This doesn't fix the root cause of the issue, such as the fact that dpkg can't do wildcard removals, and the uninstall fails when you're passing in a version number like this, but THIS test doesn't care, it just wants to make sure the deprecation warning appears in the first place. This does however make the tests pass on 14.04.
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83 lines
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# This installs a PostgreSQL server. See README.md for more details.
class postgresql::server (
$ensure = $postgresql::params::ensure,
$postgres_password = undef,
$package_name = $postgresql::params::server_package_name,
$client_package_name = $postgresql::params::client_package_name,
$package_ensure = $ensure,
$plperl_package_name = $postgresql::params::plperl_package_name,
$service_ensure = $postgresql::params::service_ensure,
$service_name = $postgresql::params::service_name,
$service_provider = $postgresql::params::service_provider,
$service_status = $postgresql::params::service_status,
$default_database = $postgresql::params::default_database,
$listen_addresses = $postgresql::params::listen_addresses,
$port = $postgresql::params::port,
$ip_mask_deny_postgres_user = $postgresql::params::ip_mask_deny_postgres_user,
$ip_mask_allow_all_users = $postgresql::params::ip_mask_allow_all_users,
$ipv4acls = $postgresql::params::ipv4acls,
$ipv6acls = $postgresql::params::ipv6acls,
$initdb_path = $postgresql::params::initdb_path,
$createdb_path = $postgresql::params::createdb_path,
$psql_path = $postgresql::params::psql_path,
$pg_hba_conf_path = $postgresql::params::pg_hba_conf_path,
$postgresql_conf_path = $postgresql::params::postgresql_conf_path,
$datadir = $postgresql::params::datadir,
$xlogdir = $postgresql::params::xlogdir,
$pg_hba_conf_defaults = $postgresql::params::pg_hba_conf_defaults,
$user = $postgresql::params::user,
$group = $postgresql::params::group,
$needs_initdb = $postgresql::params::needs_initdb,
$encoding = $postgresql::params::encoding,
$locale = $postgresql::params::locale,
$manage_firewall = $postgresql::params::manage_firewall,
$manage_pg_hba_conf = $postgresql::params::manage_pg_hba_conf,
$firewall_supported = $postgresql::params::firewall_supported,
$version = $postgresql::params::version,
) inherits postgresql::params {
$pg = 'postgresql::server'
if $version != undef {
warning('Passing "version" to postgresql::server is deprecated; please use postgresql::globals instead.')
$_version = $postgresql::params::version
} else {
$_version = $version
if ($ensure == 'present' or $ensure == true) {
# Reload has its own ordering, specified by other defines
class { "${pg}::reload": require => Class["${pg}::install"] }
anchor { "${pg}::start": }->
class { "${pg}::install": }->
class { "${pg}::initdb": }->
class { "${pg}::config": }->
class { "${pg}::service": }->
class { "${pg}::passwd": }->
class { "${pg}::firewall": }->
anchor { "${pg}::end": }
} else {
anchor { "${pg}::start": }->
class { "${pg}::firewall": }->
class { "${pg}::passwd": }->
class { "${pg}::service": }->
class { "${pg}::install": }->
class { "${pg}::initdb": }->
class { "${pg}::config": }->
anchor { "${pg}::end": }