
James Fryman e248a70766 Create CONTRIBUTING.md 10 年之前
.travis 8e5c2ce278 Use librarian-puppet < 1.1.0 10 年之前
manifests d33b4e135d Change nx_conf_dir to config::conf_dir to make it possible to configure via parameter. 10 年之前
spec d33b4e135d Change nx_conf_dir to config::conf_dir to make it possible to configure via parameter. 10 年之前
templates 03094eabe5 Merge pull request #337 from rabbitt/master 10 年之前
tests acc093db32 Fixed lint errors 10 年之前
.fixtures.yml a65355ef53 Add specs using puppetlabs_spec_helper and librarian-puppet 11 年之前
.gitignore d4da8f8eff Use md5 for location concat filenames 10 年之前
.nodeset.yml a42f971fa6 remove SLES 11 from nodeset 10 年之前
.travis.yml 61dd9cd686 Deleted ruby 1.8.7 tests support 10 年之前
CONTRIBUTING.md e248a70766 Create CONTRIBUTING.md 10 年之前
Gemfile 8e5c2ce278 Use librarian-puppet < 1.1.0 10 年之前
LICENSE 3b036c95e5 20110524 Work Snapshot 13 年之前
Modulefile 52f80a86cb bump to 0.0.9 10 年之前
Puppetfile 2459844373 add puppetlabs-concat dependency 10 年之前
Puppetfile.lock 2459844373 add puppetlabs-concat dependency 10 年之前
README.markdown 0373c8492f typo fixes & trailing whitespace cleanup 10 年之前
Rakefile 52e6aa49c7 Add basic rspec-system tests. 10 年之前
composer.json 264f66faaa added original license to composer.json 11 年之前


NGINX Module

Build Status

James Fryman james@frymanet.com

This module manages NGINX configuration.

Quick Start


  • Puppet-2.7.0 or later
  • Ruby-1.9.3 or later (Support for Ruby-1.8.7 is not guaranteed. YMMV).

Install and bootstrap an NGINX instance

class { 'nginx': }

Setup a new virtual host

nginx::resource::vhost { 'www.puppetlabs.com':
  www_root => '/var/www/www.puppetlabs.com',

Add a Proxy Server

nginx::resource::upstream { 'puppet_rack_app':
  members => [

nginx::resource::vhost { 'rack.puppetlabs.com':
  proxy => 'http://puppet_rack_app',

Add a smtp proxy

class { 'nginx':
  mail => true,

nginx::resource::mailhost { 'domain1.example':
  auth_http   => 'server2.example/cgi-bin/auth',
  protocol    => 'smtp',
  listen_port => 587,
  ssl_port    => 465,
  starttls    => 'only',
  xclient     => 'off',
  ssl         => true,
  ssl_cert    => '/tmp/server.crt',
  ssl_key     => '/tmp/server.pem',

SSL configuration

By default, creating a vhost resource will only create a HTTP vhost. To also create a HTTPS (SSL-enabled) vhost, set ssl => true on the vhost. You will have a HTTP server listening on listen_port (port 80 by default) and a HTTPS server listening on ssl_port (port 443 by default). Both vhosts will have the same server_name and a similar configuration.

To create only a HTTPS vhost, set ssl => true and also set listen_port to the same value as ssl_port. Setting these to the same value disables the HTTP vhost. The resulting vhost will be listening on ssl_port.


Locations require specific settings depending on whether they should be included in the HTTP, HTTPS or both vhosts.

HTTP only vhost (default)

If you only have a HTTP vhost (i.e. ssl => false on the vhost) make sure you don't set ssl => true on any location you associate with the vhost.

HTTP and HTTPS vhost

If you set ssl => true and also set listen_port and ssl_port to different values on the vhost you will need to be specific with the location settings since you will have a HTTP vhost listening on listen_port and a HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port:

  • To add a location to only the HTTP server, set ssl => false on the location (this is the default).
  • To add a location to both the HTTP and HTTPS server, set ssl => true on the location, and ensure ssl_only => false (which is the default value for ssl_only).
  • To add a location only to the HTTPS server, set both ssl => true and ssl_only => true on the location.

HTTPS only vhost

If you have set ssl => true and also set listen_port and ssl_port to the same value on the vhost, you will have a single HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port. To add a location to this vhost set ssl => true and ssl_only => true on the location.

Hiera Support

Defining nginx resources in Hiera.

    ensure: present
      - localhost:3000
      - localhost:3001
      - localhost:3002
    www_root: '/var/www/www.puppetlabs.com'
    proxy: 'http://puppet_rack_app'
    location: '~ "^/static/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\/(.*)$"'
    vhost: www.puppetlabs.com
    location: /userContent
    vhost: www.puppetlabs.com
    www_root: /var/www/html
    auth_http: server2.example/cgi-bin/auth
    protocol: smtp
    listen_port: 587
    ssl_port: 465
    starttls: only

Nginx with precompiled Passenger

Currently this works only for Debian family.

class { 'nginx':
  package_source  => 'passenger',
  http_cfg_append => {
    'passenger_root' => '/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini',

Package source passenger will add Phusion Passenger repository to APT sources. For each virtual host you should specify which ruby should be used.

nginx::resource::vhost { 'www.puppetlabs.com':
  www_root         => '/var/www/www.puppetlabs.com',
  vhost_cfg_append => {
    'passenger_enabled' => 'on',
    'passenger_ruby'    => '/usr/bin/ruby',

Puppet master served by Nginx and Passenger

Virtual host config for serving puppet master:

nginx::resource::vhost { 'puppet':
  ensure               => present,
  server_name          => ['puppet'],
  listen_port          => 8140,
  ssl                  => true,
  ssl_cert             => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/example.com.pem',
  ssl_key              => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/example.com.pem',
  ssl_port             => 8140,
  vhost_cfg_append     => {
    'passenger_enabled'      => 'on',
    'passenger_ruby'         => '/usr/bin/ruby',
    'ssl_crl'                => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem',
    'ssl_client_certificate' => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
    'ssl_verify_client'      => 'optional',
    'ssl_verify_depth'       => 1,
  www_root             => '/etc/puppet/rack/public',
  use_default_location => false,
  access_log           => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_access.log',
  error_log            => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_error.log',
  passenger_cgi_param  => {
    'HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN'     => '$ssl_client_s_dn',
    'HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY' => '$ssl_client_verify',

Example puppet class calling nginx::vhost with HTTPS FastCGI and redirection of HTTP

$full_web_path = '/var/www'

define web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect (
  $backend_port         = 9000,
  $php                  = true,
  $proxy                = undef,
  $www_root             = "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
  $location_cfg_append  = undef,
) {
  nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain}":
    ensure              => present,
    www_root            => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
    location_cfg_append => { 'rewrite' => '^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent' },

  if !$www_root {
    $tmp_www_root = undef
  } else {
    $tmp_www_root = $www_root

  nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain} ${name}":
    ensure                => present,
    listen_port           => 443,
    www_root              => $tmp_www_root,
    proxy                 => $proxy,
    location_cfg_append   => $location_cfg_append,
    index_files           => [ 'index.php' ],
    ssl                   => true,
    ssl_cert              => 'puppet:///modules/sslkey/wildcard_mydomain.crt',
    ssl_key               => 'puppet:///modules/sslkey/wildcard_mydomain.key',

  if $php {
    nginx::resource::location { "${name}_root":
      ensure          => present,
      ssl             => true,
      ssl_only        => true,
      vhost           => "${name}.${::domain} ${name}",
      www_root        => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
      location        => '~ \.php$',
      index_files     => ['index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm'],
      proxy           => undef,
      fastcgi         => "${backend_port}",
      fastcgi_script  => undef,
      location_cfg_append => {
        fastcgi_connect_timeout => '3m',
        fastcgi_read_timeout    => '3m',
        fastcgi_send_timeout    => '3m'

Call class web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect

web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect { 'sub-domain-name':
    backend_port => 9001,