mh 77578b93bd put classes and defines in the proper place
To take advantage of puppet's autoloading feature, which will be
mandatory sooner or later. We move all the files in their appropriate
2012-02-16 16:51:56 +01:00

178 lines
4.3 KiB

# == Class: postfix
# This class provides a basic setup of postfix with local and remote
# delivery and an SMTP server listening on the loopback interface.
# Parameters:
# - *$postfix_smtp_listen*: address on which the smtp service will listen to. defaults to
# - *$root_mail_recipient*: who will recieve root's emails. defaults to "nobody"
# Example usage:
# node "" {
# $postfix_smtp_listen = ""
# include postfix
# }
class postfix {
# selinux labels differ from one distribution to another
case $operatingsystem {
RedHat, CentOS: {
case $lsbmajdistrelease {
"4": { $postfix_seltype = "etc_t" }
"5": { $postfix_seltype = "postfix_etc_t" }
default: { $postfix_seltype = undef }
default: {
$postfix_seltype = undef
# Default value for various options
case $postfix_smtp_listen {
"": { $postfix_smtp_listen = "" }
case $root_mail_recipient {
"": { $root_mail_recipient = "nobody" }
case $postfix_anon_sasl {
"": { $postfix_anon_sasl = "no" }
case $postfix_manage_header_checks {
"": { $postfix_manage_header_checks = "no" }
case $postfix_manage_tls_policy {
"": { $postfix_manage_tls_policy = "no" }
case $postfix_use_amavisd {
"": { $postfix_use_amavisd = "no" }
case $postfix_use_dovecot_lda {
"": { $postfix_use_dovecot_lda = "no" }
case $postfix_use_schleuder {
"": { $postfix_use_schleuder = "no" }
case $postfix_use_sympa {
"": { $postfix_use_sympa = "no" }
case $postfix_mastercf_tail {
"": { $postfix_mastercf_tail = "" }
case $postfix_inet_interfaces {
"": { $postfix_inet_interfaces = 'all' }
case $postfix_myorigin {
"": { $postfix_myorigin = $fqdn }
# Bootstrap moduledir
include common::moduledir
module_dir{'postfix': }
# Include optional classes
if $postfix_anon_sasl == 'yes' {
include postfix::anonsasl
if $postfix_manage_header_checks == 'yes' {
include postfix::header_checks
if $postfix_manage_tls_policy == 'yes' {
include postfix::tlspolicy
if $postfix_use_amavisd == 'yes' {
include postfix::amavis
package { ["postfix", "mailx"]:
ensure => installed
if $operatingsystem == 'debian' {
Package[mailx] { name => 'bsd-mailx' }
service { "postfix":
ensure => running,
require => Package["postfix"],
file { "/etc/mailname":
ensure => present,
content => "${fqdn}\n",
seltype => $postfix_seltype,
# Aliases
file { "/etc/aliases":
ensure => present,
content => "# file managed by puppet\n",
replace => false,
seltype => $postfix_seltype,
notify => Exec["newaliases"],
# Aliases
exec { "newaliases":
command => "/usr/bin/newaliases",
refreshonly => true,
require => Package["postfix"],
subscribe => File["/etc/aliases"],
# Config files
file { "/etc/postfix/":
ensure => present,
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "0644",
content => $operatingsystem ? {
Redhat => template("postfix/"),
CentOS => template("postfix/"),
Debian => template("postfix/$lsbdistcodename.erb"),
Ubuntu => template("postfix/"),
seltype => $postfix_seltype,
notify => Service["postfix"],
require => Package["postfix"],
# Config files
file { "/etc/postfix/":
ensure => present,
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "0644",
source => "puppet:///modules/postfix/",
replace => false,
seltype => $postfix_seltype,
notify => Service["postfix"],
require => Package["postfix"],
# Default configuration parameters
postfix::config {
"myorigin": value => "${postfix_myorigin}";
"alias_maps": value => "hash:/etc/aliases";
"inet_interfaces": value => "${postfix_inet_interfaces}";
case $operatingsystem {
RedHat, CentOS: {
postfix::config {
"sendmail_path": value => "/usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix";
"newaliases_path": value => "/usr/bin/newaliases.postfix";
"mailq_path": value => "/usr/bin/mailq.postfix";
postfix::mailalias {"root":
recipient => $root_mail_recipient,