Wolf Noble 7a192d7bea - add bits for updating apt
- fix spec tests to include osfamily fact
- add spec tests to verify current default behavior unimpacted.
- manage the update-stamp file in puppet via content rather than a served file.
- update custom fact to return -1 if the file doesn't exist
- add spec test for custom fact
- refactor to use a variable vs a collector/override
- document parameters a bit more verbosely
- remove empty unconstrained fact
- Add osfamily fact to backports tests to facilitate functional tests on non-debian hosts
2014-09-24 16:29:27 -07:00

19 rindas
555 B

require 'spec_helper'
describe 'apt::builddep', :type => :define do
let(:facts) { { :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :osfamily => 'Debian' } }
let(:title) { 'my_package' }
describe "defaults" do
it { should contain_exec("apt-builddep-my_package").that_requires('Exec[apt_update]').with({
'command' => "/usr/bin/apt-get -y --force-yes build-dep my_package",
'logoutput' => 'on_failure'
it { should contain_anchor("apt::builddep::my_package").with({
'require' => 'Class[Apt::Update]',