`apt::ppa` and `apt::setting` don't actually include `apt::update` so anchors are unnecessary. Move `apt` to use contain instead of anchors, since it wasn't anchoring properly anyways. Update the tests to make sure it can have settings and ppas depending on each other without cycles.
63 lines
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63 lines
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# ppa.pp
define apt::ppa(
$ensure = 'present',
$options = $::apt::ppa_options,
$release = $::apt::xfacts['lsbdistcodename'],
$package_name = $::apt::ppa_package,
$package_manage = false,
) {
unless $release {
fail('lsbdistcodename fact not available: release parameter required')
if $::apt::distid != 'ubuntu' {
fail('apt::ppa is currently supported on Ubuntu and LinuxMint only.')
$filename_without_slashes = regsubst($name, '/', '-', 'G')
$filename_without_dots = regsubst($filename_without_slashes, '\.', '_', 'G')
$filename_without_ppa = regsubst($filename_without_dots, '^ppa:', '', 'G')
$sources_list_d_filename = "${filename_without_ppa}-${release}.list"
if $ensure == 'present' {
if $package_manage {
package { $package_name: }
$_require = [File['sources.list.d'], Package[$package_name]]
} else {
$_require = File['sources.list.d']
$_proxy = $::apt::_proxy
if $_proxy['host'] {
if $_proxy['https'] {
$_proxy_env = ["http_proxy=http://${_proxy['host']}:${_proxy['port']}", "https_proxy=https://${_proxy['host']}:${_proxy['port']}"]
} else {
$_proxy_env = ["http_proxy=http://${_proxy['host']}:${_proxy['port']}"]
} else {
$_proxy_env = []
exec { "add-apt-repository-${name}":
environment => $_proxy_env,
command => "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository ${options} ${name}",
unless => "/usr/bin/test -s ${::apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}",
user => 'root',
logoutput => 'on_failure',
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
require => $_require,
file { "${::apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}":
ensure => file,
require => Exec["add-apt-repository-${name}"],
else {
file { "${::apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}":
ensure => 'absent',
notify => Exec['apt_update'],