Since postgresql-9.1_9.1.16-0+deb7u1 on wheezy, postgresql can't read snakeoil certificate as symlink anymore, so server does not restart. This patch copies cert and key instead of symlinking so that it works again.
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126 lines
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# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::initdb {
$needs_initdb = $postgresql::server::needs_initdb
$initdb_path = $postgresql::server::initdb_path
$datadir = $postgresql::server::datadir
$xlogdir = $postgresql::server::xlogdir
$logdir = $postgresql::server::logdir
$encoding = $postgresql::server::encoding
$locale = $postgresql::server::locale
$group = $postgresql::server::group
$user = $postgresql::server::user
$psql_path = $postgresql::server::psql_path
$port = $postgresql::server::port
# Set the defaults for the postgresql_psql resource
Postgresql_psql {
psql_user => $user,
psql_group => $group,
psql_path => $psql_path,
port => $port,
# Make sure the data directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $datadir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0700',
if($xlogdir) {
# Make sure the xlog directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $xlogdir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0700',
if($logdir) {
# Make sure the log directory exists, and has the correct permissions.
file { $logdir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
if($needs_initdb) {
# Build up the initdb command.
# We optionally add the locale switch if specified. Older versions of the
# initdb command don't accept this switch. So if the user didn't pass the
# parameter, lets not pass the switch at all.
$ic_base = "${initdb_path} --encoding '${encoding}' --pgdata '${datadir}'"
$ic_xlog = $xlogdir ? {
undef => $ic_base,
default => "${ic_base} --xlogdir '${xlogdir}'"
# The xlogdir need to be present before initdb runs.
# If xlogdir is default it's created by package installer
if($xlogdir) {
$require_before_initdb = [$datadir, $xlogdir]
} else {
$require_before_initdb = [$datadir]
$initdb_command = $locale ? {
undef => $ic_xlog,
default => "${ic_xlog} --locale '${locale}'"
# This runs the initdb command, we use the existance of the PG_VERSION
# file to ensure we don't keep running this command.
exec { 'postgresql_initdb':
command => $initdb_command,
creates => "${datadir}/PG_VERSION",
user => $user,
group => $group,
logoutput => on_failure,
require => File[$require_before_initdb],
# The package will take care of this for us the first time, but if we
# ever need to init a new db we need to copy these files explicitly
if $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' or $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' {
if $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^6/ or $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^7/ or $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^10\.04/ or $::operatingsystemrelease =~ /^12\.04/ {
file { 'server.crt':
ensure => file,
path => "${datadir}/server.crt",
source => 'file:///etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
owner => $::postgresql::server::user,
group => $::postgresql::server::group,
mode => '0644',
require => Exec['postgresql_initdb'],
file { 'server.key':
ensure => file,
path => "${datadir}/server.key",
source => 'file:///etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
owner => $::postgresql::server::user,
group => $::postgresql::server::group,
mode => '0600',
require => Exec['postgresql_initdb'],
} elsif $encoding != undef {
# [workaround]
# by default pg_createcluster encoding derived from locale
# but it do does not work by installing postgresql via puppet because puppet
# always override LANG to 'C'
postgresql_psql { "Set template1 encoding to ${encoding}":
command => "UPDATE pg_database
SET datistemplate = FALSE
WHERE datname = 'template1'
UPDATE pg_database
SET encoding = pg_char_to_encoding('${encoding}'), datistemplate = TRUE
WHERE datname = 'template1'",
unless => "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE
datname = 'template1' AND encoding = pg_char_to_encoding('${encoding}')",