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# Class: puppetdb::database::postgresql
# This class manages a postgresql server and database instance suitable for use
# with puppetdb. It uses the `inkling/postgresql` puppet module for getting
# the postgres server up and running, and then also for creating the puppetdb
# database instance and user account.
# This class is intended as a high-level abstraction to help simplify the process
# of getting your puppetdb postgres server up and running; for maximum
# configurability, you may choose not to use this class. You may prefer to
# use `inkling/postgresql` directly, use a different puppet postgres module,
# or manage your postgres setup on your own. All of these approaches should
# be compatible with puppetdb.
# Parameters:
# ['listen_addresses'] - A comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses
# on which the postgres server should listen for incoming
# connections. (Defaults to 'localhost'. This parameter
# maps directly to postgresql's 'listen_addresses' config
# option; use a '*' to allow connections on any accessible
# address.
# ['database_name'] - The name of the database instance to connect to.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`)
# ['database_username'] - The name of the database user to connect as.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`)
# ['database_password'] - The password for the database user.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`)
# Actions:
# - Creates and manages a postgres server and database instance for use by
# puppetdb
# Requires:
# - `inkling/postgresql`
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'puppetdb::database::postgresql':
# listen_addresses => '',
# }
class puppetdb::database::postgresql(
2012-09-20 23:46:26 +02:00
# TODO: expose more of the parameters from `inkling/postgresql`!
$listen_addresses = $puppetdb::params::database_host,
$manage_redhat_firewall = $puppetdb::params::open_postgres_port,
$database_name = $puppetdb::params::database_name,
$database_username = $puppetdb::params::database_username,
$database_password = $puppetdb::params::database_password,
) inherits puppetdb::params {
# This technically defaults to 'true', but in order to preserve backwards
# compatibility with the deprecated 'manage_redhat_firewall' parameter, we
# had to specify 'undef' as the default so that we could tell whether or
# not the user explicitly specified a value. Here's where we're resolving
# that and setting the 'real' default. We should be able to get rid of
# this block when we remove `manage_redhat_firewall`.
if ($manage_redhat_firewall != undef) {
$final_manage_redhat_firewall = $manage_redhat_firewall
} else {
$final_manage_redhat_firewall = true
2012-09-20 23:46:26 +02:00
# get the pg server up and running
class { '::postgresql::server':
config_hash => {
# TODO: make this stuff configurable
'ip_mask_allow_all_users' => '',
'listen_addresses' => $listen_addresses,
'manage_redhat_firewall' => $final_manage_redhat_firewall,
2012-09-20 23:46:26 +02:00
2012-09-20 23:46:26 +02:00
# create the puppetdb database
postgresql::db{ $database_name:
user => $database_username,
password => $database_password,
2012-09-20 23:46:26 +02:00
grant => 'all',
require => Class['::postgresql::server'],