Ken Barber 9c41392312 Add missing parameters for 1.4.0 release
This patch adds all the missing parameters now defined in the 1.4.0 release.

This includes some new database parameters mainly, but also adds gc_interval
to the `puppetdb` and `puppetdb::server` classes, as previously this wasn't
configurable using this method.

To avoid documentation duplication the Puppet headers have been removed in
favour of documenting classes from the Until such times as the
forge can turn Puppet docs into HTML automatically, this is just duplicate
noise and prone to update slippage. The is more authoritative in
this area and is pubicly displayed on the forge project page so it should be
used for now.

Signed-off-by: Ken Barber <>
2013-08-07 15:32:19 +01:00

150 lines
5.9 KiB

# This class provides a simple way to get a puppetdb instance up and running
# with minimal effort. It will install and configure all necessary packages for
# the puppetdb server, but will *not* manage the database (e.g., postgres) server
# or instance (unless you are using the embedded database, in which case there
# is not much to manage).
# This class is intended as a high-level abstraction to help simplify the process
# of getting your puppetdb server up and running; it manages the puppetdb
# package and service, as well as several puppetdb configuration files. For
# maximum configurability, you may choose not to use this class. You may prefer to
# manage the puppetdb package / service on your own, and perhaps use the
# individual classes inside of the `puppetdb::server` namespace to manage some
# or all of your configuration files.
# In addition to this class, you'll need to configure your puppetdb postgres
# database if you are using postgres. You can optionally do by using the
# `puppetdb::database::postgresql` class.
# You'll also need to configure your puppet master to use puppetdb. You can
# use the `puppetdb::master::config` class to accomplish this.
class puppetdb::server(
$listen_address = $puppetdb::params::listen_address,
$listen_port = $puppetdb::params::listen_port,
$open_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::open_listen_port,
$ssl_listen_address = $puppetdb::params::ssl_listen_address,
$ssl_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::ssl_listen_port,
$disable_ssl = $puppetdb::params::disable_ssl,
$open_ssl_listen_port = $puppetdb::params::open_ssl_listen_port,
$database = $puppetdb::params::database,
$database_host = $puppetdb::params::database_host,
$database_port = $puppetdb::params::database_port,
$database_username = $puppetdb::params::database_username,
$database_password = $puppetdb::params::database_password,
$database_name = $puppetdb::params::database_name,
$node_ttl = $puppetdb::params::node_ttl,
$node_purge_ttl = $puppetdb::params::node_purge_ttl,
$report_ttl = $puppetdb::params::report_ttl,
$gc_interval = $puppetdb::params::gc_interval,
$log_slow_statements = $puppetdb::params::log_slow_statements,
$conn_max_age = $puppetdb::params::conn_max_age,
$conn_keep_alive = $puppetdb::params::conn_keep_alive,
$conn_lifetime = $puppetdb::params::lifetime,
$puppetdb_package = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_package,
$puppetdb_version = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_version,
$puppetdb_service = $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_service,
$manage_redhat_firewall = $puppetdb::params::manage_redhat_firewall,
$confdir = $puppetdb::params::confdir,
$java_args = {}
) inherits puppetdb::params {
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $node_ttl == '0' {
$node_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$node_ttl_real = downcase($node_ttl)
# Validate node_ttl
validate_re ($node_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "node_ttl is <${node_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $node_purge_ttl == '0' {
$node_purge_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$node_purge_ttl_real = downcase($node_purge_ttl)
# Validate node_purge_ttl
validate_re ($node_purge_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "node_purge_ttl is <${node_purge_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
# Apply necessary suffix if zero is specified.
if $report_ttl == '0' {
$report_ttl_real = '0s'
} else {
$report_ttl_real = downcase($report_ttl)
# Validate report_ttl
validate_re ($report_ttl_real, ['^(\d)+[s,m,d]$'], "report_ttl is <${report_ttl}> which does not match the regex validation")
package { $puppetdb_package:
ensure => $puppetdb_version,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
class { 'puppetdb::server::firewall':
http_port => $listen_port,
open_http_port => $open_listen_port,
ssl_port => $ssl_listen_port,
open_ssl_port => $open_ssl_listen_port,
manage_redhat_firewall => $manage_redhat_firewall
class { 'puppetdb::server::database_ini':
database => $database,
database_host => $database_host,
database_port => $database_port,
database_username => $database_username,
database_password => $database_password,
database_name => $database_name,
node_ttl => $node_ttl,
node_purge_ttl => $node_purge_ttl,
report_ttl => $report_ttl,
gc_interval => $gc_interval,
log_slow_statements => $log_slow_statements,
conn_max_age => $conn_max_age,
conn_keep_alive => $conn_keep_alive,
conn_lifetime => $conn_lifetime,
confdir => $confdir,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
class { 'puppetdb::server::jetty_ini':
listen_address => $listen_address,
listen_port => $listen_port,
ssl_listen_address => $ssl_listen_address,
ssl_listen_port => $ssl_listen_port,
disable_ssl => $disable_ssl,
confdir => $confdir,
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
if !empty($java_args) {
{ ensure => present,
section => '',
key_val_separator => '=',
path => $puppetdb::params::puppetdb_initconf,
setting => 'JAVA_ARGS',
require => Package[$puppetdb_package],
notify => Service[$puppetdb_service],
service { $puppetdb_service:
ensure => running,
enable => true,
Package[$puppetdb_package] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::firewall'] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::database_ini'] ->
Class['puppetdb::server::jetty_ini'] ->