OKUMURA Takahiro 459f515879 Fix regexp for $ensure params
/\Aabsent|present\Z/ match wrong values like 'absentaaa' or 'aaapresent'.

And add tests to the context of 'invalid ensure'.
2016-06-05 18:44:25 +09:00

111 lines
2.8 KiB

# == Define: apt::key
define apt::key (
$id = $title,
$ensure = present,
$content = undef,
$source = undef,
$server = $::apt::keyserver,
$options = undef,
$key = undef,
$key_content = undef,
$key_source = undef,
$key_server = undef,
$key_options = undef,
) {
if $key != undef {
warning('$key is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $id instead.')
$_id = $key
} else {
$_id = $id
if $key_content != undef {
warning('$key_content is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $content instead.')
$_content = $key_content
} else {
$_content = $content
if $key_source != undef {
warning('$key_source is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $source instead.')
$_source = $key_source
} else {
$_source = $source
if $key_server != undef {
warning('$key_server is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $server instead.')
$_server = $key_server
} else {
$_server = $server
if $key_options != undef {
warning('$key_options is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $options instead.')
$_options = $key_options
} else {
$_options = $options
validate_re($_id, ['\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\Z', '\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z', '\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\Z'])
validate_re($ensure, ['\A(absent|present)\Z',])
if $_content {
if $_source {
validate_re($_source, ['\Ahttps?:\/\/', '\Aftp:\/\/', '\A\/\w+'])
if $_server {
if $_options {
case $ensure {
present: {
if defined(Anchor["apt_key ${_id} absent"]){
fail("key with id ${_id} already ensured as absent")
if !defined(Anchor["apt_key ${_id} present"]) {
apt_key { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
id => $_id,
source => $_source,
content => $_content,
server => $_server,
options => $_options,
} ->
anchor { "apt_key ${_id} present": }
absent: {
if defined(Anchor["apt_key ${_id} present"]){
fail("key with id ${_id} already ensured as present")
if !defined(Anchor["apt_key ${_id} absent"]){
apt_key { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
id => $_id,
source => $_source,
content => $_content,
server => $_server,
options => $_options,
} ->
anchor { "apt_key ${_id} absent": }
default: {
fail "Invalid 'ensure' value '${ensure}' for apt::key"