Guzmán Brasó 197ad06bce Implementation of new vars configtest_enable and service_restart and their respective optional arguments.
Argument configtest_enable / params.pp $nx_configtest_enable
* Default false
* If true will set service[nginx] restart with contents of nx_service_restart.

Argument service_restart / params.pp $nx_service_restart
* Default '/etc/init.d/nginx configtest && /etc/init.d/nginx restart'
* Since nginx 0.7.53 nginx supports '-s HUP' which will reload testing configuration first, to be backwards compatible above default was choosen.

Many distributions of nginx already implement a configtest before restart, however many doesn't, and many
even don't provide restart but a stop/start combination. If configtest_enable is true then puppet will force
nginx to do a configtest no matter if it was going or not to do it itself.
2012-10-02 01:43:36 -03:00

64 lines
1.8 KiB

# Class: nginx::params
# This module manages NGINX paramaters
# Parameters:
# There are no default parameters for this class.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# This class file is not called directly
class nginx::params {
$nx_temp_dir = '/tmp'
$nx_run_dir = '/var/nginx'
$nx_conf_dir = '/etc/nginx'
$nx_confd_purge = false
$nx_worker_processes = 1
$nx_worker_connections = 1024
$nx_multi_accept = off
$nx_sendfile = on
$nx_keepalive_timeout = 65
$nx_tcp_nodelay = on
$nx_gzip = on
$nx_proxy_redirect = off
$nx_proxy_set_header = [
'Host $host', 'X-Real-IP $remote_addr',
'X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for',
$nx_client_body_temp_path = "${nx_run_dir}/client_body_temp"
$nx_client_body_buffer_size = '128k'
$nx_client_max_body_size = '10m'
$nx_proxy_temp_path = "${nx_run_dir}/proxy_temp"
$nx_proxy_connect_timeout = '90'
$nx_proxy_send_timeout = '90'
$nx_proxy_read_timeout = '90'
$nx_proxy_buffers = '32 4k'
$nx_logdir = $::kernel ? {
/(?i-mx:linux)/ => '/var/log/nginx',
$nx_pid = $::kernel ? {
/(?i-mx:linux)/ => '/var/run/',
$nx_daemon_user = $::operatingsystem ? {
/(?i-mx:debian|ubuntu)/ => 'www-data',
/(?i-mx:fedora|rhel|redhat|centos|suse|opensuse)/ => 'nginx',
# Service restart after Nginx 0.7.53 could also be just "/path/to/nginx/bin -s HUP"
# Some init scripts do a configtest, some don't. If configtest_enable it's true
# then service restart will take $nx_service_restart value, forcing configtest.
$nx_configtest_enable = false
$nx_service_restart = "/etc/init.d/nginx configtest && /etc/init.d/nginx restart"