require 'spec_helper' require "tempfile" provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:postgresql_conf).provider(:parsed) describe provider_class do let(:title) { 'postgresql_conf' } let(:provider) { conf_class = Puppet::Type.type(:postgresql_conf) provider = conf_class.provider(:parsed) conffile = tmpfilename('postgresql.conf') provider.any_instance.stub(:target).and_return conffile provider } before do end after :each do provider.initvars end describe "simple configuration that should be allowed" do it "should parse a simple ini line" do expect(provider.parse_line("listen_addreses = '*'")).to eq( { :name=>"listen_addreses", :value=>"*", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed } ) end it "should parse a simple ini line (2)" do expect(provider.parse_line(" listen_addreses = '*'")).to eq( { :name=>"listen_addreses", :value=>"*", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed } ) end it "should parse a simple ini line (3)" do expect(provider.parse_line("listen_addreses = '*' # dont mind me")).to eq( { :name=>"listen_addreses", :value=>"*", :comment=>"dont mind me", :record_type=>:parsed } ) end it "should parse a comment" do expect(provider.parse_line("# dont mind me")).to eq( { :line=>"# dont mind me", :record_type=>:comment } ) end it "should parse a comment (2)" do expect(provider.parse_line(" \t# dont mind me")).to eq( { :line=>" \t# dont mind me", :record_type=>:comment } ) end it "should allow includes" do expect(provider.parse_line("include puppetextra")).to eq( { :name=>"include", :value=>"puppetextra", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed } ) end it "should allow numbers through without quotes" do expect(provider.parse_line("wal_keep_segments = 32")).to eq( { :name=>"wal_keep_segments", :value=>"32", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed } ) end it "should allow blanks through " do expect(provider.parse_line("")).to eq( { :line=>"", :record_type=>:blank } ) end it "should parse keys with dots " do expect(provider.parse_line("auto_explain.log_min_duration = 1ms")).to eq( { :name => "auto_explain.log_min_duration", :value => "1ms", :comment => nil, :record_type => :parsed } ) end end describe "configuration that should be set" do it "should set comment lines" do expect(provider.to_line({ :line=>"# dont mind me", :record_type=>:comment })).to eq( '# dont mind me' ) end it "should set blank lines" do expect(provider.to_line({ :line=>"", :record_type=>:blank })).to eq( '' ) end it "should set simple configuration" do expect(provider.to_line({:name=>"listen_addresses", :value=>"*", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "listen_addresses = '*'" ) end it "should set simple configuration with period in name" do expect(provider.to_line({:name => "auto_explain.log_min_duration", :value => '100ms', :comment => nil, :record_type => :parsed })).to eq( "auto_explain.log_min_duration = 100ms" ) end it "should set simple configuration even with comments" do expect(provider.to_line({:name=>"listen_addresses", :value=>"*", :comment=>'dont mind me', :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "listen_addresses = '*' # dont mind me" ) end it 'should quote includes' do expect(provider.to_line( {:name=>"include", :value=>"puppetextra", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "include 'puppetextra'" ) end it 'should quote multiple words' do expect(provider.to_line( {:name=>"archive_command", :value=>"rsync up", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "archive_command = 'rsync up'" ) end it 'shouldn\'t quote numbers' do expect(provider.to_line( {:name=>"wal_segments", :value=>"32", :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "wal_segments = 32" ) end it "should allow numbers" do expect(provider.to_line( {:name=>"integer", :value=>42, :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "integer = 42" ) end it "should allow floats" do expect(provider.to_line( {:name=>"float", :value=>2.71828182845, :comment=>nil, :record_type=>:parsed })).to eq( "float = 2.71828182845" ) end end end