If you need to pin certain Launchpad PPA (ppa:rskvazh/php), you may do:
apt::pin { 'my-launchpad-repo':
priority => 700,
originator =>'LP-PPA-rskvazh-php',
Write the pin preference filename as ${name} rather than ${release}, so
that we can pin more than one thing.
Change apt::source so that when pin is set, that it pins to the origin
rather than the release.
apt::ppa and apt::builddep requires apt class. The anchor introduced for
containment of apt-get update causes a dependency loop. apt::ppa appears
to depend on apt class sources.d direcory. While apt::builddep have no
clear reason for a dependency on apt class. This change refactor both
define type, so they no longer cause a dependency loop.
The update to separate Exec["apt-get update ${name}"] to single exec in
apt::update class resulted in apt-get update command to be dangled.
Previously if user specified Package['package_a'] <-
Apt::Resource['source_a'], the original refactor would no longer
guarantee apt-get update is executed before the package is installed.
This patch fixes the problem using the anchor resource and ensuring the
old behaviour is maintained and user can depend on apt-get update
command being invoked if they specify dependency on any apt::*
define resource type as well as the apt class.
apt::pin release should default to title, but should be able to
override. This update removes unnecessary "" around $name, and add spec
Move apt-get update exec to a seperate class to minimize the number of
apt-get updates invoked by configuration changes.
* remove apt_update exec resource in apt class.
* remove apt-get-${name} in defines.
* apt::source notify Exec['apt update'].
* Remove dependency to Exec['apt_update'].
* fix rspec-puppet tests.
Several apt::* define resource type does not support ensurable. This
update allows ensure=>absent to support the removal of these
configuration files.
* apt::conf
* apt::pin
* apt::source
The shorthand syntax cause rspec-puppet failure for external modules
depending on the puppet-apt module. This patch uses the require
metaparameter to avoid this issue.
Previously the update-apt exec would always use /usr/bin/aptitude, which is not necessarily present. This change makes it use ${apt::params::provider} which defaults to /usr/bin/apt-get. This also adds some consistency so that ${apt::params::provider} is used everywhere.
This patch adds the appropriate spec tests to validate the changes
introduced by e5f2dfe. As a bonus it includes fixes to the manifests
that were discovered while writing the tests.
With the addition of this patch two new defines will be added; one to
manage APT configuration files (apt::conf) and one that abstracts out the
requirements needed to turn on backport repositories (apt::backports).
In addition, the patch takes the opportunity to clean up variable
definitions so they follow a consistent pattern of setting local
variables to the fully qualified value stored in the apt::params
class. Previously all variable used within a class directly addressed
the apt::params namespace when ever the variable was used. In the
pattern they now adhere to we can more easily switch the namespace
data lives in or externalize it even more using hiera.
Previously lowercase keys would be installed every
puppet run because apt-key list returns an uppercase
key. This commit makes the comparison case insensitive.
Previously, apt::key used a noop exec hack to do exactly what anchors were
intended to be used for. This commit removes the exec hack and achieves the
same end using Anchor resources from the puppetlabs/stdlib module.
This commit modifies the release parameter test in apt::source to work
correctly within puppet-rspec for edge-case resource definitions. Previously,
the test for the $release parameter was written as
`if ! $release { fail() }`
This commit updates the test to be written as
`if $release == undef { fail() }`
Additionally, the tests for correct behavior in the presence or absence of a
$release parameter have been beefed up.
The reason for making this change relates to examples such as the following
resource definition:
apt::source { "jenkins":
location => "http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian",
release => "",
repos => "binary/",
key => "D50582E6",
key_source => "http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key",
include_src => false,
Note that the $release parameter is given as the empty string. In practice,
this is perfectly valid and everything will work great. However, it seems that
the empty string gets interpreted by something in puppet-rspec as something
equivalent to "False", and thus when testing, the above resource definition
would fail with "Puppet::Error: lsbdistcodename fact not available: release
parameter required" even though the $release parameter has been explicitely
specified (as the empty string).
See also: https://github.com/rtyler/puppet-jenkins/issues/9
Adding this defined type allows puppet to add keys to the apt keystore without
needing to add a corresponding source; it also adds the "key_source" parameter
for wget'ing keys from arbitrary URLs, and allows for keys to be explicity
apt::key allows a key to be ensured present multiple times to account for
apt::source resources that all reference the same key. However, this means
that it is possible for a given key to be defined multiple times with
differing source parameters. e.g.
apt::key { "Add key: 4BD6EC30 from Apt::Source bunny":
key => "4BD6EC30",
key_server => "pgp.mit.edu",
apt::key { "Add key: 4BD6EC30 from Apt::Source rabbit":
key => "4BD6EC30",
key_server => "keyserver.ubuntu.com",
The defined type will accept both definitions and will create multiple exec
resources. This was deemed preferable to the alternative (creating only one
exec resource) in that one broken definition won't hose an entire catalog. If
one definition fails to install the key because of a bad "key_server", the
next apt::key that uses the key will get it done.
This commit changes $release to default to Facter's $lsbdistcodename
and fall back to a Parse Error if $release is not set and $lsbdistcodename
does not exist. Previously $release was hardcoded to karmic.
This commit also modifies apt::ppa to use $release and sets the
files to be ensured so that they are not purged when purge_sources_list_d
is set to true.
Prior to this commit, when using the purge option, unmanaged entries
in both /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.d would be purged.
This commit splits purge into purge_sources_list and purge_sources_list_d
which handle the purging of those items separately. Brief documentation on
each added to class documentation.
Previously, if more than one apt::source required the same packages to be
installed it would fail with a duplicate exec resource. This adds the name of
the source resource to the exec and gives the exec a name, moving it to a
command parameter for the exec.