Thanks to some tricks I learned from Nan Liu and Dan Bode, I was able to figure out a way to move all of the new version-related stuff back into the params class, and clean up some of the if/_real stuff. Basic tests for centos6 + pg 9.2 are passing.
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# Define: postgresql::validate_db_connection
# This type validates that a successful postgres connection can be established
# between the node on which this resource is run and a specified postgres
# instance (host/port/user/password/database name).
# Parameters:
# [*database_host*] - the hostname or IP address of the machine where the
# postgres server should be running.
# [*database_port*] - the port on which postgres server should be
# listening (defaults to 5432).
# [*database_username*] - the postgres username
# [*database_password*] - the postgres user's password
# [*database_name*] - the database name that the connection should be
# established against
# [*client_package_name*] - (optional) the name of the postgres client package
# that provides the psql tool, if you aren't using
# the default system package.
# NOTE: to some degree this type assumes that you've created the corresponding
# postgres database instance that you are validating by using the
# `postgresql::db` or `postgresql::database` type provided by this module
# elsewhere in your manifests.
# Actions:
# Attempts to establish a connection to the specified postgres database. If
# a connection cannot be established, the resource will fail; this allows you
# to use it as a dependency for other resources that would be negatively
# impacted if they were applied without the postgres connection being available.
# Requires:
# `psql` commandline tool (will automatically install the system's postgres
# client package if it is not already installed.)
# Sample Usage:
# postgresql::validate_db_connection { 'validate my postgres connection':
# database_host => 'my.postgres.host',
# database_username => 'mydbuser',
# database_password => 'mydbpassword',
# database_name => 'mydbname',
# }
define postgresql::validate_db_connection(
$client_package_name = $postgresql::params::client_package_name,
$database_port = 5432
) inherits postgresql::params {
# Make sure the postgres client package is installed; we need it for
# `psql`.
package { 'postgresql-client':
ensure => present,
name => $client_package_name,
tag => 'postgresql',
# TODO: port to ruby
$psql = "${postgresql::params::psql_path} --tuples-only --quiet -h ${database_host} -U ${database_username} -p ${database_port} --dbname ${database_name}"
$exec_name = "validate postgres connection for ${database_host}/${database_name}"
exec { $exec_name:
command => "/bin/echo \"SELECT 1\" | ${psql}",
cwd => '/tmp',
environment => "PGPASSWORD=${database_password}",
logoutput => 'on_failure',
require => Package['postgresql-client'],
# This is a little bit of puppet magic. What we want to do here is make
# sure that if the validation and the database instance creation are being
# applied on the same machine, then the database resource is applied *before*
# the validation resource. Otherwise, the validation is guaranteed to fail
# on the first run.
# We accomplish this by using Puppet's resource collection syntax to search
# for the Database resource in our current catalog; if it exists, the
# appropriate relationship is created here.
Database<|title == $database_name|> -> Exec[$exec_name]