# Manage puppet configuration. See README.md for more details. class puppetdb::master::config ( $puppetdb_server = $::fqdn, $puppetdb_port = defined(Class['puppetdb']) ? { true => $::puppetdb::disable_ssl ? { true => 8080, default => 8081, }, default => 8081, }, $puppetdb_disable_ssl = defined(Class['puppetdb']) ? { true => $::puppetdb::disable_ssl, default => false, }, $masterless = $puppetdb::params::masterless, $puppetdb_soft_write_failure = false, $manage_routes = true, $manage_storeconfigs = true, $manage_report_processor = false, $manage_config = true, $strict_validation = true, $enable_reports = false, $puppet_confdir = $puppetdb::params::puppet_confdir, $puppet_conf = $puppetdb::params::puppet_conf, $puppetdb_version = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_version, $terminus_package = $puppetdb::params::terminus_package, $puppet_service_name = $puppetdb::params::puppet_service_name, $puppetdb_startup_timeout = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_startup_timeout, $test_url = $puppetdb::params::test_url, $restart_puppet = true, ) inherits puppetdb::params { package { $terminus_package: ensure => $puppetdb_version, } if ($strict_validation) { # Validate the puppetdb connection. If we can't connect to puppetdb then we # *must* not perform the other configuration steps, or else puppetdb_conn_validator { 'puppetdb_conn': puppetdb_server => $manage_config ? { true => $puppetdb_server, default => undef, }, puppetdb_port => $manage_config ? { true => $puppetdb_port, default => undef, }, use_ssl => $puppetdb_disable_ssl ? { true => false, default => true, }, timeout => $puppetdb_startup_timeout, require => Package[$terminus_package], test_url => $test_url, } # This is a bit of puppet chicanery that allows us to create a # conditional dependency. Basically, we're saying that "if the PuppetDB # service is being managed in this same catalog, it needs to come before # this validator." Service<|title == $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_service|> -> Puppetdb_conn_validator['puppetdb_conn'] } # Conditionally manage the `routes.yaml` file. Restart the puppet service # if changes are made. if ($manage_routes) { class { 'puppetdb::master::routes': puppet_confdir => $puppet_confdir, masterless => $masterless, require => $strict_validation ? { true => Puppetdb_conn_validator['puppetdb_conn'], default => Package[$terminus_package], }, } } # Conditionally manage the storeconfigs settings in `puppet.conf`. We don't # need to trigger a restart of the puppet master service for this one, because # it polls it automatically. if ($manage_storeconfigs) { class { 'puppetdb::master::storeconfigs': puppet_conf => $puppet_conf, masterless => $masterless, require => $strict_validation ? { true => Puppetdb_conn_validator['puppetdb_conn'], default => Package[$terminus_package], }, } } # Conditionally manage the puppetdb report processor setting in `puppet.conf`. # We don't need to trigger a restart of the puppet master service for this one, # because it polls it automatically. if ($manage_report_processor) { class { 'puppetdb::master::report_processor': puppet_conf => $puppet_conf, masterless => $masterless, enable => $enable_reports, require => $strict_validation ? { true => Puppetdb_conn_validator['puppetdb_conn'], default => Package[$terminus_package], }, } } if ($manage_config) { # Manage the `puppetdb.conf` file. Restart the puppet service if changes # are made. class { 'puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf': server => $puppetdb_server, port => $puppetdb_port, soft_write_failure => $puppetdb_soft_write_failure, puppet_confdir => $puppet_confdir, require => $strict_validation ? { true => Puppetdb_conn_validator['puppetdb_conn'], default => Package[$terminus_package], }, } } if ($restart_puppet) { # We will need to restart the puppet master service if certain config # files are changed, so here we make sure it's in the catalog. if ! defined(Service[$puppet_service_name]) { service { $puppet_service_name: ensure => running, } } if ($manage_config) { Class['puppetdb::master::puppetdb_conf'] ~> Service[$puppet_service_name] } if ($manage_routes) { Class['puppetdb::master::routes'] ~> Service[$puppet_service_name] } } }