require 'spec_helper_system' describe 'server:' do after :all do # Cleanup after tests have ran puppet_apply("class { 'postgresql::server': ensure => absent }") do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'test loading class with no parameters' do pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'postgresql::server': } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end end describe port(5432) do it { should be_listening } end describe 'setting postgres password' do it 'should install and successfully adjust the password' do pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'postgresql::server': postgres_password => 'foobarbaz', ip_mask_deny_postgres_user => '', } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| [0,2].should include(r.exit_code) r.stdout.should =~ /\[set_postgres_postgrespw\]\/returns: executed successfully/ r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'postgresql::server': postgres_password => 'TPSR$$eports!', ip_mask_deny_postgres_user => '', } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| [0,2].should include(r.exit_code) r.stdout.should =~ /\[set_postgres_postgrespw\]\/returns: executed successfully/ r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end end describe 'server without defaults:' do before :all do puppet_apply(<<-EOS.unindent) if($::operatingsystem =~ /Debian|Ubuntu/) { # Need to make sure the correct utf8 locale is ready for our # non-standard tests file { '/etc/locale.gen': content => "en_US ISO-8859-1\nen_NG UTF-8\nen_US UTF-8\n", }~> exec { '/usr/sbin/locale-gen': logoutput => true, refreshonly => true, } } EOS end context 'test installing non-default version of postgresql' do after :all do psql('--command="drop database postgresql_test_db" postgres') pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'postgresql::globals': ensure => absent, manage_package_repo => true, version => '9.3', } class { 'postgresql::server': ensure => absent, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'perform installation and create a db' do pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { "postgresql::globals": version => "9.3", manage_package_repo => true, encoding => 'UTF8', locale => 'en_US.UTF-8', xlogdir => '/tmp/pg_xlogs', } class { "postgresql::server": } postgresql::server::db { "postgresql_test_db": user => "foo1", password => postgresql_password('foo1', 'foo1'), } postgresql::server::config_entry { 'port': value => '5432', } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end shell 'test -d /tmp/pg_xlogs' do |r| r.stdout.should be_empty r.stderr.should be_empty r.exit_code.should be_zero end psql('postgresql_test_db --command="select datname from pg_database limit 1"') do |r| r.exit_code.should == 0 end end describe port(5432) do it { should be_listening } end end unless ((node.facts['osfamily'] == 'RedHat' and node.facts['lsbmajdistrelease'] == '5') || node.facts['osfamily'] == 'Debian') context 'override locale and encoding' do after :each do puppet_apply "class { 'postgresql::server': ensure => absent }" do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end it 'perform installation with different locale and encoding' do pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'postgresql::server': locale => 'en_NG', encoding => 'UTF8', } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end # Remove db first, if it exists for some reason shell('su postgres -c "dropdb test1"') shell('su postgres -c "createdb test1"') shell('su postgres -c \'psql -c "show lc_ctype" test1\'') do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /en_NG/ end shell('su postgres -c \'psql -c "show lc_collate" test1\'') do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /en_NG/ end end end end end describe 'server with firewall:' do after :all do puppet_apply("class { 'postgresql::server': ensure => absent }") do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end context 'test installing postgresql with firewall management on' do it 'perform installation and make sure it is idempotent' do pending('no support for firewall with fedora', :if => (node.facts['operatingsystem'] == 'Fedora')) pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { 'firewall': } class { "postgresql::server": manage_firewall => true, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end end describe 'server without pg_hba.conf:' do after :all do puppet_apply("class { 'postgresql::server': ensure => absent }") do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end context 'test installing postgresql without pg_hba.conf management on' do it 'perform installation and make sure it is idempotent' do pp = <<-EOS.unindent class { "postgresql::server": manage_pg_hba_conf => false, } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 2 r.refresh r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end end