Remove the ensure => absent uninstall code.
This is likely to be a controversial change so I wanted to put some explanation of our reasoning into the commit message. This gets kind of complex so I'll start with the problem and then the reasoning. Problem: We rely heavily on the ability to uninstall and reinstall postgres throughout our testing code, testing features like "can I move from the distribution packages to the upstream packages through the module" and over time we've learnt that the uninstall code simply doesn't work a lot of the time. It leaves traces of postgres behind or fails to remove certain packages on Ubuntu, and generally causes bits to be left on your system that you didn't expect. When we then reinstall things fail because it's not a true clean slate, and this causes us enormous problems during test. We've spent weeks and months working on these tests and they simply don't hold up well across the full range of PE platforms. Reasoning: Due to all these problems we've decided to take a stance on uninstalling in general. We feel that in 2014 it's completely reasonable and normal to have a good provisioning pipeline combined with your configuration management and the "correct" way to uninstall a fully installed service like postgresql is to simply reprovision the server without it in the first place. As a general rule this is how I personally like to work and I think is a good practice. WAIT A MINUTE: We understand that there are environments and situations in which it's not easy to do that. What if you accidently deployed Postgres on 100,000 nodes? When this work is finished I'm going to take a look at building some example 'profiles' to be found under examples/ within this module that can uninstall postgres on popular platforms. These can be modified and used in your specific case to uninstall postgresql. They will be much more brute force and reliant on deleting entire directories and require you to do more work up front in specifying where things are installed but we think it'll prove to be a much cleaner mechanism for this kind of thing rather than trying to weave it into the main module logic itself.
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 231 additions and 417 deletions
@ -380,9 +380,6 @@ If `true` this will setup the official PostgreSQL repositories on your host. Def
###Class: postgresql::server
The following list are options that you can set in the `config_hash` parameter of `postgresql::server`.
This value default to `present`. When set to `absent` it will remove all packages, configuration and data so use this with extreme caution.
This value defaults to `undef`, meaning the super user account in the postgres database is a user called `postgres` and this account does not have a password. If you provide this setting, the module will set the password for the `postgres` user to your specified value.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Install client cli tool. See for more details.
class postgresql::client (
$file_ensure = 'file',
$package_name = $postgresql::params::client_package_name,
$package_ensure = 'present'
) inherits postgresql::params {
@ -11,19 +12,12 @@ class postgresql::client (
tag => 'postgresql',
$file_ensure = $package_ensure ? {
'present' => 'file',
true => 'file',
'absent' => 'absent',
false => 'absent',
default => 'file',
file { "/usr/local/bin/":
file { '/usr/local/bin/':
ensure => $file_ensure,
source => "puppet:///modules/postgresql/",
source => 'puppet:///modules/postgresql/',
owner => 0,
group => 0,
mode => 0755,
mode => '0755',
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
# Class for setting cross-class global overrides. See for more
# details.
class postgresql::globals (
$ensure = undef,
$client_package_name = undef,
$server_package_name = undef,
$contrib_package_name = undef,
@ -108,7 +106,6 @@ class postgresql::globals (
# Workaround the lack of RHEL7 repositories for now.
if ! ($::operatingsystem == 'RedHat' and $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^7/) {
class { 'postgresql::repo':
ensure => $ensure,
version => $globals_version
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not use directly
class postgresql::params inherits postgresql::globals {
$ensure = present
$version = $globals_version
$postgis_version = $globals_postgis_version
$listen_addresses = 'localhost'
@ -11,10 +10,12 @@ class postgresql::params inherits postgresql::globals {
$ipv6acls = []
$encoding = $encoding
$locale = $locale
$service_ensure = undef
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enable = true
$service_provider = $service_provider
$manage_firewall = $manage_firewall
$manage_pg_hba_conf = pick($manage_pg_hba_conf, true)
$package_ensure = 'present'
# Amazon Linux's OS Family is 'Linux', operating system 'Amazon'.
case $::osfamily {
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not use directly
class postgresql::repo (
$ensure = $postgresql::params::ensure,
$version = undef
) inherits postgresql::params {
case $::osfamily {
@ -1,31 +1,22 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not use directly
class postgresql::repo::apt_postgresql_org inherits postgresql::repo {
include ::apt
if($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
# Here we have tried to replicate the instructions on the PostgreSQL site:
apt::pin { '':
originator => '',
priority => 500,
apt::source { '':
location => '',
release => "${::lsbdistcodename}-pgdg",
repos => "main ${version}",
key => 'ACCC4CF8',
key_source => '',
include_src => false,
Apt::Source['']->Package<|tag == 'postgresql'|>
} else {
apt::source { '':
ensure => absent,
apt::pin { '':
ensure => absent,
# Here we have tried to replicate the instructions on the PostgreSQL site:
apt::pin { '':
originator => '',
priority => 500,
apt::source { '':
location => '',
release => "${::lsbdistcodename}-pgdg",
repos => "main ${version}",
key => 'ACCC4CF8',
key_source => '',
include_src => false,
Apt::Source['']->Package<|tag == 'postgresql'|>
@ -4,35 +4,26 @@ class postgresql::repo::yum_postgresql_org inherits postgresql::repo {
$package_version = "${version_parts[0]}${version_parts[1]}"
$gpg_key_path = "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-${package_version}"
if ($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
file { $gpg_key_path:
source => 'puppet:///modules/postgresql/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG',
before => Yumrepo['']
if($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora') {
$label1 = 'fedora'
$label2 = $label1
} else {
$label1 = 'redhat'
$label2 = 'rhel'
yumrepo { '':
descr => "PostgreSQL ${version} \$releasever - \$basearch",
baseurl => "${version}/${label1}/${label2}-\$releasever-\$basearch",
enabled => 1,
gpgcheck => 1,
gpgkey => "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-${package_version}",
Yumrepo[''] -> Package<|tag == 'postgresql'|>
} else {
yumrepo { '':
enabled => absent,
file { $gpg_key_path:
ensure => absent,
file { $gpg_key_path:
source => 'puppet:///modules/postgresql/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG',
before => Yumrepo['']
if($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora') {
$label1 = 'fedora'
$label2 = $label1
} else {
$label1 = 'redhat'
$label2 = 'rhel'
yumrepo { '':
descr => "PostgreSQL ${version} \$releasever - \$basearch",
baseurl => "${version}/${label1}/${label2}-\$releasever-\$basearch",
enabled => 1,
gpgcheck => 1,
gpgkey => "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG-${package_version}",
Yumrepo[''] -> Package<|tag == 'postgresql'|>
@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
# This installs a PostgreSQL server. See for more details.
class postgresql::server (
$ensure = $postgresql::params::ensure,
$postgres_password = undef,
$package_name = $postgresql::params::server_package_name,
$client_package_name = $postgresql::params::client_package_name,
$package_ensure = $ensure,
$package_ensure = $postgresql::params::package_ensure,
$plperl_package_name = $postgresql::params::plperl_package_name,
$service_ensure = $postgresql::params::service_ensure,
$service_enable = $postgresql::params::service_enable,
$service_name = $postgresql::params::service_name,
$service_provider = $postgresql::params::service_provider,
$service_status = $postgresql::params::service_status,
@ -58,26 +57,15 @@ class postgresql::server (
$_version = $version
if ($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
# Reload has its own ordering, specified by other defines
class { "${pg}::reload": require => Class["${pg}::install"] }
# Reload has its own ordering, specified by other defines
class { "${pg}::reload": require => Class["${pg}::install"] }
anchor { "${pg}::start": }->
class { "${pg}::install": }->
class { "${pg}::initdb": }->
class { "${pg}::config": }->
class { "${pg}::service": }->
class { "${pg}::passwd": }->
class { "${pg}::firewall": }->
anchor { "${pg}::end": }
} else {
anchor { "${pg}::start": }->
class { "${pg}::firewall": }->
class { "${pg}::passwd": }->
class { "${pg}::service": }->
class { "${pg}::install": }->
class { "${pg}::initdb": }->
class { "${pg}::config": }->
anchor { "${pg}::end": }
anchor { "${pg}::start": }->
class { "${pg}::install": }->
class { "${pg}::initdb": }->
class { "${pg}::config": }->
class { "${pg}::service": }->
class { "${pg}::passwd": }->
class { "${pg}::firewall": }->
anchor { "${pg}::end": }
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::config {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$ip_mask_deny_postgres_user = $postgresql::server::ip_mask_deny_postgres_user
$ip_mask_allow_all_users = $postgresql::server::ip_mask_allow_all_users
$listen_addresses = $postgresql::server::listen_addresses
@ -15,107 +14,97 @@ class postgresql::server::config {
$version = $postgresql::server::version
$manage_pg_hba_conf = $postgresql::server::manage_pg_hba_conf
if ($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
if ($manage_pg_hba_conf == true) {
# Prepare the main pg_hba file
concat { $pg_hba_conf_path:
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0640',
warn => true,
notify => Class['postgresql::server::reload'],
if ($manage_pg_hba_conf == true) {
# Prepare the main pg_hba file
concat { $pg_hba_conf_path:
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0640',
warn => true,
notify => Class['postgresql::server::reload'],
if $pg_hba_conf_defaults {
Postgresql::Server::Pg_hba_rule {
database => 'all',
user => 'all',
if $pg_hba_conf_defaults {
Postgresql::Server::Pg_hba_rule {
database => 'all',
user => 'all',
# Lets setup the base rules
$local_auth_option = $version ? {
'8.1' => 'sameuser',
default => undef,
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access as postgres user':
type => 'local',
user => $user,
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '001',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access to database with same name':
type => 'local',
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '002',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow localhost TCP access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '003',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'deny access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => $ip_mask_deny_postgres_user,
auth_method => 'reject',
order => '004',
# ipv4acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv4acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv4acls,
'ipv4acls', 10)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv4acl_resources)
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to all users':
type => 'host',
address => $ip_mask_allow_all_users,
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '100',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to ipv6 localhost':
type => 'host',
address => '::1/128',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '101',
# ipv6acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv6acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv6acls,
'ipv6acls', 102)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv6acl_resources)
# Lets setup the base rules
$local_auth_option = $version ? {
'8.1' => 'sameuser',
default => undef,
# We must set a "listen_addresses" line in the postgresql.conf if we
# want to allow any connections from remote hosts.
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'listen_addresses':
value => $listen_addresses,
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'port':
value => "${port}",
# RedHat-based systems hardcode some PG* variables in the init script, and need to be overriden
# in /etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql. Create a blank file so we can manage it with augeas later.
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') and ($::operatingsystemrelease !~ /^7/) {
file { '/etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql':
ensure => present,
replace => false,
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access as postgres user':
type => 'local',
user => $user,
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '001',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access to database with same name':
type => 'local',
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '002',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow localhost TCP access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '003',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'deny access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => $ip_mask_deny_postgres_user,
auth_method => 'reject',
order => '004',
# ipv4acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv4acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv4acls,
'ipv4acls', 10)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv4acl_resources)
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to all users':
type => 'host',
address => $ip_mask_allow_all_users,
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '100',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to ipv6 localhost':
type => 'host',
address => '::1/128',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '101',
# ipv6acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv6acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv6acls,
'ipv6acls', 102)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv6acl_resources)
} else {
file { $pg_hba_conf_path:
ensure => absent,
file { $postgresql_conf_path:
ensure => absent,
# We must set a "listen_addresses" line in the postgresql.conf if we
# want to allow any connections from remote hosts.
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'listen_addresses':
value => $listen_addresses,
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'port':
value => $port,
# RedHat-based systems hardcode some PG* variables in the init script, and need to be overriden
# in /etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql. Create a blank file so we can manage it with augeas later.
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') and ($::operatingsystemrelease !~ /^7/) {
file { '/etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql':
ensure => present,
replace => false,
@ -11,17 +11,9 @@ class postgresql::server::contrib (
tag => 'postgresql',
if($package_ensure == 'present' or $package_ensure == true) {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::end': }
} else {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::end': }
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::contrib::end': }
@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not use directly
class postgresql::server::firewall {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$manage_firewall = $postgresql::server::manage_firewall
$firewall_supported = $postgresql::server::firewall_supported
$port = $postgresql::server::port
if ($manage_firewall and $firewall_supported) {
if ($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
firewall { "$port accept - postgres":
port => $port,
proto => 'tcp',
action => 'accept',
} else {
firewall { "$port accept - postgres":
ensure => absent,
firewall { "${port} accept - postgres":
port => $port,
proto => 'tcp',
action => 'accept',
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::initdb {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$needs_initdb = $postgresql::server::needs_initdb
$initdb_path = $postgresql::server::initdb_path
$datadir = $postgresql::server::datadir
@ -10,67 +9,49 @@ class postgresql::server::initdb {
$group = $postgresql::server::group
$user = $postgresql::server::user
if($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
# Make sure the data directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $datadir:
# Make sure the data directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $datadir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0700',
if($xlogdir) {
# Make sure the xlog directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $xlogdir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0700',
if($xlogdir) {
# Make sure the xlog directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $xlogdir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0700',
if($needs_initdb) {
# Build up the initdb command.
# We optionally add the locale switch if specified. Older versions of the
# initdb command don't accept this switch. So if the user didn't pass the
# parameter, lets not pass the switch at all.
$ic_base = "${initdb_path} --encoding '${encoding}' --pgdata '${datadir}'"
$ic_xlog = $xlogdir ? {
undef => $ic_base,
default => "${ic_base} --xlogdir '${xlogdir}'"
$initdb_command = $locale ? {
undef => $ic_xlog,
default => "${ic_xlog} --locale '${locale}'"
if($needs_initdb) {
# Build up the initdb command.
# We optionally add the locale switch if specified. Older versions of the
# initdb command don't accept this switch. So if the user didn't pass the
# parameter, lets not pass the switch at all.
$ic_base = "${initdb_path} --encoding '${encoding}' --pgdata '${datadir}'"
$ic_xlog = $xlogdir ? {
undef => $ic_base,
default => "${ic_base} --xlogdir '${xlogdir}'"
$initdb_command = $locale ? {
undef => $ic_xlog,
default => "${ic_xlog} --locale '${locale}'"
# This runs the initdb command, we use the existance of the PG_VERSION
# file to ensure we don't keep running this command.
exec { 'postgresql_initdb':
command => $initdb_command,
creates => "${datadir}/PG_VERSION",
user => $user,
group => $group,
logoutput => on_failure,
require => File[$datadir],
} else {
# Purge data directory if ensure => absent
file { $datadir:
ensure => absent,
recurse => true,
force => true,
if($xlogdir) {
# Make sure the xlog directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $xlogdir:
ensure => absent,
recurse => true,
force => true,
# This runs the initdb command, we use the existance of the PG_VERSION
# file to ensure we don't keep running this command.
exec { 'postgresql_initdb':
command => $initdb_command,
creates => "${datadir}/PG_VERSION",
user => $user,
group => $group,
logoutput => on_failure,
require => File[$datadir],
@ -4,32 +4,6 @@ class postgresql::server::install {
$package_name = $postgresql::server::package_name
$client_package_name = $postgresql::server::client_package_name
# This is necessary to ensure that the extra client package that was
# installed automatically by the server package is removed and all
# of its dependencies are removed also. Without this later installation
# of the native Ubuntu packages will fail.
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $package_ensure == 'absent') {
# This is an exec, because we want to invoke autoremove.
# An alternative would be to have a full list of packages, but that seemed
# more problematic to maintain, not to mention the conflict with the
# client class will create duplicate resources.
exec { 'apt-get-autoremove-postgresql-client-XX':
command => "apt-get autoremove --purge --yes ${client_package_name}",
onlyif => "dpkg -l ${client_package_name} | grep -e '^ii'",
logoutput => on_failure,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/:/sbin',
# This will clean up anything we miss
exec { 'apt-get-autoremove-postgresql-client-brute':
command => 'dpkg -P postgresql*',
onlyif => "dpkg -l postgresql* | grep -e '^ii'",
logoutput => on_failure,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin/:/sbin',
$_package_ensure = $package_ensure ? {
true => 'present',
false => 'purged',
@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::passwd {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$postgres_password = $postgresql::server::postgres_password
$user = $postgresql::server::user
$group = $postgresql::server::group
$psql_path = $postgresql::server::psql_path
if($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
if ($postgres_password != undef) {
# NOTE: this password-setting logic relies on the pg_hba.conf being
# configured to allow the postgres system user to connect via psql
# without specifying a password ('ident' or 'trust' security). This is
# the default for pg_hba.conf.
$escaped = postgresql_escape($postgres_password)
$env = "env PGPASSWORD='${postgres_password}'"
exec { 'set_postgres_postgrespw':
# This command works w/no password because we run it as postgres system
# user
command => "${psql_path} -c 'ALTER ROLE \"${user}\" PASSWORD ${escaped}'",
user => $user,
group => $group,
logoutput => true,
cwd => '/tmp',
# With this command we're passing -h to force TCP authentication, which
# does require a password. We specify the password via the PGPASSWORD
# environment variable. If the password is correct (current), this
# command will exit with an exit code of 0, which will prevent the main
# command from running.
unless => "${env} ${psql_path} -h localhost -c 'select 1' > /dev/null",
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin',
if ($postgres_password != undef) {
# NOTE: this password-setting logic relies on the pg_hba.conf being
# configured to allow the postgres system user to connect via psql
# without specifying a password ('ident' or 'trust' security). This is
# the default for pg_hba.conf.
$escaped = postgresql_escape($postgres_password)
$env = "env PGPASSWORD='${postgres_password}'"
exec { 'set_postgres_postgrespw':
# This command works w/no password because we run it as postgres system
# user
command => "${psql_path} -c 'ALTER ROLE \"${user}\" PASSWORD ${escaped}'",
user => $user,
group => $group,
logoutput => true,
cwd => '/tmp',
# With this command we're passing -h to force TCP authentication, which
# does require a password. We specify the password via the PGPASSWORD
# environment variable. If the password is correct (current), this
# command will exit with an exit code of 0, which will prevent the main
# command from running.
unless => "${env} ${psql_path} -h localhost -c 'select 1' > /dev/null",
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin',
@ -10,18 +10,10 @@ class postgresql::server::plperl(
tag => 'postgresql',
if($package_ensure == 'present' or $package_ensure == true) {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::end': }
} else {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::end': }
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::plperl::end': }
@ -11,22 +11,14 @@ class postgresql::server::postgis (
tag => 'postgresql',
if($package_ensure == 'present' or $package_ensure == true) {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::end': }
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::end': }
if $postgresql::globals::manage_package_repo {
Class['postgresql::repo'] ->
} else {
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::start': }->
anchor { 'postgresql::server::postgis::end': }
if $postgresql::globals::manage_package_repo {
Class['postgresql::repo'] ->
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not use directly
class postgresql::server::reload {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$service_name = $postgresql::server::service_name
$service_status = $postgresql::server::service_status
if($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
exec { 'postgresql_reload':
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin',
command => "service ${service_name} reload",
onlyif => $service_status,
refreshonly => true,
require => Class['postgresql::server::service'],
exec { 'postgresql_reload':
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin',
command => "service ${service_name} reload",
onlyif => $service_status,
refreshonly => true,
require => Class['postgresql::server::service'],
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::service {
$ensure = $postgresql::server::ensure
$service_ensure = $postgresql::server::service_ensure
$service_enable = $postgresql::server::service_enable
$service_name = $postgresql::server::service_name
$service_provider = $postgresql::server::service_provider
$service_status = $postgresql::server::service_status
@ -9,34 +9,18 @@ class postgresql::server::service {
$port = $postgresql::server::port
$default_database = $postgresql::server::default_database
if $service_ensure {
$real_service_ensure = $service_ensure
} else {
$real_service_ensure = $ensure ? {
present => 'running',
absent => 'stopped',
default => $ensure
$service_enable = $ensure ? {
present => true,
absent => false,
default => $ensure
anchor { 'postgresql::server::service::begin': }
service { 'postgresqld':
ensure => $real_service_ensure,
name => $service_name,
ensure => $service_ensure,
enable => $service_enable,
name => $service_name,
provider => $service_provider,
hasstatus => true,
status => $service_status,
if $real_service_ensure == 'running' {
if $service_ensure == 'running' {
# This blocks the class before continuing if chained correctly, making
# sure the service really is 'up' before continuing.
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ describe 'postgresql::server', :type => :class do
let(:params) do
:manage_firewall => true,
:ensure => true,
@ -52,40 +51,6 @@ describe 'postgresql::server', :type => :class do
describe 'ensure => absent' do
let(:params) do
:ensure => 'absent',
:datadir => '/my/path',
:xlogdir => '/xlog/path',
it 'should make package purged' do
|||| contain_package('postgresql-server').with({
:ensure => 'purged',
it 'stop the service' do
|||| contain_service('postgresqld').with({
:ensure => 'stopped',
it 'should remove datadir' do
|||| contain_file('/my/path').with({
:ensure => 'absent',
it 'should remove xlogdir' do
|||| contain_file('/xlog/path').with({
:ensure => 'absent',
describe 'package_ensure => absent' do
let(:params) do
Reference in a new issue