621 lines
24 KiB
621 lines
24 KiB
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'nginx::resource::location' do
let :title do
let :facts do
:osfamily => 'Debian',
:operatingsystem => 'debian',
let :pre_condition do
'include ::nginx::params',
'include ::nginx::config',
describe 'os-independent items' do
describe 'basic assumptions' do
let :params do {
:www_root => "/var/www/rspec",
:vhost => 'vhost1',
} end
it { should contain_class("nginx::params") }
it { should contain_class("nginx::config") }
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-rspec-test").with_content(/location rspec-test/) }
it { should_not contain_file('/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params') }
it { should_not contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-800-rspec-test-ssl") }
it { should_not contain_file("/etc/nginx/rspec-test_htpasswd") }
describe "vhost_location_proxy template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should contain ordered prepended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should set proxy_cache',
:attr => 'proxy_cache',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' proxy_cache value;',
:title => 'should not set proxy_cache',
:attr => 'proxy_cache',
:value => false,
:notmatch => /proxy_cache/
:title => 'should set proxy_method',
:attr => 'proxy_method',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' proxy_method value;',
:title => 'should set proxy_set_body',
:attr => 'proxy_set_body',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' proxy_set_body value;',
:title => 'should set proxy_pass',
:attr => 'proxy',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' proxy_pass value;',
:title => 'should set proxy_read_timeout',
:attr => 'proxy_read_timeout',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' proxy_read_timeout value;',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => ['test value 1a', 'test value 1b'], 'test2' => 'test value 2', 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1a;',
' test1 test value 1b;',
' test2 test value 2;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should contain rewrite rules',
:attr => 'rewrite_rules',
:value => [
'^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last',
'^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.ra last',
'^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1? last',
:match => [
' rewrite ^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last;',
' rewrite ^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.ra last;',
' rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1? last;',
:title => 'should not set rewrite_rules',
:attr => 'rewrite_rules',
:value => [],
:notmatch => /rewrite/
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :proxy => 'proxy_value', :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(item)
context "when proxy_cache_valid is 10m" do
let :params do {
:location => 'location',
:proxy => 'proxy_value',
:vhost => 'vhost1',
:proxy_cache => 'true',
:proxy_cache_valid => '10m',
} end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-location").with_content(/proxy_cache_valid 10m;/) }
describe "vhost_location_alias template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should contain ordered prepended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should set alias',
:attr => 'location_alias',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' alias value;',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :location_alias => 'location_alias_value', :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(item)
describe "vhost_location_stub_status template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should contain ordered prepended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :stub_status => true, :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(item)
describe "vhost_location_fastcgi template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should contain ordered prepended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should set www_root',
:attr => 'www_root',
:value => '/',
:match => ' root /;'
:title => 'should set fastcgi_split_path',
:attr => 'fastcgi_split_path',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' fastcgi_split_path_info value;'
:title => 'should set try_file(s)',
:attr => 'try_files',
:value => ['name1','name2'],
:match => ' try_files name1 name2;',
:title => 'should set fastcgi_params',
:attr => 'fastcgi_params',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' include value;'
:title => 'should set fastcgi_pass',
:attr => 'fastcgi',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' fastcgi_pass value;'
:title => 'should set fastcgi_param',
:attr => 'fastcgi_script',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME value;',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :fastcgi => 'localhost:9000', :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(/#{item}/)
describe "vhost_location_directory template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should set the allow directive',
:attr => 'location_allow',
:value => ['rule1','rule2'],
:match => [' allow rule1;', ' allow rule2;'],
:title => 'should set the deny directive',
:attr => 'location_deny',
:value => ['rule1','rule2'],
:match => [' deny rule1;', ' deny rule2;'],
:title => 'should contain ordered prepended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_prepend',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should set www_root',
:attr => 'www_root',
:value => '/',
:match => ' root /;'
:title => 'should set try_file(s)',
:attr => 'try_files',
:value => ['name1','name2'],
:match => ' try_files name1 name2;',
:title => 'should set index_file(s)',
:attr => 'index_files',
:value => ['name1','name2'],
:match => ' index name1 name2;',
:title => 'should set auth_basic',
:attr => 'auth_basic',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' auth_basic "value";',
:title => 'should set auth_basic_user_file',
:attr => 'auth_basic_user_file',
:value => 'value',
:match => ' auth_basic_user_file value;',
:title => 'should contain ordered appended directives',
:attr => 'location_cfg_append',
:value => { 'test1' => 'test value 1', 'test2' => ['test value 2a', 'test value 2b'], 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1;',
' test2 test value 2a;',
' test2 test value 2b;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
:title => 'should contain rewrite rules',
:attr => 'rewrite_rules',
:value => [
'^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last',
'^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.ra last',
'^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1? last',
:match => [
' rewrite ^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last;',
' rewrite ^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.ra last;',
' rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1? last;',
:title => 'should not set rewrite_rules',
:attr => 'rewrite_rules',
:value => [],
:notmatch => /rewrite/
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :www_root => '/var/www/root', :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(item)
describe "vhost_location_empty template content" do
:title => 'should set the location',
:attr => 'location',
:value => 'my_location',
:match => ' location my_location {',
:title => 'should contain ordered config directives',
:attr => 'location_custom_cfg',
:value => { 'test1' => ['test value 1a', 'test value 1b'], 'test2' => 'test value 2', 'allow' => 'test value 3',
'test4' => { 'subtest1' => ['"sub test value1a"', '"sub test value1b"'],
'subtest2' => '"sub test value2"' } },
:match => [
' allow test value 3;',
' test1 test value 1a;',
' test1 test value 1b;',
' test2 test value 2;',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1a";',
' test4 subtest1 "sub test value1b";',
' test4 subtest2 "sub test value2";',
].each do |param|
context "when #{param[:attr]} is #{param[:value]}" do
let :default_params do { :location => 'location', :location_custom_cfg => {'test1'=>'value1'}, :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
let :params do default_params.merge({ param[:attr].to_sym => param[:value] }) end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}") }
it param[:title] do
lines = subject.resource('concat::fragment', "vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").send(:parameters)[:content].split("\n")
(lines & Array(param[:match])).should == Array(param[:match])
Array(param[:notmatch]).each do |item|
should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-#{params[:location]}").without_content(item)
context 'attribute resources' do
context 'when fastcgi => "localhost:9000"' do
let :params do { :fastcgi => 'localhost:9000', :vhost => 'vhost1' } end
it { should contain_file('/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params').with_mode('0770') }
context 'when ssl_only => true' do
let :params do { :ssl_only => true, :vhost => 'vhost1', :www_root => '/', } end
it { should_not contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-rspec-test") }
context 'when ssl_only => false' do
let :params do { :ssl_only => false, :vhost => 'vhost1', :www_root => '/', } end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-500-rspec-test") }
context 'when ssl => true' do
let :params do { :ssl => true, :vhost => 'vhost1', :www_root => '/', } end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-800-rspec-test-ssl") }
context 'when ssl => false' do
let :params do { :ssl => false, :vhost => 'vhost1', :www_root => '/', } end
it { should_not contain_concat__fragment("vhost1-800-rspec-test-ssl") }
context 'when auth_basic_user_file => true' do
let :params do { :auth_basic_user_file => '/path/to/file', :vhost => 'vhost1', :www_root => '/', } end
it { should contain_file("/etc/nginx/rspec-test_htpasswd") }
context 'when ensure => absent' do
let :params do {
:www_root => '/',
:vhost => 'vhost1',
:ensure => 'absent',
:ssl => true,
:auth_basic_user_file => '/path/to/file',
} end
it { should contain_file("/etc/nginx/rspec-test_htpasswd").with_ensure('absent') }
context "vhost missing" do
let :params do {
:www_root => '/',
} end
it { expect { should contain_class('nginx::resource::location') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Cannot create a location reference without attaching to a virtual host/) }
context "location type missing" do
let :params do {
:vhost => 'vhost1',
} end
it { expect { should contain_class('nginx::resource::location') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Cannot create a location reference without a www_root, proxy, location_alias, fastcgi, stub_status, or location_custom_cfg defined/) }
context "www_root and proxy are set" do
let :params do {
:vhost => 'vhost1',
:www_root => '/',
:proxy => 'http://localhost:8000/uri/',
} end
it { expect { should contain_class('nginx::resource::location') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Cannot define both directory and proxy in a virtual host/) }
context 'when vhost name is sanitized' do
let :title do 'www.rspec-location.com' end
let :params do {
:vhost => 'www rspec-vhost com',
:www_root => '/',
:ssl => true,
} end
it { should contain_concat__fragment("www_rspec-vhost_com-500-www.rspec-location.com").with_target('/etc/nginx/sites-available/www_rspec-vhost_com.conf') }
it { should contain_concat__fragment("www_rspec-vhost_com-800-www.rspec-location.com-ssl").with_target('/etc/nginx/sites-available/www_rspec-vhost_com.conf') }