require 'rspec-system/spec_helper' require 'rspec-system-puppet/helpers' include RSpecSystemPuppet::Helpers RSpec.configure do |c| # Project root for the firewall code proj_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) # Enable colour in Jenkins c.tty = true # Import puppet helpers c.include RSpecSystemPuppet::Helpers c.extend RSpecSystemPuppet::Helpers # This is where we 'setup' the nodes before running our tests c.before :suite do # Time sync if node.facts['osfamily'] == 'Debian' then shell('apt-get install -y ntpdate') elsif node.facts['osfamily'] == 'RedHat' then if node.facts['lsbmajdistrelease'] == '5' then shell('yum install -y ntp') else shell('yum install -y ntpdate') end end shell('ntpdate -u') # Install puppet puppet_install puppet_master_install # Copy this module into the module path of the test node puppet_module_install(:source => proj_root, :module_name => 'puppetdb') end end