Ensure the nginx::config::log_dir exists so that the access.log and error.log can be created. Also any nginx::vhost also put their access/error logs in this directory as well. This is done so that on platforms where /var/log/nginx is not created by package installation it exists so that nginx can startup and create the log files. When vhost purge is enabled the log directory will not be touched and the log files will remain.
541 lines
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541 lines
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require 'spec_helper'
describe 'nginx::config' do
context 'with defaults' do
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx").only_with(
:path => "/etc/nginx",
:ensure => 'directory',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.d").only_with(
:path => '/etc/nginx/conf.d',
:ensure => 'directory',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.mail.d").only_with(
:path => '/etc/nginx/conf.mail.d',
:ensure => 'directory',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.d/vhost_autogen.conf").with_ensure('absent') }
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.mail.d/vhost_autogen.conf").with_ensure('absent') }
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx").with(
:ensure => 'directory',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/client_body_temp").with(
:ensure => 'directory',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/proxy_temp").with(
:ensure => 'directory',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default').with_ensure('absent') }
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf").with(
:ensure => 'file',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf").with(
:ensure => 'file',
:owner => 'root',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/tmp/nginx.d").with(
:ensure => 'absent',
:purge => true,
:recurse => true
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/tmp/nginx.mail.d").with(
:ensure => 'absent',
:purge => true,
:recurse => true
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/client_body_temp").with(:owner => 'nginx')}
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/proxy_temp").with(:owner => 'nginx')}
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf").with_content %r{^user nginx;}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/log/nginx").with(
:ensure => 'directory',
:group => 'root',
:mode => '0644'
describe "nginx.conf template content" do
:title => 'should not set user',
:attr => 'super_user',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /user/,
:title => 'should set user',
:attr => 'daemon_user',
:value => 'test-user',
:match => 'user test-user;',
:title => 'should set worker_processes',
:attr => 'worker_processes',
:value => '4',
:match => 'worker_processes 4;',
:title => 'should set worker_processes',
:attr => 'worker_processes',
:value => 'auto',
:match => 'worker_processes auto;',
:title => 'should set worker_rlimit_nofile',
:attr => 'worker_rlimit_nofile',
:value => '10000',
:match => 'worker_rlimit_nofile 10000;',
:title => 'should set error_log',
:attr => 'nginx_error_log',
:value => '/path/to/error.log',
:match => 'error_log /path/to/error.log;',
:title => 'should set pid',
:attr => 'pid',
:value => '/path/to/pid',
:match => 'pid /path/to/pid;',
:title => 'should not set pid',
:attr => 'pid',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /pid/,
:title => 'should set worker_connections',
:attr => 'worker_connections',
:value => '100',
:match => ' worker_connections 100;',
:title => 'should set log formats',
:attr => 'log_format',
:value => {
'format1' => 'FORMAT1',
'format2' => 'FORMAT2',
:match => [
' log_format format1 \'FORMAT1\';',
' log_format format2 \'FORMAT2\';',
:title => 'should not set log formats',
:attr => 'log_format',
:value => {},
:notmatch => /log_format/,
:title => 'should set multi_accept',
:attr => 'multi_accept',
:value => 'on',
:match => /\s*multi_accept\s+on;/,
:title => 'should not set multi_accept',
:attr => 'multi_accept',
:value => 'off',
:notmatch => /multi_accept/,
:title => 'should set events_use',
:attr => 'events_use',
:value => 'eventport',
:match => /\s*use\s+eventport;/,
:title => 'should not set events_use',
:attr => 'events_use',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /use /,
:title => 'should set access_log',
:attr => 'http_access_log',
:value => '/path/to/access.log',
:match => ' access_log /path/to/access.log;',
:title => 'should set sendfile',
:attr => 'sendfile',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' sendfile on;',
:title => 'should not set sendfile',
:attr => 'sendfile',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /sendfile/,
:title => 'should set server_tokens',
:attr => 'server_tokens',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' server_tokens on;',
:title => 'should set types_hash_max_size',
:attr => 'types_hash_max_size',
:value => 10,
:match => ' types_hash_max_size 10;',
:title => 'should set types_hash_bucket_size',
:attr => 'types_hash_bucket_size',
:value => 10,
:match => ' types_hash_bucket_size 10;',
:title => 'should set server_names_hash_bucket_size',
:attr => 'names_hash_bucket_size',
:value => 10,
:match => ' server_names_hash_bucket_size 10;',
:title => 'should set server_names_hash_max_size',
:attr => 'names_hash_max_size',
:value => 10,
:match => ' server_names_hash_max_size 10;',
:title => 'should set keepalive_timeout',
:attr => 'keepalive_timeout',
:value => '123',
:match => ' keepalive_timeout 123;',
:title => 'should set tcp_nodelay',
:attr => 'http_tcp_nodelay',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' tcp_nodelay on;',
:title => 'should set tcp_nopush',
:attr => 'http_tcp_nopush',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' tcp_nopush on;',
:title => 'should set gzip',
:attr => 'gzip',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' gzip on;',
:title => 'should not set gzip',
:attr => 'gzip',
:value => 'off',
:notmatch => /gzip/,
:title => 'should set proxy_cache_path',
:attr => 'proxy_cache_path',
:value => '/path/to/proxy.cache',
:match => %r'\s+proxy_cache_path\s+/path/to/proxy.cache levels=1 keys_zone=d2:100m max_size=500m inactive=20m;',
:title => 'should not set proxy_cache_path',
:attr => 'proxy_cache_path',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /proxy_cache_path/,
:title => 'should set fastcgi_cache_path',
:attr => 'fastcgi_cache_path',
:value => '/path/to/proxy.cache',
:match => %r'\s*fastcgi_cache_path\s+/path/to/proxy.cache levels=1 keys_zone=d3:100m max_size=500m inactive=20m;',
:title => 'should not set fastcgi_cache_path',
:attr => 'fastcgi_cache_path',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /fastcgi_cache_path/,
:title => 'should set fastcgi_cache_use_stale',
:attr => 'fastcgi_cache_use_stale',
:value => 'invalid_header',
:match => ' fastcgi_cache_use_stale invalid_header;',
:title => 'should not set fastcgi_cache_use_stale',
:attr => 'fastcgi_cache_use_stale',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /fastcgi_cache_use_stale/,
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives from hash',
:attr => 'http_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => 'test value 2', 'allow' => 'test value 3' },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2;',
:title => 'should contain duplicate appended directives from list of hashes',
:attr => 'http_cfg_append',
:value => [[ 'allow', 'test value 1'], ['allow', 'test value 2' ]],
:match => [
' allow test value 1;',
' allow test value 2;',
:title => 'should contain duplicate appended directives from array values',
:attr => 'http_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => ['test value 1', 'test value 2', 'test value 3'] },
:match => [
' test1 test value 1;',
' test1 test value 2;',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives from hash',
:attr => 'nginx_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => 'test value 2', 'allow' => 'test value 3' },
:match => [
'allow test value 3;',
'test1 test value 1;',
'test2 test value 2;',
:title => 'should contain duplicate appended directives from list of hashes',
:attr => 'nginx_cfg_prepend',
:value => [[ 'allow', 'test value 1'], ['allow', 'test value 2' ]],
:match => [
'allow test value 1;',
'allow test value 2;',
:title => 'should contain duplicate appended directives from array values',
:attr => 'nginx_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => ['test value 1', 'test value 2', 'test value 3'] },
:match => [
'test1 test value 1;',
'test1 test value 2;',
'test1 test value 3;',
:title => 'should set pid',
:attr => 'pid',
:value => '/path/to/pid',
:match => 'pid /path/to/pid;',
:title => 'should set tcp_nodelay',
:attr => 'http_tcp_nodelay',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' tcp_nodelay on;',
:title => 'should set tcp_nopush',
:attr => 'http_tcp_nopush',
:value => 'on',
:match => ' tcp_nopush on;',
:title => 'should set keepalive_timeout',
:attr => 'keepalive_timeout',
:value => '123',
:match => ' keepalive_timeout 123;',
:title => 'should set mail',
:attr => 'mail',
:value => true,
:match => 'mail {',
:title => 'should not set mail',
:attr => 'mail',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /mail/,
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :params do { param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] } end
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf").with_mode('0644') }
it param[:title] do
matches = Array(param[:match])
if matches.all? { |m| m.is_a? Regexp }
matches.each { |item| is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf').with_content(item) }
lines = catalogue.resource('file', '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf').send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
expect(lines & Array(param[:match])).to eq(Array(param[:match]))
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf").without_content(item)
describe "proxy.conf template content" do
:title => 'should set proxy_buffers',
:attr => 'proxy_buffers',
:value => '50 5k',
:match => 'proxy_buffers 50 5k;',
:title => 'should set proxy_buffer_size',
:attr => 'proxy_buffer_size',
:value => '2k',
:match => 'proxy_buffer_size 2k;',
:title => 'should set proxy_http_version',
:attr => 'proxy_http_version',
:value => '1.1',
:match => 'proxy_http_version 1.1;',
:title => 'should not set proxy_http_version',
:attr => 'proxy_http_version',
:value => nil,
:notmatch => 'proxy_http_version',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'proxy_set_header',
:value => ['header1','header2'],
:match => [
'proxy_set_header header1;',
'proxy_set_header header2;',
:title => 'should set client_body_temp_path',
:attr => 'client_body_temp_path',
:value => '/path/to/body_temp',
:match => 'client_body_temp_path /path/to/body_temp;',
:title => 'should set proxy_temp_path',
:attr => 'proxy_temp_path',
:value => '/path/to/proxy_temp',
:match => 'proxy_temp_path /path/to/proxy_temp;',
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :params do { param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] } end
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf").with_mode('0644') }
it param[:title] do
matches = Array(param[:match])
if matches.all? { |m| m.is_a? Regexp }
matches.each { |item| is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf').with_content(item) }
lines = catalogue.resource('file', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf').send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
expect(lines & Array(param[:match])).to eq(Array(param[:match]))
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf").without_content(item)
context "when conf_dir is /path/to/nginx" do
let(:params) {{:conf_dir => '/path/to/nginx'}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/path/to/nginx/nginx.conf').with_content(%r{include /path/to/nginx/mime\.types;}) }
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/path/to/nginx/nginx.conf').with_content(%r{include /path/to/nginx/conf\.d/\*\.conf;}) }
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/path/to/nginx/nginx.conf').with_content(%r{include /path/to/nginx/sites-enabled/\*;}) }
context "when confd_purge true" do
let(:params) {{:confd_purge => true}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/conf.d').with(
:purge => true,
:recurse => true
context "when confd_purge false" do
let(:params) {{:confd_purge => false}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/conf.d').without([
context "when vhost_purge true" do
let(:params) {{:vhost_purge => true}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/sites-available').with(
:purge => true,
:recurse => true
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled').with(
:purge => true,
:recurse => true
context "when vhost_purge false" do
let(:params) {{:vhost_purge => false}}
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/sites-available').without([
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled').without([
it { is_expected.to contain_file('/var/log/nginx').without([
context "when daemon_user = www-data" do
let :params do
:daemon_user => 'www-data',
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/client_body_temp").with(:owner => 'www-data')}
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/var/nginx/proxy_temp").with(:owner => 'www-data')}
it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf").with_content %r{^user www-data;}}