# Class: puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf # # This class manages the puppetdb.conf file for the puppet master. # # Parameters: # ['server'] - The dns name or ip of the puppetdb server (defaults to localhost) # ['port'] - The port that the puppetdb server is running on (defaults to 8081) # ['puppet_confdir'] - The config directory of puppet (defaults to /etc/puppet) # # Actions: # - Configures the required puppetdb settings for the puppet master by managing # the puppetdb.conf file. # # Requires: # - Inifile # # Sample Usage: # class { 'puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf': # server => 'my.puppetdb.server' # } # # # TODO: finish porting this to use params # class puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf( $server = 'localhost', $port = '8081', $puppet_confdir = $puppetdb::params::puppet_confdir, ) inherits puppetdb::params { Ini_setting { ensure => present, section => 'main', path => "${puppet_confdir}/puppetdb.conf", } ini_setting {'puppetdbserver': setting => 'server', value => $server, } ini_setting {'puppetdbport': setting => 'port', value => $port, } }