# # == Class: postfix # # This class provides a basic setup of postfix with local and remote # delivery and an SMTP server listening on the loopback interface. # # Parameters: # - *$postfix_ng_smtp_listen*: address on which the smtp service will listen to. defaults to # - *$root_mail_recipient*: who will recieve root's emails. defaults to "nobody" # # Example usage: # # node "toto.example.com" { # $postfix_ng_smtp_listen = "" # include postfix # } # class postfix { # selinux labels differ from one distribution to another case $operatingsystem { RedHat: { case $lsbmajdistrelease { "4": { $postfix_seltype = "etc_t" } "5": { $postfix_seltype = "postfix_etc_t" } default: { $postfix_seltype = undef } } } default: { $postfix_seltype = undef } } # Default value for various options case $postfix_smtp_listen { "": { $postfix_smtp_listen = "" } } case $root_mail_recipient { "": { $root_mail_recipient = "nobody" } } package { ["postfix", "mailx"]: ensure => installed } service { "postfix": ensure => running, require => Package["postfix"], } file { "/etc/mailname": ensure => present, content => "${fqdn}\n", seltype => $postfix_seltype, } # Aliases file { "/etc/aliases": ensure => present, content => "# file managed by puppet\n", replace => false, seltype => $postfix_seltype, notify => Exec["newaliases"], } # Aliases exec { "newaliases": command => "/usr/bin/newaliases", refreshonly => true, require => Package["postfix"], subscribe => File["/etc/aliases"], } # Config files file { "/etc/postfix/master.cf": ensure => present, owner => "root", mode => "0644", content => $operatingsystem ? { Redhat => template("postfix/master.cf.redhat5.erb"), Debian => template("postfix/master.cf.debian-etch.erb"), }, seltype => $postfix_seltype, notify => Service["postfix"], require => Package["postfix"], } # Config files file { "/etc/postfix/main.cf": ensure => present, owner => "root", mode => "0644", source => "puppet:///postfix/main.cf", replace => false, seltype => $postfix_seltype, notify => Service["postfix"], require => Package["postfix"], } # Default configuration parameters postfix::config { "myorigin": value => "${fqdn}"; "alias_maps": value => "hash:/etc/aliases"; "inet_interfaces": value => "all"; } case $operatingsystem { RedHat: { postfix::config { "sendmail_path": value => "/usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix"; "newaliases_path": value => "/usr/bin/newaliases.postfix"; "mailq_path": value => "/usr/bin/mailq.postfix"; } } } mailalias {"root": recipient => $root_mail_recipient, notify => Exec["newaliases"], } }