François Conil 1891912f84 Fixed regex to actually follow APT requirements
Previous implementation would overwrite the file name and
potentially include characters that would cause apt to ignore
the pref file
2014-05-19 15:33:06 +10:00

89 lines
2.5 KiB

# pin.pp
# pin a release in apt, useful for unstable repositories
define apt::pin(
$ensure = present,
$explanation = "${caller_module_name}: ${name}",
$order = '',
$packages = '*',
$priority = 0,
$release = '', # a=
$origin = '',
$version = '',
$codename = '', # n=
$release_version = '', # v=
$component = '', # c=
$originator = '', # o=
$label = '' # l=
) {
include apt::params
$preferences_d = $apt::params::preferences_d
if $order != '' and !is_integer($order) {
fail('Only integers are allowed in the apt::pin order param')
$pin_release_array = [
$pin_release = join($pin_release_array, '')
# Read the manpage 'apt_preferences(5)', especially the chapter
# 'Thea Effect of APT Preferences' to understand the following logic
# and the difference between specific and general form
if is_array($packages) {
$packages_string = join($packages, ' ')
} else {
$packages_string = $packages
if $packages_string != '*' { # specific form
if ( $pin_release != '' and ( $origin != '' or $version != '' )) or
( $origin != '' and ( $pin_release != '' or $version != '' )) or
( $version != '' and ( $pin_release != '' or $origin != '' )) {
fail('parameters release, origin, and version are mutually exclusive')
} else { # general form
if $version != '' {
fail('parameter version cannot be used in general form')
if ( $pin_release != '' and $origin != '' ) or
( $origin != '' and $pin_release != '' ) {
fail('parmeters release and origin are mutually exclusive')
# According to man 5 apt_preferences:
# The files have either no or "pref" as filename extension
# and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period
# (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a
# file, unless that file matches a pattern in the
# Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently configuration list - in which case it will
# be silently ignored.
$file_name = regsubst($title, '[^0-9a-z\-_\.]', '_', 'IG')
$path = $order ? {
'' => "${preferences_d}/${file_name}.pref",
default => "${preferences_d}/${order}-${file_name}.pref",
file { "${file_name}.pref":
ensure => $ensure,
path => $path,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
content => template('apt/pin.pref.erb'),