To take advantage of puppet's autoloading feature, which will be mandatory sooner or later. We move all the files in their appropriate place.
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# == Class: postfix::tlspolicy
# Manages Postfix TLS policy by merging policy snippets shipped:
# - in the module's files/tls_policy.d/ or puppet:///files/etc/postfix/tls_policy.d
# (the latter takes precedence if present); site-postfix module is supported
# as well, see the source argument of file {"$postfix_tlspolicy_snippets_dir"
# bellow for details.
# - via postfix::tlspolicy_snippet defines
# Parameters:
# - $postfix_tls_fingerprint_digest (defaults to sha1)
# Example usage:
# node "toto.example.com" {
# $postfix_manage_tls_policy = yes
# include postfix
# }
class postfix::tlspolicy {
# Default value for parameters
case $postfix_tls_fingerprint_digest {
"": { $postfix_tls_fingerprint_digest = 'sha1' }
include common::moduledir
module_dir{'postfix/tls_policy': }
$postfix_tlspolicy_dir = "${common::moduledir::module_dir_path}/postfix/tls_policy"
$postfix_tlspolicy_snippets_dir = "${postfix_tlspolicy_dir}/tls_policy.d"
$postfix_merged_tlspolicy = "${postfix_tlspolicy_dir}/merged_tls_policy"
file {"$postfix_tlspolicy_snippets_dir":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => '0',
mode => '700',
source => [
recurse => true,
purge => false,
concatenated_file { "$postfix_merged_tlspolicy":
dir => "${postfix_tlspolicy_snippets_dir}",
require => File["$postfix_tlspolicy_snippets_dir"],
postfix::hash { '/etc/postfix/tls_policy':
source => "$postfix_merged_tlspolicy",
subscribe => File["$postfix_merged_tlspolicy"],
postfix::config {
'smtp_tls_fingerprint_digest': value => "$postfix_tls_fingerprint_digest";
postfix::config { 'smtp_tls_policy_maps':
value => 'hash:/etc/postfix/tls_policy',
require => [