# Class: puppetdb::database::postgresql_db # # This class manages a postgresql database instance suitable for use # with puppetdb. It uses the `inkling/postgresql` puppet module for # for creating the puppetdb database instance and user account. # # This class is included from the puppetdb::database::postgresql class # but for maximum configurability, you may choose to use this class directly # and set up the database server itself using `puppetlabs/postgresql` yourself. # # Parameters: # ['database_name'] - The name of the database instance to connect to. # (defaults to `puppetdb`) # ['database_username'] - The name of the database user to connect as. # (defaults to `puppetdb`) # ['database_password'] - The password for the database user. # (defaults to `puppetdb`) # Actions: # - Creates and manages a postgres database instance for use by # puppetdb # # Requires: # - `inkling/postgresql` # # Sample Usage: # include puppetdb::database::postgresql_db # class puppetdb::database::postgresql_db( $database_name = $puppetdb::params::database_name, $database_username = $puppetdb::params::database_username, $database_password = $puppetdb::params::database_password, ) inherits puppetdb::params { # create the puppetdb database postgresql::db{ $database_name: user => $database_username, password => $database_password, grant => 'all', require => Class['::postgresql::server'], } }