This is a very very large change to the module. It started out as a fix to add postgresl::server::config_entry, and quickly became a rewrite to fix a lot of ordering issues inherent in the API. Since this changes the Public API it is considered a backwards compatible change. See the upgrading guide in README.md for more details as to what has been modified in this patch. Signed-off-by: Ken Barber <ken@bob.sh>
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# Define for creating a database. See README.md for more details.
define postgresql::server::database(
$dbname = $title,
$owner = $postgresql::server::user,
$tablespace = undef,
$encoding = $postgresql::server::encoding,
$locale = $postgresql::server::locale,
$istemplate = false
) {
$createdb_path = $postgresql::server::createdb_path
$user = $postgresql::server::user
$psql_path = $postgresql::server::psql_path
$version = $postgresql::server::version
# Set the defaults for the postgresql_psql resource
Postgresql_psql {
psql_user => $user,
psql_group => $group,
psql_path => $psql_path,
# Optionally set the locale switch. Older versions of createdb may not accept
# --locale, so if the parameter is undefined its safer not to pass it.
if ($version != '8.1') {
$locale_option = $locale ? {
undef => '',
default => "--locale=${locale}",
$public_revoke_privilege = 'CONNECT'
} else {
$locale_option = ''
$public_revoke_privilege = 'ALL'
$createdb_command_tmp = "${createdb_path} --owner='${owner}' --template=template0 --encoding '${encoding}' ${locale_option} '${dbname}'"
if($tablespace == undef) {
$createdb_command = $createdb_command_tmp
} else {
$createdb_command = "${createdb_command_tmp} --tablespace='${tablespace}'"
postgresql_psql { "Check for existence of db '${dbname}'":
command => 'SELECT 1',
unless => "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname='${dbname}'",
require => Class['postgresql::server']
exec { $createdb_command :
refreshonly => true,
user => $user,
logoutput => on_failure,
# This will prevent users from connecting to the database unless they've been
# granted privileges.
postgresql_psql {"REVOKE ${public_revoke_privilege} ON DATABASE \"${dbname}\" FROM public":
db => $user,
refreshonly => true,
Exec [ $createdb_command ]->
postgresql_psql {"UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = ${istemplate} WHERE datname = '${dbname}'":
unless => "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${dbname}' AND datistemplate = ${istemplate}",
# Build up dependencies on tablespace
if($tablespace != undef and defined(Postgresql::Server::Tablespace[$tablespace])) {