# Class: postgresql::config::beforeservice # # Parameters: # # [*ip_mask_deny_postgres_user*] - ip mask for denying remote access for postgres user; defaults to '', # meaning that all TCP access for postgres user is denied. # [*ip_mask_allow_all_users*] - ip mask for allowing remote access for other users (besides postgres); # defaults to '', meaning only allow connections from localhost # [*listen_addresses*] - what IP address(es) to listen on; comma-separated list of addresses; defaults to # 'localhost', '*' = all # [*ipv4acls*] - list of strings for access control for connection method, users, databases, IPv4 # addresses; see postgresql documentation about pg_hba.conf for information # [*ipv6acls*] - list of strings for access control for connection method, users, databases, IPv6 # addresses; see postgresql documentation about pg_hba.conf for information # [*pg_hba_conf_path*] - path to pg_hba.conf file # [*postgresql_conf_path*] - path to postgresql.conf file # [*manage_redhat_firewall*] - boolean indicating whether or not the module should open a port in the firewall on # redhat-based systems; this parameter is likely to change in future versions. Possible # changes include support for non-RedHat systems and finer-grained control over the # firewall rule (currently, it simply opens up the postgres port to all TCP connections). # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Usage: # This class is not intended to be used directly; it is # managed by postgresl::config. It contains resources # that should be handled *before* the postgres service # has been started up. # # class { 'postgresql::config::before_service': # ip_mask_allow_all_users => '', # } # class postgresql::config::beforeservice( $pg_hba_conf_path, $postgresql_conf_path, $ip_mask_deny_postgres_user = $postgresql::params::ip_mask_deny_postgres_user, $ip_mask_allow_all_users = $postgresql::params::ip_mask_allow_all_users, $listen_addresses = $postgresql::params::listen_addresses, $ipv4acls = $postgresql::params::ipv4acls, $ipv6acls = $postgresql::params::ipv6acls, $manage_redhat_firewall = $postgresql::params::manage_redhat_firewall ) inherits postgresql::params { File { owner => $postgresql::params::user, group => $postgresql::params::group, } # Create the main pg_hba resource postgresql::pg_hba { 'main': notify => Exec['reload_postgresql'], } Postgresql::Pg_hba_rule { database => 'all', user => 'all', } # Lets setup the base rules postgresql::pg_hba_rule { 'local access as postgres user': type => 'local', auth_method => 'ident', auth_option => $postgresql::params::version ? { '8.1' => 'sameuser', default => undef, }, order => '001', } postgresql::pg_hba_rule { 'local access to database with same name': type => 'local', auth_method => 'ident', auth_option => $postgresql::params::version ? { '8.1' => 'sameuser', default => undef, }, order => '002', } postgresql::pg_hba_rule { 'deny access to postgresql user': type => 'host', user => 'postgres', address => $ip_mask_deny_postgres_user, auth_method => 'reject', order => '003', } # ipv4acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform them into # a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources $ipv4acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv4acls, 'ipv4acls', 10) create_resources('postgresql::pg_hba_rule', $ipv4acl_resources) postgresql::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to all users': type => 'host', address => $ip_mask_allow_all_users, auth_method => 'md5', order => '100', } postgresql::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to ipv6 localhost': type => 'host', address => '::1/128', auth_method => 'md5', order => '101', } # ipv6acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform them into # a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources $ipv6acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv6acls, 'ipv6acls', 102) create_resources('postgresql::pg_hba_rule', $ipv6acl_resources) # We must set a "listen_addresses" line in the postgresql.conf if we # want to allow any connections from remote hosts. file_line { 'postgresql.conf#listen_addresses': path => $postgresql_conf_path, match => '^listen_addresses\s*=.*$', line => "listen_addresses = '${listen_addresses}'", notify => Service['postgresqld'], } # Here we are adding an 'include' line so that users have the option of # managing their own settings in a second conf file. This only works for # postgresql 8.2 and higher. if(versioncmp($postgresql::params::version, '8.2') >= 0) { # Since we're adding an "include" for this extras config file, we need # to make sure it exists. exec { "create_postgresql_conf_path": command => "touch `dirname ${postgresql_conf_path}`/postgresql_puppet_extras.conf", path => '/usr/bin:/bin', unless => "[ -f `dirname ${postgresql_conf_path}`/postgresql_puppet_extras.conf ]" } file_line { 'postgresql.conf#include': path => $postgresql_conf_path, line => "include 'postgresql_puppet_extras.conf'", require => Exec["create_postgresql_conf_path"], notify => Service['postgresqld'], } } # TODO: is this a reasonable place for this firewall stuff? # TODO: figure out a way to make this not platform-specific; debian and ubuntu have # an out-of-the-box firewall configuration that seems trickier to manage # TODO: get rid of hard-coded port if ($manage_redhat_firewall and $firewall_supported) { exec { 'postgresql-persist-firewall': command => $persist_firewall_command, refreshonly => true, } Firewall { notify => Exec['postgresql-persist-firewall'] } firewall { '5432 accept - postgres': port => '5432', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } } }