mh 77578b93bd put classes and defines in the proper place
To take advantage of puppet's autoloading feature, which will be
mandatory sooner or later. We move all the files in their appropriate
2012-02-16 16:51:56 +01:00

49 lines
1.3 KiB

== Definition: postfix::config
Uses the "postconf" command to add/alter/remove options in postfix main
configuation file (/etc/postfix/
- *name*: name of the parameter.
- *ensure*: present/absent. defaults to present.
- *value*: value of the parameter.
- *nonstandard*: inform postfix::config that this parameter is not recognized
by the "postconf" command. defaults to false.
- Class["postfix"]
Example usage:
node "" {
include postfix
postfix::config {
"smtp_use_tls" => "yes";
"smtp_sasl_auth_enable" => "yes";
"smtp_sasl_password_maps" => "hash:/etc/postfix/my_sasl_passwords";
"relayhost" => "[]:587";
define postfix::config ($ensure = present, $value, $nonstandard = false) {
case $ensure {
present: {
exec {"postconf -e ${name}='${value}'":
unless => $nonstandard ? {
false => "test \"x$(postconf -h ${name})\" = 'x${value}'",
true => "test \"x$(egrep '^${name} ' /etc/postfix/ | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2)\" = 'x${value}'",
notify => Service["postfix"],
require => File["/etc/postfix/"],
absent: {
fail "postfix::config ensure => absent: Not implemented"