = undef,
$location_custom_cfg_prepend = undef,
$location_custom_cfg_append = undef,
$try_files = undef,
$auth_basic = undef,
$auth_basic_user_file = undef,
$client_max_body_size = undef,
$vhost_cfg_prepend = undef,
$vhost_cfg_append = undef,
$vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend = undef,
$vhost_cfg_ssl_append = undef,
$include_files = undef,
$access_log = undef,
$error_log = undef,
$format_log = undef,
$passenger_cgi_param = undef,
$log_by_lua = undef,
$log_by_lua_file = undef,
$use_default_location = true,
$rewrite_rules = [],
) {
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
"${ensure} is not supported for ensure. Allowed values are 'present' and 'absent'.")
if !is_integer($listen_port) {
fail('$listen_port must be an integer.')
if ($listen_options != undef) {
if !is_integer($ipv6_listen_port) {
fail('$ipv6_listen_port must be an integer.')
if ($add_header != undef) {
if ($ssl_cert != undef) {
if ($ssl_dhparam != undef) {
if ($ssl_key != undef) {
if !is_integer($ssl_port) {
fail('$ssl_port must be an integer.')
if ($ssl_stapling_file != undef) {
if ($ssl_stapling_responder != undef) {
if ($ssl_trusted_cert != undef) {
if ($proxy != undef) {
if ($proxy_cache != false) {
if ($proxy_cache_valid != false) {
if ($proxy_method != undef) {
if ($proxy_set_body != undef) {
if ($fastcgi != undef) {
if ($fastcgi_script != undef) {
if ($autoindex != undef) {
if ($www_root != undef) {
if ($rewrite_to_https != undef) {
if ($location_custom_cfg != undef) {
if ($location_cfg_prepend != undef) {
if ($location_cfg_append != undef) {
if ($try_files != undef) {
if ($auth_basic != undef) {
if ($auth_basic_user_file != undef) {
if ($vhost_cfg_prepend != undef) {
if ($vhost_cfg_append != undef) {
if ($vhost_cfg_ssl_prepend != undef) {
if ($vhost_cfg_ssl_append != undef) {
if ($include_files != undef) {
if ($access_log != undef) {
if ($error_log != undef) {
if ($passenger_cgi_param != undef) {
if ($log_by_lua != undef) {
if ($log_by_lua_file != undef) {
# Variables
$vhost_dir = "${nginx::config::nx_conf_dir}/sites-available"
$vhost_enable_dir = "${nginx::config::nx_conf_dir}/sites-enabled"
$vhost_symlink_ensure = $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'link',
$name_sanitized = regsubst($name, ' ', '_', 'G')
$config_file = "${vhost_dir}/${name_sanitized}.conf"
File {
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
# Add IPv6 Logic Check - Nginx service will not start if ipv6 is enabled
# and support does not exist for it in the kernel.
if ($ipv6_enable == true) and (!$ipaddress6) {
warning('nginx: IPv6 support is not enabled or configured properly')
# Check to see if SSL Certificates are properly defined.
if ($ssl == true) {
if ($ssl_cert == undef) or ($ssl_key == undef) {
fail('nginx: SSL certificate/key (ssl_cert/ssl_cert) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system(s)')
# This was a lot to add up in parameter list so add it down here
# Also opted to add more logic here and keep template cleaner which
# unfortunately means resorting to the $varname_real thing
$access_log_tmp = $access_log ? {
undef => "${nginx::params::nx_logdir}/${name_sanitized}.access.log",
default => $access_log,
$access_log_real = $format_log ? {
undef => $access_log_tmp,
default => "${access_log_tmp} $format_log",
$error_log_real = $error_log ? {
undef => "${nginx::params::nx_logdir}/${name_sanitized}.error.log",
default => $error_log,
concat { $config_file:
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
$ssl_only = ($ssl == true) and ($ssl_port == $listen_port)
if $use_default_location == true {
# Create the default location reference for the vHost
nginx::resource::location {"${name_sanitized}-default":
ensure => $ensure,
vhost => $name_sanitized,
ssl => $ssl,
ssl_only => $ssl_only,
location => '/',
location_allow => $location_allow,
location_deny => $location_deny,
proxy => $proxy,
proxy_read_timeout => $proxy_read_timeout,
proxy_connect_timeout => $proxy_connect_timeout,
proxy_cache => $proxy_cache,
proxy_cache_valid => $proxy_cache_valid,
proxy_method => $proxy_method,
proxy_set_body => $proxy_set_body,
fastcgi => $fastcgi,
fastcgi_params => $fastcgi_params,
fastcgi_script => $fastcgi_script,
try_files => $try_files,
www_root => $www_root,
autoindex => $autoindex,
index_files => [],
location_custom_cfg => $location_custom_cfg,
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
rewrite_rules => $rewrite_rules,
$root = undef
} else {
$root = $www_root
# Support location_cfg_prepend and location_cfg_append on default location created by vhost
if $location_cfg_prepend {
Nginx::Resource::Location["${name_sanitized}-default"] {
location_cfg_prepend => $location_cfg_prepend }
if $location_cfg_append {
Nginx::Resource::Location["${name_sanitized}-default"] {
location_cfg_append => $location_cfg_append }
if $location_custom_cfg_prepend {
Nginx::Resource::Location["${name_sanitized}-default"] {
location_custom_cfg_prepend => $location_custom_cfg_prepend }
if $location_custom_cfg_append {
Nginx::Resource::Location["${name_sanitized}-default"] {
location_custom_cfg_append => $location_custom_cfg_append }
if $fastcgi != undef and !defined(File['/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params']) {
file { '/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params':
ensure => present,
mode => '0770',
content => template('nginx/vhost/fastcgi_params.erb'),
if ($listen_port != $ssl_port) {
concat::fragment { "${name_sanitized}-header":
ensure => present,
target => $config_file,
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_header.erb'),
order => '001',
# Create a proper file close stub.
if ($listen_port != $ssl_port) {
concat::fragment { "${name_sanitized}-footer":
ensure => present,
target => $config_file,
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_footer.erb'),
order => '699',
# Create SSL File Stubs if SSL is enabled
if ($ssl == true) {
# Access and error logs are named differently in ssl template
$ssl_access_log = $access_log ? {
undef => "${nginx::params::nx_logdir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.access.log",
default => $access_log,
$ssl_error_log = $error_log ? {
undef => "${nginx::params::nx_logdir}/ssl-${name_sanitized}.error.log",
default => $error_log,
concat::fragment { "${name_sanitized}-ssl-header":
target => $config_file,
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_ssl_header.erb'),
order => '700',
concat::fragment { "${name_sanitized}-ssl-footer":
target => $config_file,
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_ssl_footer.erb'),
order => '999',
#Generate ssl key/cert with provided file-locations
$cert = regsubst($name,' ','_', 'G')
# Check if the file has been defined before creating the file to
# avoid the error when using wildcard cert on the multiple vhosts
ensure_resource('file', "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${cert}.crt", {
owner => $nginx::params::nx_daemon_user,
mode => '0444',
source => $ssl_cert,
ensure_resource('file', "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${cert}.key", {
owner => $nginx::params::nx_daemon_user,
mode => '0440',
source => $ssl_key,
if ($ssl_dhparam != undef) {
ensure_resource('file', "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${cert}.dh.pem", {
owner => $nginx::params::nx_daemon_user,
mode => '0440',
source => $ssl_dhparam,
if ($ssl_stapling_file != undef) {
ensure_resource('file', "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${cert}.ocsp.resp", {
owner => $nginx::params::nx_daemon_user,
mode => '0440',
source => $ssl_stapling_file,
if ($ssl_trusted_cert != undef) {
ensure_resource('file', "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${cert}.trusted.crt", {
owner => $nginx::params::nx_daemon_user,
mode => '0440',
source => $ssl_trusted_cert,
file{ "${name_sanitized}.conf symlink":
ensure => $vhost_symlink_ensure,
path => "${vhost_enable_dir}/${name_sanitized}.conf",
target => $config_file,
require => Concat[$config_file],
notify => Service['nginx'],