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# Class: puppetdb::server
# This class provides a simple way to get a puppetdb instance up and running
# with minimal effort. It will install and configure all necessary packages for
# the puppetdb server, but will *not* manage the database (e.g., postgres) server
# or instance (unless you are using the embedded database, in which case there
# is not much to manage).
# This class is intended as a high-level abstraction to help simplify the process
# of getting your puppetdb server up and running; it manages the puppetdb
# package and service, as well as several puppetdb configuration files. For
# maximum configurability, you may choose not to use this class. You may prefer to
# manage the puppetdb package / service on your own, and perhaps use the
# individual classes inside of the `puppetdb::server` namespace to manage some
# or all of your configuration files.
# In addition to this class, you'll need to configure your puppetdb postgres
# database if you are using postgres. You can optionally do by using the
# `puppetdb::database::postgresql` class.
# You'll also need to configure your puppet master to use puppetdb. You can
# use the `puppetdb::master::config` class to accomplish this.
# Parameters:
# ['listen_address'] - The address that the web server should bind to
# for HTTP requests. (defaults to `localhost`.)
# Set to '' to listen on all addresses.
# ['listen_port'] - The port on which the puppetdb web server should
# accept HTTP requests (defaults to 8080).
# ['open_listen_port'] - If true, open the http listen port on the firewall.
# (defaults to false).
# ['ssl_listen_address'] - The address that the web server should bind to
# for HTTPS requests. (defaults to `$::clientcert`.)
# Set to '' to listen on all addresses.
# ['ssl_listen_port'] - The port on which the puppetdb web server should
# accept HTTPS requests (defaults to 8081).
# ['disable_ssl'] - If true, disable HTTPS and only serve
# HTTP requests. Defaults to false.
# ['open_ssl_listen_port'] - If true, open the ssl listen port on the firewall.
# (defaults to true).
# ['database'] - Which database backend to use; legal values are
# `postgres` (default) or `embedded`. (The `embedded`
# db can be used for very small installations or for
# testing, but is not recommended for use in production
# environments. For more info, see the puppetdb docs.)
# ['database_host'] - The hostname or IP address of the database server.
# (defaults to `localhost`; ignored for `embedded` db)
# ['database_port'] - The port that the database server listens on.
# (defaults to `5432`; ignored for `embedded` db)
# ['database_username'] - The name of the database user to connect as.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`; ignored for `embedded` db)
# ['database_password'] - The password for the database user.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`; ignored for `embedded` db)
# ['database_name'] - The name of the database instance to connect to.
# (defaults to `puppetdb`; ignored for `embedded` db)
# ['node_ttl'] - The length of time a node can go without receiving
# any new data before it's automatically deactivated.
# (defaults to '0', which disables auto-deactivation)
# This option is supported in PuppetDB >= 1.1.0.
# ['node_purge_ttl'] - The length of time a node can be deactivated before
# it's deleted from the database.
# (defaults to '0', which disables purging)
# This option is supported in PuppetDB >= 1.2.0.
# ['report_ttl'] - The length of time reports should be stored before
# being deleted.
# (defaults to '7d', which is a 7-day period)
# This option is supported in PuppetDB >= 1.1.0.
# ['puppetdb_package'] - The puppetdb package name in the package manager
# ['puppetdb_version'] - The version of the `puppetdb` package that should
# be installed. You may specify an explicit version
# number, 'present', or 'latest'. Defaults to
# 'present'.
# ['puppetdb_service'] - The name of the puppetdb service.
# ['manage_redhat_firewall'] - DEPRECATED: Use open_ssl_listen_port instead.
# boolean indicating whether or not the module
# should open a port in the firewall on redhat-based
# systems. Defaults to `true`. This parameter is
# likely to change in future versions. Possible
# changes include support for non-RedHat systems and
# finer-grained control over the firewall rule
# (currently, it simply opens up the postgres port to
# all TCP connections).
# ['confdir'] - The puppetdb configuration directory; defaults to
# `/etc/puppetdb/conf.d`.
# ['java_args'] - Java VM options used for overriding default Java VM
# options specified in PuppetDB package.
# (defaults to `{}`).
# e.g. { '-Xmx' => '512m', '-Xms' => '256m' }
# Actions:
# - Creates and manages a puppetdb server
# Requires:
# - `inkling/postgresql`
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'puppetdb::server':
# database_host => 'puppetdb-postgres',
# }
class puppetdb::server(
$listen_address = $puppetdb::params::listen_address,
$listen_port = $puppetdb::params::listen_port,
$open_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::open_listen_port,
$ssl_listen_address = $puppetdb::params::ssl_listen_address,
$ssl_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::ssl_listen_port,
$disable_ssl = $puppetdb::params::disable_ssl,
$open_ssl_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::open_ssl_listen_port,
$database = $puppetdb::params::database,
$database_host = $puppetdb::params::database_host,
$database_port = $puppetdb::params::database_port,
$database_username = $puppetdb::params::database_username,
$database_password = $puppetdb::params::database_password,
$database_name = $puppetdb::params::database_name,
$node_ttl = $puppetdb::params::node_ttl,
$node_purge_ttl = $puppetdb::params::node_purge_ttl,
$report_ttl = $puppetdb::params::report_ttl,
$puppetdb_package = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_package,
$puppetdb_version = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_version,
$puppetdb_service = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_service,
$manage_redhat_firewall = $puppetdb::params::manage_redhat_firewall,
$confdir = $puppetdb::params::confdir,
$java_args = {}
) inherits puppetdb::params {
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $node_ttl == '0' {
$node_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$node_ttl_real = downcase($node_ttl)
# Validate node_ttl
validate_re ($node_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "node_ttl is <${node_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $node_purge_ttl == '0' {
$node_purge_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$node_purge_ttl_real = downcase($node_purge_ttl)
# Validate node_purge_ttl
validate_re ($node_purge_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "node_purge_ttl is <${node_purge_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $report_ttl == '0' {
$report_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$report_ttl_real = downcase($report_ttl)
# Validate report_ttl
validate_re ($report_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "report_ttl is <${report_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
package { $puppetdb_package:
ensure => $puppetdb_version,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
class { 'puppetdb::server::firewall':
http_port => $listen_port,
open_http_port => $open_listen_port,
ssl_port => $ssl_listen_port,
open_ssl_port => $open_ssl_listen_port,
manage_redhat_firewall => $manage_redhat_firewall
class { 'puppetdb::server::database_ini':
database => $database,
database_host => $database_host,
database_port => $database_port,
database_username => $database_username,
database_password => $database_password,
database_name => $database_name,
node_ttl => $node_ttl,
node_purge_ttl => $node_purge_ttl,
report_ttl => $report_ttl,
confdir => $confdir,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
class { 'puppetdb::server::jetty_ini':
listen_address => $listen_address,
listen_port => $listen_port,
ssl_listen_address => $ssl_listen_address,
ssl_listen_port => $ssl_listen_port,
disable_ssl => $disable_ssl,
confdir => $confdir,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
if !empty($java_args) {
{ ensure => present,
section => '',
key_val_separator => '=',
path => $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_initconf,
setting => 'JAVA_ARGS',
require => Package[$puppetdb_package],
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
service { $puppetdb_service:
ensure => running,
enable => true,
Package[$puppetdb_package] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::firewall'] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::database_ini'] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::jetty_ini'] ->