Previously we hadn't supported using the official PostgreSQL repos for deb-based packaging. This commit fixes that by introducing the management of the apt repositories on the host as required, and using the correct package and service name. Signed-off-by: Ken Barber <ken@bob.sh>
21 lines
757 B
21 lines
757 B
class postgresql::package_source::apt_postgresql_org {
# Here we have tried to replicate the instructions on the PostgreSQL site:
# http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/debian/
apt::pin { 'apt.postgresql.org':
originator => 'apt.postgresql.org',
priority => 500,
apt::source { 'apt.postgresql.org':
location => 'http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/',
release => "${::lsbdistcodename}-pgdg",
repos => 'main',
required_packages => 'pgdg-keyring',
key => 'ACCC4CF8',
key_source => 'http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc',
include_src => false,
Apt::Source['apt.postgresql.org']->Package<|tag == 'postgresql'|>