2012-12-03 00:28:25 +01:00
def apply_common_vagrant_config(config)
# Resolve DNS via NAT
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
2013-01-11 22:52:30 +01:00
# Share the various required modules
# TODO: it would be better to install this via the puppet module tool
2013-02-03 18:25:53 +01:00
config.vm.share_folder "puppetlabs-stdlib-module", "/usr/share/puppet/modules/stdlib", "../../../../../puppetlabs-stdlib"
config.vm.share_folder "puppetlabs-apt-module", "/usr/share/puppet/modules/apt", "../../../../../puppetlabs-apt"
2012-12-03 00:28:25 +01:00
# Share the postgressql module
2013-02-03 18:25:53 +01:00
config.vm.share_folder "puppet-postgresql-module", "/usr/share/puppet/modules/postgresql", "../../../.."
2012-12-03 00:28:25 +01:00
# Share the module of test classes
2012-12-03 05:47:04 +01:00
config.vm.share_folder "puppet-postgresql-tests", "/usr/share/puppet/modules/postgresql_tests", "../../test_module"
2012-12-03 00:28:25 +01:00
# Provision with a base puppet config just so we don't have to repeat the puppet user/group
config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
puppet.manifests_path = "../../"
puppet.manifest_file = "base.pp"