Lebedev Vadim 757bb87031 Merge branch 'master' of into dev
2013-09-05 12:01:00 +04:00

190 lines
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# define: nginx::resource::location
# This definition creates a new location entry within a virtual host
# Parameters:
# [*ensure*] - Enables or disables the specified location
# (present|absent)
# [*vhost*] - Defines the default vHost for this location
# entry to include with
# [*location*] - Specifies the URI associated with this location
# entry
# [*location_allow*] - Array: Locations to allow connections from.
# [*location_deny*] - Array: Locations to deny connections from.
# [*www_root*] - Specifies the location on disk for files to be
# read from. Cannot be set in conjunction with $proxy
# [*index_files*] - Default index files for NGINX to read when
# traversing a directory
# [*proxy*] - Proxy server(s) for a location to connect to.
# Accepts a single value, can be used in conjunction with
# nginx::resource::upstream
# [*proxy_read_timeout*] - Override the default the proxy read timeout
# value of 90 seconds
# [*fastcgi*] - location of fastcgi (host:port)
# [*fastcgi_params*] - optional alternative fastcgi_params file to use
# [*fastcgi_script*] - optional SCRIPT_FILE parameter
# [*fastcgi_split_path*] - Allows settings of fastcgi_split_path_info so
# that you can split the script_name and path_info via regex
# [*ssl*] - Indicates whether to setup SSL bindings for
# this location.
# [*ssl_only*] - Required if the SSL and normal vHost have the
# same port.
# [*location_alias*] - Path to be used as basis for serving requests
# for this location
# [*stub_status*] - If true it will point configure module
# stub_status to provide nginx stats on location
# [*location_custom_cfg*] - Expects a hash with custom directives, cannot
# be used with other location types (proxy, fastcgi, root, or stub_status)
# [*location_cfg_prepend*] - Expects a hash with extra directives to put
# before anything else inside location (used with all other types except
# custom_cfg)
# [*location_cfg_append*] - Expects a hash with extra directives to put
# after everything else inside location (used with all other types except
# custom_cfg)
# [*try_files*] - An array of file locations to try
# [*option*] - Reserved for future use
# [*proxy_cache*] - This directive sets name of zone for caching.
# The same zone can be used in multiple places.
# [*proxy_cache_valid*] - This directive sets the time for caching
# different replies.
# [*auth_basic*] - This directive includes testing name and password
# with HTTP Basic Authentication.
# [*auth_basic_user_file*] - This directive sets the htpasswd filename for
# the authentication realm.
# [*priority*] - Location priority. Default: 500. User priority
# 400-499, 501-599. If the priority is higher than the default priority,
# the location will be defined after root, or before root.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# nginx::resource::location { 'test2.local-bob':
# ensure => present,
# www_root => '/var/www/bob',
# location => '/bob',
# vhost => 'test2.local',
# }
# Custom config example to limit location on localhost,
# create a hash with any extra custom config you want.
# $my_config = {
# 'access_log' => 'off',
# 'allow' => '',
# 'deny' => 'all'
# }
# nginx::resource::location { 'test2.local-bob':
# ensure => present,
# www_root => '/var/www/bob',
# location => '/bob',
# vhost => 'test2.local',
# location_cfg_append => $my_config,
# }
define nginx::resource::location (
$ensure = present,
$vhost = undef,
$www_root = undef,
$index_files = [
$proxy = undef,
$proxy_read_timeout = $nginx::params::nx_proxy_read_timeout,
$fastcgi = undef,
$fastcgi_params = '/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params',
$fastcgi_script = undef,
$fastcgi_split_path = undef,
$ssl = false,
$ssl_only = false,
$location_alias = undef,
$location_allow = undef,
$location_deny = undef,
$option = undef,
$stub_status = undef,
$location_custom_cfg = undef,
$location_cfg_prepend = undef,
$location_cfg_append = undef,
$try_files = undef,
$proxy_cache = false,
$proxy_cache_valid = false,
$auth_basic = undef,
$auth_basic_user_file = undef,
$priority = 500
) {
File {
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
# # Shared Variables
$ensure_real = $ensure ? {
'absent' => absent,
default => file,
## Check for various error conditions
if ($vhost == undef) {
fail('Cannot create a location reference without attaching to a virtual host')
if (($www_root == undef) and ($proxy == undef) and ($location_alias == undef) and ($stub_status == undef) and ($fastcgi == undef) and ($location_custom_cfg == undef)) {
fail('Cannot create a location reference without a www_root, proxy, location_alias, fastcgi, stub_status, or location_custom_cfg defined')
if (($www_root != undef) and ($proxy != undef)) {
fail('Cannot define both directory and proxy in a virtual host')
# Use proxy or fastcgi template if $proxy is defined, otherwise use directory template.
if ($proxy != undef) {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_proxy.erb')
} elsif ($location_alias != undef) {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_alias.erb')
} elsif ($stub_status != undef) {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_stub_status.erb')
} elsif ($fastcgi != undef) {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_fastcgi.erb')
} elsif ($www_root != undef) {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_directory.erb')
} else {
$content_real = template('nginx/vhost/vhost_location_empty.erb')
if $fastcgi != undef and !defined(File['/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params']) {
file { '/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params':
ensure => present,
mode => '0770',
content => template('nginx/vhost/fastcgi_params.erb'),
## Create stubs for vHost File Fragment Pattern
if ($ssl_only != true) {
file {"${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${vhost}-${priority}-${name}":
ensure => $ensure_real,
content => $content_real,
## Only create SSL Specific locations if $ssl is true.
if ($ssl == true) {
$ssl_priority = $priority + 300
file {"${nginx::config::nx_temp_dir}/nginx.d/${vhost}-${ssl_priority}-${name}-ssl":
ensure => $ensure_real,
content => $content_real,
if ($auth_basic_user_file != undef) {
#Generate htpasswd with provided file-locations
file { "${nginx::params::nx_conf_dir}/${name}_htpasswd":
ensure => $ensure,
mode => '0644',
source => $auth_basic_user_file,