2012-09-01 18:46:27 +03:00

124 lines
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# define: nginx::resource::vhost
# This definition creates a virtual host
# Parameters:
# [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified vhost (present|absent)
# [*listen_ip*] - Default IP Address for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (*)
# [*listen_port*] - Default IP Port for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80
# [*ipv6_enable*] - BOOL value to enable/disable IPv6 support (false|true). Module will check to see if IPv6
# support exists on your system before enabling.
# [*ipv6_listen_ip*] - Default IPv6 Address for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to all interfaces (::)
# [*ipv6_listen_port*] - Default IPv6 Port for NGINX to listen with this vHost on. Defaults to TCP 80
# [*index_files*] - Default index files for NGINX to read when traversing a directory
# [*proxy*] - Proxy server(s) for the root location to connect to. Accepts a single value, can be used in
# conjunction with nginx::resource::upstream
# [*proxy_read_timeout*] - Override the default the proxy read timeout value of 90 seconds
# [*ssl*] - Indicates whether to setup SSL bindings for this vhost.
# [*ssl_cert*] - Pre-generated SSL Certificate file to reference for SSL Support. This is not generated by this module.
# [*ssl_key*] - Pre-generated SSL Key file to reference for SSL Support. This is not generated by this module.
# [*www_root*] - Specifies the location on disk for files to be read from. Cannot be set in conjunction with $proxy
# [*rewrite_www_to_non_www*] - Adds a server directive and rewrite rule to rewrite to in order to avoid
# duplicate content (SEO);
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# nginx::resource::vhost { 'test2.local':
# ensure => present,
# www_root => '/var/www/nginx-default',
# ssl => 'true',
# ssl_cert => '/tmp/server.crt',
# ssl_key => '/tmp/server.pem',
# }
define nginx::resource::vhost(
$ensure = 'enable',
$listen_ip = '*',
$listen_port = '80',
$ipv6_enable = false,
$ipv6_listen_ip = '::',
$ipv6_listen_port = '80',
$ssl = false,
$ssl_cert = undef,
$ssl_key = undef,
$proxy = undef,
$proxy_read_timeout = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_read_timeout,
$index_files = ['index.html', 'index.htm', 'index.php'],
$www_root = undef,
$rewrite_www_to_non_www = false,
) {
File {
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
# Add IPv6 Logic Check - Nginx service will not start if ipv6 is enabled
# and support does not exist for it in the kernel.
if ($ipv6_enable == 'true') and ($ipaddress6) {
warning('nginx: IPv6 support is not enabled or configured properly')
# Check to see if SSL Certificates are properly defined.
if ($ssl == 'true') {
if ($ssl_cert == undef) or ($ssl_key == undef) {
fail('nginx: SSL certificate/key (ssl_cert/ssl_cert) and/or SSL Private must be defined and exist on the target system(s)')
# Use the File Fragment Pattern to construct the configuration files.
# Create the base configuration file reference.
file { "${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${name}-001":
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_header.erb'),
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
# Create the default location reference for the vHost
nginx::resource::location {"${name}-default":
ensure => $ensure,
vhost => $name,
ssl => $ssl,
location => '/',
proxy => $proxy,
proxy_read_timeout => $proxy_read_timeout,
www_root => $www_root,
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
# Create a proper file close stub.
file { "${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${name}-699":
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_footer.erb'),
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
# Create SSL File Stubs if SSL is enabled
if ($ssl == 'true') {
file { "${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${name}-700-ssl":
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_ssl_header.erb'),
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
file { "${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${name}-999-ssl":
ensure => $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => 'file',
content => template('nginx/vhost/vhost_footer.erb'),
notify => Class['nginx::service'],