Currently postgresql::server::schema, postgresql::server::db and postgresql::server::database allow creating new schemas and databases if they don't already exist and assigning owners to them. This patch enables changing the owner of a schema or database that already exists if the change_ownership variable is set to true.
75 lines
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75 lines
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# = Type: postgresql::server::schema
# Create a new schema. See README.md for more details.
# == Requires:
# The database must exist and the PostgreSQL user should have enough privileges
# == Sample Usage:
# postgresql::server::schema {'private':
# db => 'template1',
# }
define postgresql::server::schema(
$db = $postgresql::server::default_database,
$owner = undef,
$schema = $title,
$connect_settings = $postgresql::server::default_connect_settings,
$change_ownership = false,
) {
$user = $postgresql::server::user
$group = $postgresql::server::group
$psql_path = $postgresql::server::psql_path
$version = $postgresql::server::_version
# If the connection settings do not contain a port, then use the local server port
if $connect_settings != undef and has_key( $connect_settings, 'PGPORT') {
$port = undef
} else {
$port = $postgresql::server::port
Postgresql_psql {
db => $db,
psql_user => $user,
psql_group => $group,
psql_path => $psql_path,
port => $port,
connect_settings => $connect_settings,
$schema_exists = "SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname='${schema}'"
$authorization = $owner? {
undef => '',
default => "AUTHORIZATION \"${owner}\"",
if $change_ownership {
# Change owner for existing schema
if !$owner {
fail('Must specify an owner to change schema ownership.')
$schema_title = "Change owner of schema '${schema}' to ${owner}"
$schema_command = "ALTER SCHEMA \"${schema}\" OWNER TO ${owner}"
postgresql_psql { $schema_title:
command => $schema_command,
onlyif => $schema_exists,
require => Class['postgresql::server'],
} else {
# Create a new schema
$schema_title = "Create Schema '${title}'"
$schema_command = "CREATE SCHEMA \"${schema}\" ${authorization}"
postgresql_psql { $schema_title:
command => $schema_command,
unless => $schema_exists,
require => Class['postgresql::server'],
if($owner != undef and defined(Postgresql::Server::Role[$owner])) {