postgresql_user.pp 1009 B

  1. class { 'postgresql::server':
  2. config_hash => {
  3. 'ip_mask_deny_postgres_user' => '',
  4. 'ip_mask_allow_all_users' => '',
  5. 'listen_addresses' => '*',
  6. 'manage_redhat_firewall' => true,
  7. 'postgres_password' => 'postgres',
  8. },
  9. }
  10. # TODO: in mysql module, the username includes, e.g., '@%' or '@localhost', which
  11. # affects the user's ability to connect from remote hosts. In postgres this is
  12. # managed via pg_hba.conf; not sure if we want to try to reconcile that difference
  13. # in the modules or not.
  14. postgresql::database_user{ 'redmine':
  15. # TODO: ensure is not yet supported
  16. #ensure => present,
  17. password_hash => postgresql_password('redmine', 'redmine'),
  18. require => Class['postgresql::server'],
  19. }
  20. postgresql::database_user{ 'dan':
  21. # TODO: ensure is not yet supported
  22. #ensure => present,
  23. password_hash => postgresql_password('dan', 'blah'),
  24. require => Class['postgresql::server'],
  25. }